Chapter 41

The fake scarecrow she pierced had already attracted six zombies, and they all ran towards the bus after hearing the loud noise.Ye Ying felt strange, how could there be so many zombies in this place, with no villages or shops behind it.

Six boys got off the bus first, all with weapons in their hands.Ye Ying saw that they had easily dealt with the zombies, and then checked around to make sure there were no zombies before going to pick a place to rest.

They took a flashlight to shine on Ye Ying's car first, and saw a layer of disgusting stains on the front of the car caused by various flying zombies.After looking at it, they knew that the car was not abandoned, and the owner of the car was probably resting here.

At the same time, they also learned that the very weird, ugly, and poorly crafted fake scarecrow was probably also made by this person.

Ye Ying was standing by the window, someone looked up at the place where Ye Ying was, but Ye Ying did not hide.After that person noticed Ye Ying, he exchanged a few words with several other people. I don't know if it was because the night was too quiet or for some other reason, but Ye Ying could hear their conversation clearly.

After communicating with those few people, they consciously chose a building from several other places as their foothold.The building they finally picked was next to the one Ye Ying picked. They checked that there were no potential safety hazards before they went to recruit the people on the bus to get off.

The bus got on and got off about ten people one after another. There were men and women. Although they looked embarrassed, it could be seen that they were all college students.

They took their things into the building next door, and Ye Ying stood for a while before going back to rest.She glanced at her phone earlier, and she had only slept for more than two hours before these people woke her up.

Ye Ying lay on the bed, but she didn't fall asleep as smoothly as before. She couldn't fall asleep, so she felt the energy fluctuations she felt before.This time, Ye Ying finally got something new, and at this time, the roar of cars sounded outside again.

(End of this chapter)

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