Chapter 63

After using something for breakfast, Ye Ying didn't continue to scribble, and started the car and ran towards home.The place she is now is very close to her home, at least it is very close compared to the imperial capital. If all goes well, she will definitely be able to get home in one day or at most two days.

Ye Ying knew that what was waiting for her was not only her relatives, but also her only support and comfort, and also the unchanging spiritual pillar in her previous life and this life.

After separating from Jiang Lin and the others, Ye Ying walked very smoothly.After a day and a half, Ye Ying has arrived in City G.

She still remembers that she was so far away from home to go to the imperial capital to go to university. At the beginning, she felt very fresh. She felt that she had finally lived an independent life and completely left her parents. She felt very happy.

But this feeling didn't last long, and she began to miss the days of living with her parents and brother, and regretted why she had to run so far, and it was inconvenient to go home.

Ye Ying's family is not very rich, and the air ticket of more than 1000 yuan is not so affordable. Compared with it, it is much more affordable to be able to buy discounted train tickets with a student ID card.

It took a day and a night to take the train from the imperial capital to G City. After getting off the train, she had to continue to change trains, and it took more than an hour to get home.

In the past, when I went home, I always felt that it was difficult to change trains for more than an hour. Now, if I can get home in more than an hour, Ye Ying thinks that she will sincerely recite a lot of "Amitabha".

Although zombies would appear from time to time on the road, but because there were not many houses along the road along this road, and the population in this area was not dense, Ye Ying walked smoothly.

Ye Ying had learned a poem in a textbook before, "I'm more timid when I'm close to the hometown, and I dare not ask people who come here." Ye Ying thought that she was in the same situation now.It's just that she didn't dare to ask, but she couldn't find anyone to ask, but her timid mood made no difference.

She wanted to go back and go home as soon as possible, but at the same time she was afraid that her parents would not be at home, or some other unexpected situation would happen. Such entanglement made her unconsciously work harder when chopping up zombies.

When Ye Ying drove into the small town, the road was not wide enough and densely packed with zombies, so she had to abandon the car and walk forward with a backpack on her back.

Her house is right next to the road, but not in the center of the town, but on the edge. The distance of more than 3000 meters is far away that I have never felt before. Ye Ying kept waving the knife in her hand, and occasionally released ice-type abilities to freeze a group of zombies, just like this, she forced a way out.


Ye Ying can already see her home. There are not too many residents on this side, so there are not so many zombies, and it is far less dense than the town center.

She saw the door of her house being opened from the inside, and she saw two people coming out, with weapons in their hands, beating zombies, obviously clearing the way for her.She recognized those two very, very familiar figures at a glance, they were her father and her brother!
Ye Ying has been in the apocalypse for more than a year and has never cried, and she has never cried since she was reborn. But when she saw her familiar relatives, saw them come out to meet her and open the way for her, Ye Ying burst into tears And out, I can't stop...

She really came home.

Her relatives are fine.

This is so good.

(End of this chapter)

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