Chapter 90

In the beginning, everyone had plenty of abilities and enough ammunition. Although they moved slowly, they finally managed to find the warehouse where the rice noodles were stored, and performed well without a single casualty for the time being.

It is fortunate that there were no casualties, but this does not mean that the situation is optimistic.They managed to break through the siege of zombies and arrived here. The bullets were more than expected and consumed more than half of them.

The warehouse has only one floor, but it is more than four meters high, and it occupies a very large foundation.There is not a single zombie in the warehouse, and the windows are built so high that there is no need to worry about zombies breaking the windows and breaking in. As long as the iron door is closed, it will be able to withstand the zombies for a while, and everyone can also have a moment respite.

Nearly half of the entire warehouse was filled with large bags of rice noodles, and ten of the thirty soldiers with supernatural powers began to sweep the rice noodles after entering the warehouse.

The others who were exhausted didn't have the mind to take this into consideration at all. They all leaned against the wall to take a break, and took out water and food from their backpacks to replenish water and energy.

Everyone looked a bit embarrassed, and the clothes on their bodies were all splashed with dark, smelly and disgusting body fluids from the zombies when they were killing the zombies.The iron door was slammed "bang bang" by the zombies trying to rush in, but the people in the warehouse didn't respond to it.

Ten spatial powers quickly and efficiently swept the food in the warehouse, but the zombies didn't have the patience to wait until they finished sweeping, or the iron gate couldn't hold up to the combined attack of so many zombies.

The sound of slapping never stopped, and at a certain moment, a crack came out of the sunken iron door.Then the crack widened, and the breath of the fifty living people in the warehouse drifted out of the warehouse, which stimulated the zombies to shout more excitedly and slap on the iron door more vigorously.

The officer who had been watching the movement of the iron gate immediately shouted, "Attention everyone, the zombies are about to break through the door, everyone is ready to fight! Move things faster, hurry up!"

Following the officer's reminder, everyone who had rested for more than ten minutes had to re-enter the fighting state.If the iron gate is destroyed, it will not be conducive to their retreat for a while, and the warehouse is not suitable for fighting, so before the zombies completely destroy the iron gate and break in, the iron gate has already been opened from the inside.

The zombies rushing in from outside continued to rush forward inertially because of the sudden disappearance of the obstacle, but they were severely hit by the ice ability sent by the ice ability user and their feet were frozen.

The other supernatural beings immediately relayed the headshots of these zombies in the next moment, and then they rushed out of the iron gate to fight the zombies outside the warehouse. The whole process only lasted more than ten seconds.

Since saving Xie Wei before, she was able to release her powers explosively and continuously even though she was about to run out. Ye Ying, who thought it was just accidental, later noticed that her powers took longer to use, or Explaining that the ability has become more means the same thing.

In the previous life, there was no specific classification of the level of abilities. In fact, it was not easy to define, because there was no specific value and no standard that could be used as a reference.

On top of that, there's no particularly effective way to level up powers.

(End of this chapter)

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