Chapter 51

Ye Ying breathed a sigh of relief. Although she felt that the spiritual power had successfully attacked the zombie, she did not dare to take it lightly.

The ice ability was temporarily exhausted, Ye Ying had no choice but to stab the zombie several times with the spirit ability again, then walked back to her off-road vehicle to get a bone chopping knife, and from the zombie corpses just now Drag one over.

Putting the corpses of the two zombies together, Ye Ying cut off the heads of the two zombies with a bone cutter after three childish prostrations.

She had never done such a thing before, and she subconsciously wanted to do it this time... She wanted to cut open the zombie's head to see how it differed from other zombies.

The brains of the two zombies have festered and decayed, and even the brains are gray and black and smelly, but it seems that there is really no difference.

Ye Ying poked the brains of the two zombies again with a bone cutter, and found nothing particularly different... except that the other, more powerful zombie was smellier.

Finding nothing, Ye Ying could only put away the bone chopper, wipe it clean with dirty clothes, and throw it back into the off-road vehicle.The people who were hiding in the dark and staring at Ye Ying did not appear, so she was going to find them out.

If the other party is friendly, I'm afraid he has already shown up now, instead of continuing to hide like this.Psychic powers have better effects on people than zombies, and they can catch people by surprise and catch them unawares. Ye Ying didn't want to cause any trouble for herself, so she had no choice but to be polite.

"Hi~ little beauty!"

Ye Ying had just made up her mind, and the other party appeared as if she understood her thoughts.A female voice came into her ears, and Ye Ying turned her head to look, only to see a man and a woman also wearing berets, camouflage military uniforms, and military boots appeared in her sight.

It was the woman who greeted Ye Ying, her doll still had a smile on her face, she looked harmless to humans and animals, but the teasing look in her eyes ruined that feeling.

The man following her had a paralyzed face, without looking at Ye Ying, holding an iron chain in his hand, and two zombies were tied to the other end of the chain.

The two zombies knelt down on the ground, and when the man walked, they crawled forward with their hands and feet.On the backs of the two zombies were two large backpacks, which should be their belongings.

The two zombies were tempted by the smell of human flesh from the three of them and roared and roared non-stop. There were no teeth in their wide open mouths, and all of them had been pulled out.Without teeth, it is impossible to bite again.Their fingers were also chopped off, so that they could not scratch people.

Ye Ying sized up the two of them, and secretly smiled that she didn't expect to meet them, but she only frowned and asked, "Are you soldiers?" A man and a woman suddenly appeared, the man's name was Chen Mo, and the woman's name was Gu Shu. .Ye Ying had only heard of these two people in her previous life, but had no contact with them.

Both of them are special soldiers and also a couple, and the reason why they were known in the previous life... probably can be seen from the two zombies being led.Sturdy style and maverick, as well as absolute strength, are the nameplates of these two people.

"Yes, are you interested in joining the army? Your strength is very good, and you look good." Gu Shu praised Ye Ying without hesitation, and there was a hint of ridicule in it.

"Oh...not interested at the moment." Ye Ying replied to Gu Shu with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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