Chapter 28

Ye Ying didn't know anything about the topography of City L... It can be said that she didn't know anything about it. After she entered the city center, she relied on the buildings on both sides of the road to decide where to drive.

Relying on this method, she managed to find the commercial street, but there was only silence at the moment when there were all kinds of shops that should be full of beautiful things.Zombies roamed the streets unscrupulously, but their movements were still slow.

Ye Ying accelerated the speed of the car, and after hitting three zombies in succession, she was lucky to find a big pharmacy at the corner of the commercial street.

In the last days, there is a shortage of everything, water, food, and everything that is useful, including clothes, shoes, etc., and besides these, there is medicine.The scarcity of medicine is no less than the scarcity of water resources. Ye Ying went to the pharmacy to find anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, cold medicine, disinfectant, bandages and other things.

The car was parked on the side of the road. Ye Ying put her backpack on her back, took out the car keys and put them in her pocket. She took a weapon in her hand—a not-so-good-looking hatchet knife, and got out of the car.

The sound of the engine attracted some zombies to gather. Ye Ying brandished a knife to kill them, and then rushed to the big pharmacy, which was only seven or eight steps away.

The big pharmacy has a glass door, locked with an iron chain.Ye Ying tried to hack a few times, but found that she couldn't break the lock by herself, so she had to choose to smash the glass door.During the period, other zombies gathered towards Ye Ying, and she quickly dealt with them one by one.

Ye Ying finally broke open the glass door after countless bangs and bangs. After the opening was made, it was much easier to destroy the door.

The zombies are still moving clumsily. If there is something in the place where they pass, it will definitely trip them, and they will have no way to get up after being tripped.

At that time in the dormitory, the zombie Ye Ying met was a special case.After thinking about it, Ye Ying came to the conclusion that this kind of zombie might retain some human characteristics, but it was very pitiful, so it looked bluffing at first, but it was actually not scary at all.

Although the glass door was destroyed by Ye Ying, there is still a small section of cracked and rough glass under the glass door.Ye Ying wanted to step over with ease, but the zombies were not.

After Ye Ying entered the big pharmacy, the zombies who were attracted by the sound rushed to the door of the big pharmacy one after another, and probably played arhat not very happily.

Ye Ying didn't pay attention to the situation here, but searched for the medicine she wanted in the medicine cabinet.She tore a few big bags from the cash register, and when she found something she wanted, she knocked open the glass cabinet to search, and finally filled three big bags full.

It wasn't completely wiped out, but Ye Ying saw that she couldn't get more, so she stopped, not greedy enough.She had to chop up the zombies later, but she didn't want to be bitten by a few bags of medicine.If she had healing powers, she wouldn't have to be afraid of zombie bites, but she didn't have any powers yet.

Ye Ying was ready to go out with three big bags in one hand and a hatchet in the other.Seven or eight zombies were piled up at the door, and one fell into the pharmacy, lying on its back, unable to get up or turn over, and could only wave its arms and kick its legs indiscriminately, screaming in displeasure.

The scene at the entrance of the big pharmacy made Ye Ying couldn't help but "puchi" smile, and then happily freed the zombie on the ground first, and then shot all the other seven or eight zombies playing with arhats.

She kicked the zombies blocking the door out helplessly, bumped into the zombies that were still trying to come in, and then fell out together.

Ye Ying walked out of the big pharmacy, the sun was very dazzling at this time, and behind the glass window on the upstairs opposite to the prescription, someone was watching her actions closely again.

(End of this chapter)

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