Chapter 6

The taxi driver still laughed, "I didn't expect college students to believe this, but my daughter seems to have said, isn't it... as long as you blow them... the heads of those zombies will be fine?"

"That's right. Movies and TV dramas do it like this anyway. You can only get headshots, and nothing else is useful." Ye Ying said as calmly as possible.

"Hey...the road is finally cleared..." The taxi driver replied while talking, "Then I know what to do, it should be better, so I won't be bitten to death when I come up."

Seeing that the road was clear, Ye Ying's irritable mood completely calmed down. "Yes, you can also learn from the movie, store up more water and food so as not to die of starvation or thirst."

The taxi driver smiled, didn't say anything, and concentrated on driving.Ye Ying let out a sigh of relief, and stopped talking, but closed her eyes and rested with her backpack in her arms.

According to her previous experience, the types of abilities she knows include wind, space, ice, healing, wood, and fire.No one has specifically stipulated these names, it seems that after the appearance of the ability, these names have become common names like a convention.

As the name suggests, with the wind ability, you can manipulate the wind; with the space ability, you have the space to store things; with the ice ability, you can manipulate ice; with the earth ability, you can manipulate sand and stones; Fire, the healing system can be cured.

It is not an exaggeration to say that people with dual-line or multi-line abilities are very rare. In her previous life, she was very lucky to have two kinds of abilities - ice and healing.

Healing-type abilities are the rarest, which can be equated to the rareness of dual-type or multi-type ability users, followed by space ability users, and then ice-type and wind-type people.The fire element is not much, but it is more than the wind and ice elements, and the earth element is relatively more common. Besides these, there are people who simply become stronger or faster.

Although it is impossible to count the exact data, Ye Ying's experience in the apocalypse for more than a year has given her a general understanding of supernatural powers - people with supernatural powers (including simple strength and speed) account for A lot of proportion.

It's like a kind of evolution, because of the emergence of zombies, correspondingly, human beings have physical evolution such as these in order to fight against zombies.

One of the most convenient things about spatial abilities in the last days is that you can store and retrieve things anytime and anywhere without worrying about delaying your actions.For the apocalypse where two resources, food and water, are scarce, possessing spatial abilities is tantamount to a hang-up for survival in the apocalypse.

Ye Ying didn't have spatial abilities, and she felt sorry for herself at the beginning, but there was no way to force this kind of thing, not to mention that she didn't have to have spatial abilities to live.As long as you enter the base to help the country clean up the zombies, there will be no shortage of food and drink.

What happened to her in her previous life was because she ran into a zombie of too high a level—there was no specific standard, but she could feel at the time that the zombie was very powerful, much more powerful than the ones she had encountered before.

Zombies attacked the city and surrounded the large base in the south. She found out that her parents and elder brother were all in this base, and she had just arrived at that time, so she encountered such a thing.She went up to the city wall, resisted with other supernatural beings and soldiers, and worked hard to repel the zombies.

Because she has healing abilities, she was arranged to support in the rear.The healing ability is amazing. In addition to healing wounds, it can also protect people scratched by zombies from being infected and becoming zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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