Chapter 73

Impulsive, Ye Ying circled around again, including the high places - the nearby buildings were all on the highest six floors, and she checked carefully. There was no such thing as a sniper rifle, and she didn't see anyone else there.

Her eyesight is now so good that it surpasses the range of ordinary people. Even if she stands on the first floor and looks up to the roof of the sixth floor, if someone is there, she can still see that person's face clearly.

In this way, there is basically no need to worry about being murdered from behind the scenes.When Ye Ying was thinking this way, she realized that if there was a person with space abilities, and that person was hiding in the space at this time, it would be impossible to see it with the naked eye.

Ye Ying released the attack state of the spiritual power, and the invisible power was spread out under the control of Ye Ying's mind.This is a new method of using the spiritual power that Ye Ying discovered later.

She inadvertently discovered that the psychic ability can perceive the fluctuations of other spiritual powers. When other people's abilities are being used, she can perceive them through the psychic ability.

If someone is hiding in the space, it means that the space ability is being used, and then the fluctuation of mental power will be used.This means that she can perceive it as long as she uses the psychic ability, and can find the location of that person more accurately.

The psychic ability spread out with her as the center of the circle, and it can be fully utilized at this time.Ye Ying was a little far away now, she quietly moved a certain distance to the place where her parents were, without attracting anyone's attention by using the nearby residential buildings as cover.

While Ye Ying was moving, she did feel a wave of spiritual power, and there was no one around that position.

Ye Ying couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief, but luckily she wasn't impulsive just now, otherwise it's really hard to say whether it would have fallen into the hands of these people.

Even if a person with spatial abilities hides in the space, he can only come out from the vicinity of the original position.Ye Ying has confirmed the location of that person, as long as she keeps an eye on him, she doesn't have to worry about being plotted against.

It took tens of seconds to remove the hidden threat, and Ye Ying turned her attention back to the others.Apart from those around her parents and brother, there were three other people waiting a little further away.

Just by observing the expressions of these people, one can easily tell which one is the boss.This person is only about 1.7 meters tall, looks to be in his 30s, has a crew cut head, is wearing a black vest, and his lower body is casual pants and sneakers.

Such a person does not actually give people the feeling of a "big brother", but the expressions of the two people standing on his right hand have a hint of respect, which is revealed on the contrary.

Capture the thief first and capture the king. This sentence can be said to be "truth" in many cases.Ye Ying estimated the distance between herself and the three people, and then scanned the surrounding terrain, and ruled out the way to go around to the rear, so she had to come directly.

All Ye Ying's thoughts and thoughts were only a momentary thing. She was lurking in a nearby place with three ice needles between the fingers of both hands.

Her brother's loud voice came over, annoyed the other party, and Ye Ying, who had been hiding here for more than a minute, finally moved.

(End of this chapter)

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