Chapter 60

Seeing this situation, Ye Ying couldn't help but her eyes flickered slightly, but she rushed to the zombie without any pause, and slashed out with the ice skate in her hand.

The others didn't know why the zombie that was coming straight made a sudden bend, but they had already activated their abilities, and when the zombie came within the attack range, they all launched the attack without hesitation .

Although the other seven people knew that Ye Ying was very strong, they still rushed forward to fight the zombie with grace.Ye Ying didn't back down, but fought side by side with them.

It is very fast and can avoid Ye Ying's spiritual attacks, but it does not have any special abilities, and its attack methods are just scratching and biting.

It's just that its speed is too fast, not to mention other people, even Ye Ying, can hardly keep up with its speed.Ye Ying herself is not afraid of being scratched or bitten by zombies, but other people are different.

Even if they won't be attacked by zombies for the time being, if they can't solve this zombie, the power will always be exhausted, but the two zombies will not be tired, and the situation will be different at that time.

Although it is said that they just met by chance, Ye Ying felt that it would be difficult for her to save herself even if the other party was bitten or scratched by a zombie, as long as the corpse had not changed. Watching the other party turn into a zombie without doing anything.

In addition, Ye Ying is even more worried that these people will try their best to make her their life-saving talisman after seeing that she has healing powers.Naturally, she didn't dare to say arrogantly that these people would definitely do this, but as long as it was possible, it was enough to make her vigilant.

Sometimes, she is also not afraid to speculate on others with the greatest malice.

Ye Ying didn't rush in front of the others, but turned the ice blade in her hand into ice needles, and the four ice needles shot towards the zombie's eyes.

While dodging other people's supernatural attacks, the zombies instinctively dodged after sensing Ye Ying's attack.The attack angles of the four ice needles were very tricky. This zombie avoided the ice needles shooting directly into his brain through his eyes, but his eyes were still injured.

Even though it can't feel pain, this zombie can feel the threat from Ye Ying, and it defaults Ye Ying's behavior as provocation. God knows how it thinks without a brain!

The zombie who "thought" he was provoked and threatened by Ye Ying immediately ran towards Ye Ying regardless of the others.It accelerated past the others and "swished" to Ye Ying, but this was within the scope of Ye Ying's calculations, and she was not that surprised.

Even so, Ye Ying still pretended that the zombies would suddenly rush in front of her unexpectedly.She moved sluggishly, and it seemed that even though she reacted to dodge, she was still scratched by the claws of the zombies.

The long sleeves were undoubtedly scratched, and the broken strips of the clothes clattered down, and blood seeped out from the not-so-shallow wound on the arm, staining the sleeves.

Ye Ying seized the moment when the zombie attacked her, and used her psychic ability as a bait to attack it. At the same time, the three ice needles hidden between her fingers accurately shot into the zombie's forehead.

Winning or losing was determined in an instant, the zombie fell down, its forehead was pierced, Ye Ying stood there with one injured arm hanging down, while the others were completely dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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