Chapter 233

It was almost eight o'clock in the morning when Ye Ying and Ye Kun went out.Because there were not as many entertainment conditions as in the past at night, the people in the base began to go to bed early and get up early. When it was close to eight o'clock, most of the people who had jobs to do went to work.The younger children went to classes, and many went to Al Qaeda training.

There are places similar to shopping malls in the submarine base. Of course, things cannot be as rich as before the end of the world.

Ye Ying and Ye Kun originally just wanted to go shopping casually, and walking to the shopping mall of this submarine base was also a subconscious move.

Although he didn't stay at the base for a while, fortunately, he didn't go astray and make any jokes.It's just that outside the transparent glass wall, I don't know when, and I can't see the colorful and various marine animals in the past.

Ye Kun bought two cups of hot milk, brought them over, and handed one to Ye Ying. Then, like Ye Ying, he leaned against the railing, facing the people coming in and out of the mall.Although it is said to be an underwater shopping mall, in fact, it is not to the point where people are constantly coming in and out, but it will be two points more lively than other places.

"What's the matter? I see that you are a bit depressed." Ye Kun said this to his sister.

Ye Ying took a sip of milk, smiled at her brother, and said, "No, I just feel a little emotional."

This feeling, Ye Kun also had the same experience, so when Ye Ying said this, he just said, "There is no way." He didn't pursue it too much.

The two of them are usually together, and now they are talking and chatting randomly, aimlessly, until Ye Kun suddenly said, "You and Lin Qi..." Ye Ying was stunned by the milk that was about to swallow He choked and couldn't help coughing violently.

She never expected that her brother would suddenly mention Lin Qi, but he just said something like this...

As if I already had something with him...

Ye Ying complained to herself.

After recovering, Ye Ying asked Ye Kun, "Brother, what do you want to say?"

When Ye Kun was about to speak, he saw a "Cao Cao" who said "Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here" walking towards them, so he didn't discuss this issue with Ye Ying, but just raised his head in Lin Qi's direction .

Ye Ying, who was originally looking at Ye Kun, turned her head to look, only to notice Lin Qi walking over.He was wearing a rare casual outfit, a white shirt, black striped suit pants, and a striped suit jacket of the same color. Relying on the advantages of his height and good figure, he seemed to exude infinite mature charm. Before the end of the world, It is the standard uncle style in the minds of many soft girls.

Yes, only those who are handsome can be called uncle; otherwise, they can only be called... Hehe, the name master is being polite to you.

Lin Qi came over and said hello to Ye Ying and Ye Kun respectively, and then said, "I didn't expect such a coincidence to meet you here."

When he came to Gulai, he looked at Ye Ying calmly. She was dressed very casually today, ordinary short-sleeved blue jeans, and a white thin knit jacket, which was hidden on the short sleeves inside the jacket. There is also a pattern of two cute cats...

Then Lin Qi complained to himself silently in his heart: "I have been single for so many years, I never thought that this is what I like!"

If Ye Ying knew what was going on in Lin Qi's mind, she would happily tell him: In the last days, only idiots wear skirts and wear high heels!
Hehe, so there really was such an idiot wearing a water blue suspender skirt and high heels who was accidentally complained by Ye Ying...

Ye Ying silently looked at the ceiling.

(End of this chapter)

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