Chapter 211

The mutated creature raised its hand and grabbed the ice needle thrown by Ye Ying and Lin Qi, then stuffed it into its mouth, chewed it twice and spit it all out.

As soon as Ye Ying stabilized her figure, she used her spiritual abilities to attack the mutant creature.However, it seemed to be able to see Ye Ying's spiritual ability, and it stretched out its hand directly to the void and grabbed Ye Ying's spiritual ability attack.

Lin Qi couldn't see the spiritual power, but he could see the behavior of the mutant creature not far away.Its movements were grabbing something, but he couldn't see that thing, and soon Lin Qi got in touch with Ye Ying's spiritual ability.

So he paid attention to Ye Ying's situation from the corner of his eye, but saw that Ye Ying's face turned pale.He raised his hand and fired the ice needles conjured up by the past three waves of ice-type abilities at the mutated animal, before it let go of the thing it was grasping.

As soon as the mutated creature let go of the hand, Ye Ying's expression improved a little, but it was still very ugly.It's not that Lin Qi retreated so suddenly, but that experienced people like them are always very sensitive to danger.

Such a powerful unknown creature is far beyond what they can imagine by imagination.

Lin Qi had already made up his mind to retreat at this time, and there was a distance of five meters between him and Ye Ying.From such a distance, he yelled at Ye Ying, "Go!" Then he used his fire ability to attack the unknown mutant creature.

Ye Ying was no more confused than Lin Qi by this guy, so she didn't have any objections when she heard Lin Qi say that leaving meant to retreat.

But it was too late for them to leave at this time.

There were six rooms in total, and the two doors in the middle were opened at the same time.These are the two rooms that Gu Shu was guarding. In her hand, the ice needle with the ice ability was shot towards the heads of these two people.

At the moment when Gu Shu launched the attack, the doors of the other rooms were also opened one after another.Ye Kun and Chen Mo used their wind powers and used their wind blades to attack the necks of these people who came out.

Although I didn't underestimate these people, their attacks could be said to be very unexpected, so they were completely avoided or blocked, and they didn't even cause any harm to these people. It cannot be said that it is not surprising.

At this time, because the first attack failed, Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Ye Kun all left the direction of the door and retreated a little further away.

The door of the room is open, not to mention every room, but there are three or four rooms... On the bed in the room, there are naked men or women lying.They looked like they had been raped.

Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Ye Kun couldn't help lowering their eyes when they saw the expressionless faces of these people.In the hand, the second wave of attack was launched again.

The fire and wind abilities were activated first, and they attacked these people together. Three of the six people on the opposite side raised their hands and used the ice abilities to attack Chen Mo and Ye Kun. The complementary attacks were blocked.

This is simply unbelievable, people can't believe it, and they can't believe it.

There is such a powerful existence in human beings.

(End of this chapter)

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