Chapter 27 Accident
In Lincheng, the sun was scorching hot in May, and the leaves on both sides of the road were curled up in the sun, and sparks seemed to be sparked when the car tires rubbed against the ground.

Ye Shu and the red Cadillac ran all the way to the Holy Mary Church, where her good sister Lin Cake officiated a wedding of the century. It is said that a 50-year-old local tycoon married an 18-year-old young model, It is conceivable that the wedding was such a sensation that it made headlines today.

In fact, it was not Lin Cake who hosted it. It was her wedding planning company that took over this big project. The value of the project was seven figures. As the boss, she naturally had to come to the site to guide. Ye Shu and Ye Shu didn't come to attend the wedding, but to help. Li said so.

Shuyu, our company needs good-looking beauties to support the scene, you can support the scene, you don't have to do anything, just stand there.

Ye Shu and just such a good girlfriend, can you refuse, not to mention that the business is worth seven figures, so there can be no mistakes.

When it's just a vase, it's not difficult.

Ye Shu and Morning came out of the operating room and rushed over.

Facts have proved that she is too naive, where Lin Cake asked her to be a vase, she clearly asked her to be a coolie.

There are only seven people in the wedding planning company and Lin Cake, and there are seventeen people who have to plan the procurement site layout. Even if the seventeen people are too busy, Ye Shuyu was framed by her to do chores. It's a pity that she is still wearing a seven-centimeter sky-high. Walking around in the huge church, the flower baskets were either upside down or the ribbons were blown away by the wind. By the way, guests who came to the wedding were entertained, and single men who enthusiastically asked for WeChat and numbers had to be dealt with until the sun set. The wedding of the century had just ended, and Lin Cake had a conscience seeing that the team was too tired to crawl, so he hired a few hours of labor to clean up the show, and then took the team to a luxurious restaurant for dinner.

Both Ye Shu and her ankles were swollen into buns. Sitting in a luxurious western restaurant, listening to the melodious music and looking at the beautifully presented food, she had no appetite at all and just wanted to sleep.

Lin Cake poured a glass of red wine for everyone, and her face turned into a flower with a smile, "Sisters, you have worked hard today, let's keep working hard and make a fortune together." After speaking, he drank it all in one gulp.

The sisters in the team were as excited as if they had beaten chicken blood when they heard the words "get rich together."

Ye Shuyu also clinked glasses with a few people and drank the red wine. She said, "It's getting late, I'm going back." Lin Cake said, "Don't, I'm going to go to the nightclub to have fun later."

Ye Shuyu said, "You guys go, I want to go back and rest."

Seeing her complexion, Lin Cake asked, "Shu Yu, I really didn't trick you to come here on purpose. I asked you to help me because I didn't have enough manpower. Are you really tired?" They are all high-end customers, and it is not easy to issue orders. Once an order is placed, it can cost tens of millions. She is used to being busy and does not feel particularly tired. The same goes for her team. After all, the busier you are, the more money you make.

Ye Shu shook her head, "It's okay, it's okay." She stood in the operating room for four or five hours at most, and this one stood for seven or eight hours, and she walked around, mainly because she was wearing high heels. Now she Just want to lie in bed.

"That's fine, you go back first, let's get together another day, be careful on the road." Seeing that she was really tired, Lin Cake felt a little bit sorry, this young lady is a master who can't bear hardships, and if she is tired, how can she talk to her parents anyway? Tell me, I won't keep you anymore.

Ye Shu and drove the car out of the parking lot. It is now six o'clock in the afternoon, which is the rush hour for get off work, and this place is in the center of the city. At a glance, there are mountains of cars and seas of cars, and the road ahead is obviously blocked. Navigate, click to avoid the congested road, and after ten minutes, the navigation successfully took her out of the congested area, but it seems... the road is a bit off.

Ye Shuhe hasn't returned to Lincheng for six years. Many roads have been rebuilt and adjusted, and they can't be recognized after changing their appearance, so she didn't know where she went. She slowed down and turned the steering wheel. I stretched out my head to look left and right, and there was a bang, but I didn't see the stone pier lying in the middle in front of me, and the front of the car was smashed hard.

Ye Shu and Jing were so exhausted that they saw a warning sign standing in front of them: The road ahead is being repaired, and I just looked around and didn't pay attention to the front, and I blame myself for being careless.

Ye Shuyu had no choice but to find the nearest garage, otherwise her driver's license would be confiscated if the car was hit and her mother saw it.

Ye Shuyu first got out of the car and took a look. The road was wide but there were not many vehicles passing by. However, there were still many shops on both sides of the road. From a distance, there was a billboard for repairs on the side of the road. I didn't know it was a repair shop. What, I plan to drive the car over to have a look first.

The car turned around and went to the billboard. It really was a car repair place. The word "car repair" was hung on the top of the two doors, without even a prefix to describe it. It was simply rude.

It's a low-end car repair shop, and there are a few electric cars and motorcycles waiting to be repaired at the door. Ye Shuyu suspects that this shop doesn't repair cars.

After driving the car to the door of the store, she opened the door and walked down, stepping on the water immediately.

Just washed the car, the floor is still wet, and no one cleaned it.Ye Shuyu suddenly regretted it.

She knocked her high heels on the ground twice before the water flowed down her ankles to the ground. Ye Shuyu didn't like this feeling very much. Maybe it was a doctor's occupational disease. She didn't want to see dirty things on her body, especially liquids. .

There were two men repairing an SUV at the door of the store. When they saw a customer coming, they looked over. One of the men had a slightly stagnant expression but did not speak. The other man greeted him enthusiastically and asked, "Beauty, do you want to repair the car? "

Ye Shuyu didn't speak, but glanced at the slammed front of the car behind her, and heard the man stammer, "Fuck! Cadillac... a luxury car..."

Ye Shuyu looked at him and asked with his eyes: Can it be repaired?

The man nodded hurriedly, "I can repair it, I can repair it, but I can't repair it, our elder brother can."

Ye Shuyu didn't understand what he meant. The man saw her doubts and explained, "I can fix it too, but I'm afraid I won't be able to fix it. My elder brother is very good, and he promises to fix it."

Ye Shu spoke to this guy, "How long?"

The man didn't seem to understand, he reacted for a while and quickly said, "My elder brother is going to buy parts, he will be back soon, please sit and wait for a while." Then he ran into the store quickly, moved a plastic chair out for her sit.

Seeing the paint on the chair, Ye Shuyu shook her head to say no, then walked towards the side of the road, meaning to stand and wait.

The man didn't speak any more but went back to the SUV, picked up the wrench and continued to repair the car, and whispered to his companion, "Xiao Ma, look at that woman, she is so beautiful and has such a good figure, I have never seen a real person. Such a pretty girl."

(End of this chapter)

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