Chapter 239

A few simple words caused most of the children who could still sit in their seats to flee in all directions, and none of them could maintain a little bit of stability as before.They knew what zombies were, and they also understood how terrifying it would be if zombies came. It could even be said that they had no way to think about whether zombies would appear here.

After staying for a while, Xie Wei and Jiang Lan quickly reacted, and then heard a child yelling such a sentence, they exchanged glances immediately, and reached the consensus that they should first appease the children .Xie Wei was near the gate. Fortunately, there was only one door in this place used as a classroom, and there was only one exit if she wanted to escape from here. She closed the door first, and stood by the door, Don't let anyone out.

Once people are separated, there are so many people left here, it is too difficult to take care of the two ends, it can only be here now, all gathered together, it is much easier to transfer or whatever .

Jiang Lan slapped the table vigorously, making a loud noise to cover up the noise caused by the chaos, and yelled loudly at the children, "Don't be messy, don't panic, the teacher is still here, I won't let you Something happened to you! Stand still and don’t wander around!”

Because Xie Wei blocked the only door, the children originally wanted to rush to the door, but now they became more and more at a loss, and after hearing Jiang Lan's words, the confusion temporarily stopped.This small moment of stability is very important to Jiang Lan and Xie Wei. They seized this opportunity and said loudly, "Teacher will not leave anyone behind, and will not let any of you have an accident! Now Everyone, don't panic, don't mess around, don't run around. If you run around, the teacher really doesn't care!"

"Now quickly, count from left to right in a serpentine shape, to see if anyone is absent!"

Among these children, some were relatively calm, so when Jiang Lan and Xie Wei temporarily stabilized the children's emotions, they followed suit to appease the classmates or friends around them.In this way, the effect of calming the children down is much better.The children counted one by one. This is what they used to do every day and every class in the past. They were very proficient. They had completed the entire counting in just over ten seconds, and Jiang Lan and Xie Wei did it again. Make sure there is no less child.

After only two to three minutes of confusion, the whole classroom regained its stability.At this time, the news that the teacher took the children to the designated training ground came out on the radio, and everyone could hear it clearly.Xie Wei and Jiang Lan are now responsible for the safety of these twenty children and escorting them to the training ground.

There were only two of them, and there were twenty children. After a quick discussion, the two decided to line up the children in two lines, and the two of them guarded them to the training ground one after the other to prevent people from sneaking away among them. possibility.The time was very tight. After exchanging opinions, the two of them didn't delay too much, so they explained to the children and asked them to line up in two lines. After making sure that everything was correct, they opened the door and took the twenty children with them. Headed towards the training ground.

At this moment, the place they are at is about 7 minutes away from the training ground, which is not too far away, but there are several corners to turn, and everything has to be done carefully.

For Xie Wei and Jiang Lan, who are responsible for the safety of twenty children, this is probably the most difficult task they have ever undertaken.Because they did hear a sentence on the radio, be careful of being attacked by unknown creatures on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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