Chapter 46

A flash of lightning flashed across the dark sky, followed by another thunderstorm. The heavy rain came suddenly, crackling and splashing on the road in the water, splashing fine sand.

The body of the flying off-road vehicle was repeatedly washed by the rain, and the wheels were also soaked by the rain. The windshield was wiped off by the wiper to ensure a clear view.

I saw a villa area in front of me. The big iron gate was open but not locked or closed.The off-road vehicle drove in without hindrance, and soon stopped outside a villa.

The car door was opened, and a person got out of the car. It was a woman, and she had an umbrella to support it. The sound of the rain was almost completely covered by the sound of the car door being closed vigorously.

The person who got out of the car was carrying a black backpack that was not too big but not too small. After closing the car door, he strode towards the villa closest to her.

In the heavy rain, it was difficult to see the zombies, and I don't know if they don't like rain, or for some other reason.

Ye Ying, who was standing on the porch, was no longer in the rain, so she put away her umbrella and put it aside, then went to knock on the door of the villa, and tried to press the doorbell again.

After waiting for a while, there was still no response in the villa, and no movement could be heard, so Ye Ying condensed a thin piece of ice with the ice ability in her hand, and tried to open the door.

The door was not locked as usual but was tightly locked, and there seemed to be something else behind the door against the door.Ye Ying realized that someone was actually inside, so she immediately gave up opening the door, and started to drive to find another place to live.

After she obtained that unknown power—she herself named it the spiritual power—and went through that incident again, she could be said to have escaped from the place where H and S provinces meet.

She drove through two cities in province S, and arrived at the junction of province S and province A. The original car was completely scrapped.However, she was lucky enough to find an off-road vehicle as an alternative means of transportation.

During this period, probably because of the auxiliary effect brought by the new power, she soon awakened the ice power and healing power that she had in her previous life.With the three lines of abilities accompanying him, although the zombies evolved even more powerfully, they did not cause any major obstacles.

Ye Ying opened her umbrella and went down the steps. The rain did not decrease by half, so it was not suitable for her to continue on her way.It's five o'clock in the afternoon, and it will be dark when the rain stops, so she chooses to find a place to rest first, and continue on her way tomorrow.

Just as Ye Ying was about to get in when she opened the car door, the door of the villa opened suddenly, and an aunt who looked like she was in her 30s ran towards her in the rain.

Ye Ying saw someone coming, so she just closed the car door and didn't get in.She stood there holding an umbrella, waiting for the aunt to come over.

Now there is a little water on the road, and when the man ran over, the splashed water wet her pants and made her pants dirty at the same time.The rain fell on her head and body, and her hair and clothes were also wet.

Another bolt of lightning silently streaked across the sky, followed by rumbling thunder.Behind the half-opened and half-closed villa door, a little boy was hiding there, looking at this side with a pair of clear eyes.

"Little girl, where did you come from? Do you know what happened?"

The aunt's complexion was yellow, but she could still see her fair and gentle face before, but because of the heavy rain, she had to shout at her at the top of her voice.

(End of this chapter)

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