Chapter 222

Rather than saying that Ye Ying's analysis made sense every time, it would be better to say that her prudence kept her from saying things she was not sure about.

At first, when they were not familiar with each other, even if Ye Ying said she was relatively sure, as long as it involved the end of the world, she would think clearly before saying it.Over time, she got used to doing this every time, at least safely; now, it's become a habit for everyone.

Now that Ye Ying said so, coupled with the sudden and continuous roaring sounds that probably came from animals, it seemed to confirm those words to a certain extent.

That being the case, it is even more undesirable to act rashly.It would be better if it was daytime, at least you can see everything, but at night it is really helpless.

"Then just wait and see what happens. Those who should rest should rest, and those who should be on duty should pay attention to the situation first, so as not to change." Lin Qi finally said to the others.

There is no other way to do this. Compared with rampaging, it is better to be conservative, and there can be more guarantees for safety.

Therefore, even if such a situation was discovered, everyone could do nothing but follow Lin Qi's words first.

Even so, it was impossible to really continue to sleep as before.Lin Qi, Ye Ying, and Gu Shu just sat on the ground with their backs against the cave's stone wall, closing their eyes and meditating.

It's just that in the second half of the night, there were only the sound of animals roaring continuously and the abnormalities of large and small light clusters flickering in the distance, but nothing more happened.

This lasted until the early morning of the next day, and the five of them actually didn't have a good rest.Fortunately, when performing missions outside, there are always many things to stay up late, which is still a habit, so I won't be overwhelmed because of a bad night's rest.

After dawn, everything became much clearer.Some things that were not clearly visible at night can now be seen much more clearly.For example, the reason for the slow movement of those large and small light clusters seems to be easy to figure out.

Even if they are not very close, they can see roughly clearly because of their supernatural powers.On another hill about 200 meters away from here, there are many vine-like things winding, and clusters of new green light clusters hang on these vines, like fruits.

After seeing this clearly, the five of them, Ye Ying, were not in a hurry to investigate the situation, after all, they were going there.Regarding last night's anomaly, at this moment everyone has a little confidence in their hearts, just like in the past, Ye Kun prepares breakfast for everyone, while the others make a little preparation for departure.

After a simple breakfast, they started on the road again, still heading in the direction of the extinct volcano.

Probably the closer they got to the extinct volcano, they encountered many mutated animals during the short distance.Either fly in the sky, or run on the ground, but mainly run on the ground.As long as the mutated bird flew a little lower, the mutated creature following Ye Ying and the others could jump up and bite the mutated bird, not to mention the animals running on the ground were no match for it.

At least for the moment, it is still helping Ye Ying and the others, keeping Ye Ying and the others in a delicate and vigilant mood.

(End of this chapter)

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