Chapter 99

Of course, she did not hope that the other party would be grateful to Dade when she did this at the time. Even if she is so slandered now, it can be said that it is not completely unexpected.There are strange things everywhere in life, and it is hard to guarantee that you will encounter some of them.

The person called He Jin's complexion darkened, and his tone was a little displeased, "What are you talking about? Shut up!" Ye Ying didn't want to entangle with the other party, and there was no need to entangle, but there was no reason to take the blame. , so I was going to say a few words for myself, just put aside the relationship.

I don't know when Jiang Lan and Xie Lin also appeared here, seeing these two people suddenly became more angry than Ye Ying.Before Ye Ying opened her mouth to defend herself, Xie Lin, who was even more impatient, pointed at this man's nose and started cursing.

"You have a lot of face! When you confessed others to those scumbags for your own safety, did you ever think about others? When those scumbags went to trouble others, what else did you do other than hide ? When you see how powerful others are, you think that others will protect you unconditionally?"

"Is it your father or your mother who has to be responsible for you? Some people will think it's a pity if something happens to you if you don't have the ability. After all, you are still so young. What do you blame others for being so strange? When you hurt others, yes When you turn a blind eye to the dangers of others, don’t you feel at ease? I thought it was all done for this sake, and you should feel ashamed of yourself even if you have no conscience, why are you still so shameless?”

"What's the matter? You think others are great, and if you want others to protect you, they have to protect you? Why don't you look in the mirror and see what you look like first? It's just such a world. If others are willing to save you, it is the kindness of others. If others don't Can't you save yourself? Besides, haven't you lived here? Can you show some face?"

When Xie Lin made the call, the woman was furious. If she hadn't been restrained, she would have rushed to bite Xie Lin.Words that were much uglier than what Xie Lin said, blurted out, "Bitch, filth, bitch, if I was ruined like you, I would have died long ago! You still have the face to stand here, Just seeing you makes me sick!"

"If you're not alive, then you're going to die?" Xie Lin was not stimulated by her words at all. They still wanted to survive after such an experience. Of course, they had already made all the psychological preparations.For her, this kind of thing doesn't hurt at all.

Jiang Lan was amused by Xie Lin's words, and then came up to pull her, as if trying to persuade her.They recognized He Chong after hearing what this man said just now, and only then did they understand what was going on.

I can bear everything else, but I can't bear to slander their benefactors!

They all saw what was going on at that time!These people initially confessed that there was only one benefactor, and it was obvious that those scumbags turned their targets on the benefactor!
Later, when those scumbags wanted to bully their benefactors, they didn't see these people come out to help them, did they?When you see how powerful your benefactor is, you want to win him over. Whoever cares about these people is a fool.And the way they looked at her and Xie Lin with obvious disgust.

Jiang Lan felt that she had never seen shameless people in the past, but now it seemed that some people were shameless far beyond her imagination.

The people around were baffled by this situation, but at least they understood that Ye Ying did nothing wrong, it was that crazy person who was too weird.

At this moment, someone in the crowd pointed at the man who was restrained, and suddenly shouted, "She has a wound on her neck!"

(End of this chapter)

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