Chapter 84

In fact, Ye Ying felt that the person in front of her looked familiar after taking a second look, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before.After listening to Jiang Lan's words, Ye Ying remembered those two people at that time.

Seeing that they were in good spirits and didn't look like they were still troubled by those things, Ye Ying secretly admired them.At that time, she really didn't think deeply about whether they could recover after being treated like that, if they could stand up again, it would be absolutely admirable.

Ye Ying also smiled back, and said to Jiang Lan and Xie Lin, "I didn't expect you to come to the western base. I didn't treat you very well at that time, and I deserve my thanks."

Originally, it was very abrupt for them to come up to say hello, not to mention that they didn't know Ye Ying well. Jiang Lan and Xie Lin, who knew about this, were worried that Ye Ying would be embarrassed, so they were very sensible and didn't waste her time too much.Jiang Lan and Xie Lin found an excuse to leave after talking to Ye Ying, planning to come back later to see if there was any suitable task for them.

After watching Jiang Lan and Xie Lin go, Ye Kun and Xie Wei didn't ask any more questions, and Ye Ying didn't explain too much.After all, Jiang Lan and Xie Lin's experience is not suitable to share with others.

In addition to the thrilling incidents encountered on the way home similar to those at that time, Ye Ying did not tell her brother about it.Even if her brother could guess what she had experienced, it was just a guess and hadn't been confirmed. If he really knew it, it would be another matter.

Ye Ying, Ye Kun, and Xie Wei carefully looked at the various tasks posted on the bulletin board, and then discussed and selected a few suitable ones to consult before making a final decision.

The tasks on the bulletin board include going to a certain place with the army to rescue civilians, or moving things to a designated place, as well as manual labor such as digging trenches, and recruitment of some positions such as doctors and nurses.

Everyone can choose the task they are willing to do according to their ability and willingness. The most dangerous reward is also the richest for saving people; it is better to move things, but you have to face zombies, so the reward is also very good; similar to digging trenches Yes, although the salary is relatively low, but there are military guards near the base, the danger is relatively small, there is no professionalism and unnecessary abilities, and there are military guards around to protect when working.

Doctors, nurses, etc. are the easiest, because they only need to stay in the base, and don't need to go outside to work hard.It's just that in the last days, such professional talents are too rare.

But this looks good, but only on the surface.The recruitment of doctors and nurses in the base is not only to ensure that the people in the base can be healed when they are sick, but also to study the zombie virus.

Because the cause of the deadly change was not identified, the country temporarily defined it as a virus.If you don't want to be swallowed by the end of the world, you must find out the reason why people become zombies, and whether there is any method or medicine that can make the remaining people no longer be infected or prevent infection.

This is not a simple project and the road is long and difficult, and what will happen during the period is unpredictable.There are not too few people applying for doctors and nurses, but those who are willing to do research are really pitiful.

"Is there still room for the task of transporting supplies to the neighboring city that leaves the day after tomorrow?" Ye Kun asked the female officer in charge of the task, while Ye Ying and Xie Wei stood by and listened.

(End of this chapter)

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