Hold down the little cutie and kiss

Chapter 20 Study hard, don't think about anything else

Chapter 20 Study hard, don't think about anything else

Hearing the discussion, Xiao Cricket said to Ye Shuyu in a low voice, "Shuyu, there are a lot of people watching you." He pointed to a nearby table with his chopsticks.

Ye Shuhe looked up, and saw a few teenagers looking at her, smiling maliciously, this kind of naughty teenagers are very common in this small town, wasn't it the group of Qin Juan back then, but the one in front of him These few are really disgusting, the eyes... How should I put it, it makes people very uncomfortable.

Ye Shuhe looked back and said, "Hurry up and eat, and go back after eating."

Xiao Cricket was a little scared and said, "I dare not eat, their eyes are too scary." Then he put down his chopsticks and grabbed Ye Shuyu's arm.

Ye Shuyu said, "Then sit down and wait for me to finish eating." She lowered her head and began to eat in small bites.

Xiao Cricket said again, "Shu and Shuyu, they're here, I'm so scared..." Before she could finish speaking, Ye Shuyu felt the light dim in front of her eyes, and a boy sat in front of her, Ye Shu and holding chopsticks His fingers tightened, he didn't look up, and continued to eat.

The boy smiled and said, "Little sister, brother treats you to eat."

No matter how hungry Ye Shuhe was, she couldn't eat anymore. She put down her chopsticks and took a tissue to wipe her mouth gently. She asked the boss, "How much is the boss? Plus the packaged portion." He took out a pink wallet.

"I'll give it to you." A familiar and pleasant voice sounded in his ears, and Ye Shuhe looked over, and saw that Qin Jun was striding towards this side.

He was wearing oil-stained gloves and a wrench. He was obviously repairing a car. His repair shop was not far from here.

Qin Juan glanced at the young man who harassed Ye Shu and seemed to have nothing to do. The young man saw that it was Qin Jun, and without saying anything, he sat back at his table in a hurry. The young men who were with him pretended to be Nothing happened, continue to eat and drink.

Ye Shuyu knew that Qin Jun came here on purpose when he saw that she was being harassed, and he didn't even have time to put down the gloves and wrench.

The boss said how much money, Qin Jun took out a wad of change from the pocket of his jeans with gloved hands, and took out a few, the boss took it and handed the packaged one to Xiao Cricket, Xiao Cricket hurriedly said thank you Brother Qin Juan, Qin Jun nodded to her and said, "Go back early."

Xiao Cricket looked at Ye Shuhe worriedly, Qin Jun said, "I'll send her back later, don't come out so late in the future, there is no security patrol in the town."

Xiao Cricket nodded hurriedly, said goodbye to Ye Shu and hurried home.

Qin Jun looked at Ye Shu and asked, "Are you full?" He glanced at the bowl on the table, the one she ate.

Ye Shuyu said honestly, "I didn't eat a few bites."

Qin Jun smiled, "Then have another serving, and brother will eat with you, so that no one will bother you."

Ye Shuyu also smiled and nodded.

Qin Jun finally ordered a large portion, packed it in two, and took it back to his car repair shop. There was always a small square table in the car repair shop, which was used to put odds and ends and also for customers to rest.

Qin Jun threw all the things on the small table into the wooden box for tools, put the food on it, and pulled over two small plastic benches.

Ye Shuhe unpacked the two pairs of disposable chopsticks, put one pair for himself, and put the other pair on his packing box. After washing his hands from the yard, Qin Jun picked up the chopsticks and began to eat like a knife.

Ye Shu asked, "Where's Uncle Qin?"

"He is not feeling well and is resting in the house."

"Is it serious? Have you seen a doctor?"

"It's okay, I have a small cold, just rest for a few days and you'll be fine."

Ye Shuyu didn't speak any more, and ate quietly.

Qin Jun quickly finished eating Malatang, put on his gloves again and picked up a wrench to repair a motorcycle. Ye Shuhe secretly watched his squatting back.

It seems to have changed a lot, but that face has not changed, it is still handsome, but the skin is darker again, the body seems to have grown taller and stronger, his back is much wider than the first time I saw it three years ago, Ye Shuyu thought of three words, masculine.

Yes, he is no longer the skinny boy he used to be, but a mature man, and she still likes him.

Qin Jun suddenly asked, "Are you still studying here in high school?"

"Yes, my mother likes this place very much." The mother has lived here for three years regardless of the family's opposition. The small vegetable garden is green all year round, and there are more than 200 varieties of flowers in the small courtyard. Take a video, Douyin fans already have 100 million.

So she was reluctant to leave.

She was also reluctant to leave.

"The high school here is a bit messy. There are a lot of students who don't study hard. You should go back to Lincheng to study." The few just now are from the high school. He can see them wandering on the street every day when he is repairing cars in the shop. Yes, and he also graduated from that school, so he knows the situation best.

He wants her to go...

Ye Shuyu completely lost her appetite, put away her chopsticks, threw the unfinished lunch box into the trash can by the side of the road, and said without answering his words, "I'm going back."

Qin Jun said, "I'll see you off."

"No need, you are busy."

"I'll see you off." He had already taken off his gloves and was walking on the road. Ye Shu looked at the car repair shop and asked, "Aren't you closing the door?"

Qin Jun said with a smile, "A pile of scrap metal is worthless, no one will steal it."

Ye Shuhe followed behind him, heading home.

Qin Jun took her along a remote road. Ye Shu and her mother often walked this road when they were walking around. The scenery was very beautiful and quiet. The faint floral fragrance lingers on the tip of the nose.

Ye Shuyu suddenly remembered that this road was the place where the two of them met and talked for the first time.

Three years ago, when she lost her way, she waited here for her second brother to pick her up, and he appeared across the road.

Neither of them spoke, only the sound of each other's footsteps could be heard.

Ye Shu asked, "Brother Qin Jun, will you stay here forever?"

Qin Jun kicked the stones under his feet and said, "Well, yes."

Ye Shuhe picked a leaf and played with it in his hand, and after a while, he saw a two-story courtyard covered with green flowers and vines.

"I'm home, thank you."

Qin Juan took out the cigarette case, took a bite of one, and said in no hurry, "You are still young, study hard and don't think about anything else." After speaking, she turned and left. Seeing him bow her head, Ye Shuyu lit the cigarette. , It disappeared into the night in a short while.

Is he referring to Qin Shu's confession to her that day?
He didn't mention her and thought he didn't care, so he cared about her, does it mean that she also has a place in his heart.

After the entrance examination, Ye Shuyu suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Before, she didn't care whether she would be the first in the exam, but since she knew that Qin Juan was not in good health, she wanted to be the first in the exam, because the first has a scholarship Take, she wants to save money, a lot of money, to treat Qin Jun's illness.

During the summer vacation, Xiao Cricket went to her aunt's house in another city, and Ye Shu and her best playmate were gone. She went to the bookstore to buy some pre-class reading materials for the first year of high school, planning to advance the knowledge of the first year of high school by facing the computer. After reviewing it again, Ye Huaizhi came, and brought a beautiful girl, who was his girlfriend.

(End of this chapter)

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