Hold down the little cutie and kiss

Chapter 42 She Can't Ruin His Pride and Self-Esteem

Chapter 42 She Can't Ruin His Pride and Self-Esteem
Lin Cake said, "Your sweetheart is quite attractive. I don't know what you said in that woman's ear. It seems to scare her."

Ye Shuyu said, "I'm leaving first." Then she ran downstairs, searched in the direction he left for a long time but didn't see anyone else, called Ma Lin, and asked her if she had time to come out to meet and said, Ma Lin said yes, and Ye Shuyu gave her an address, waiting for her there.

She wanted to know what happened between Feng Rou'er and Qin Juan, why she could humiliate him in public, and he accepted it willingly, and even paid for the piece of cake that was covered on his face when he left.

On a rest chair outside a convenience store, Ye Shu sat side by side with Ma Lin, and Ma Lin told everything she knew.

Five years ago, the man who was severely injured by Qin Jun and Qin Jun was sentenced to jail was Feng Rouer's younger brother Feng Lei. Feng Rouer's father died early, and her mother brought them up by selling vegetables. A good person and a beautiful teacher. All the teachers liked her very much, so they developed her arrogant and self-indulgent temperament. During the college entrance examination, she was admitted to a college in Lincheng for free. Feng Lei was the complete opposite of her. The villagers hate him very much, but because his mother is a widow and his son will come to the door to apologize and send rice and food when he gets into trouble, the villagers feel sorry for her, and they are sorry for his son's bad things. I turned a blind eye and closed my eyes and didn't pursue it.

After entering high school, Feng Lei became even more aggressive and directly bullied the female classmates in the class. One day, he almost raped the girl while it was dark. Fortunately, he was rescued by a passing villager. Naturally, the girl's parents would not let it go. Said to call the police, Feng Lei's mother knelt in front of the girl's house for two days and two nights, her head was smashed, the parents couldn't see it after all, so they just said forget it, this matter is over.

However, Feng Lei still did not change his mind until one day it fell into Qin Jun's hands. Qin Jun overheard Feng Lei's bastard words on the spot, and the two had an argument. Qin Jun directly broke his legs and his head A hole was punched out with a wrench. After Feng Lei woke up, he said that he would ask for 20 yuan, otherwise he would be sued and sent to jail. Qin Jun's father, Qin Chen, went door to door to borrow money from relatives and friends. The only 6 yuan was lent to Qin Chen, and then he was kicked out of the house by his parents, because in their eyes, Qin Chen had a broken leg, had lost the ability to work, and could no longer earn a lot of money. The money was in vain, Qin Chen scraped together 20 yuan, Feng Lei sent Qin Jun to prison after getting the money, he thought it was over, after all, if he lost the money, he would be squatting, Unexpectedly, the day Qin Jun was released from prison, Feng Rou'er found him. Seeing him, she scolded him as if she had met the murderer of her father and enemy, beating him and begging him for money.

Because Feng Lei lost all the money the Qin family paid to the Feng family, and his leg was indeed broken, and he walked with a limp. His mother was fainted by him and sent to the hospital. The popularity is not good, especially the popularity of girls. I don’t know who told her classmates about her family. The classmates all talked about her family behind her back, especially what her lame brother did in the village. She is competitive. How could she bear the pointing and pointing of her classmates, and she dropped out of school. She felt like she was crazy, and she blamed Qin Jun for all the disasters in her family. Her originally happy family ruined her life. Qin Jun never argued. Feng Rouer basically gave Feng Rouer all the money he earned in the car repair shop in Lincheng. Even the money his father earned in the car repair shop at home was used by Feng Rouer. There are various ways to go.

After hearing this, Ye Shuhe almost rushed out of his chest with anger, and the circles of his eyes were red with tears.

She never imagined that during the years when they were separated, his life was so bad. He lost 20 yuan and was imprisoned for two and a half years. After he was released from prison, Feng Rouer would curse and blackmail him. Actually, Feng Rou'er still has to pay money every month. A piece of cake in that dessert shop costs several hundred, and she covered Qin Juan's face without any explanation. Does she know how long it takes him to work for that piece of cake? Can be so rampant, who gave her the courage, why should the man she loved for so many years be treated like this by fate and treated like this by an unreasonable woman?
Seeing that her lips were biting red, Ma Lin asked in a low voice, "Sister Shu and sister, are you okay?"

Ye Shuhe closed his eyes, then opened them again and asked, "Didn't you say before that you didn't know why he was imprisoned?"

Marlene said, "I went home and asked my brother, he told me."

"He didn't tell you why Qin Jun beat Feng Lei?"

Ma Lin shook her head, "I asked my brother, but my brother didn't know, Qin Juan didn't tell him."

Ye Shuyu said, "Thank you for telling me this." Ye Shuyu regained his composure, wiped the sweat from his palms on his skirt, stood up and left.

Ma Lin suddenly shouted to her, "Sister Shu and sister, do you like Brother Qin Juan? I can see that you like him. Since you like him, why don't you let him know? Brother Qin Jun is actually very pitiful. He was abandoned by his mother, and he still has heart disease. A heart stent operation at the age of 16 can only last 12 years, and the deadline is due this year. If he gets sick again, he has no money for surgery and can only wait to die. You are a doctor. He also has money, why don't you help him?"

Ye Shuyu stood there without moving, tears already rolling down her face.

help him?No, she doesn't want to help, she wants him to take the initiative to tell her that he is such a proud person, if she said it first, he would rather die than accept her help.

She wanted him to fall in love with her, reluctant to leave her, reluctant to die, and wanted him to tell her, Shuyu, I don't want to die, you want to be with you.

When she ran into him arguing with his mother six years ago, she knew what kind of person he was. If he was the kind of person who could abandon his dignity and pride in order to live, then when his mother raised those conditions, he agreed, and now he is a healthy man. people.

He has a broken body, but also a strong and unyielding soul.

She couldn't destroy his pride and self-esteem, no.

Ye Shu stopped the car, and several men who were making jokes at the door of the shop looked over together. Xiao Ma threw away his cigarette, stood up, and his eyes fell on the tires of the car. Sure enough, seeing a flat tire in the back of the car, he said with a smile, "Shu Yu, you have broken three tires this week, how did you drive it?"

Ye Shu got out of the car, avoided his gaze and said guiltily, "It broke itself." She turned to look for the figure in the store, thinking that he was not there again, and Xin Dao's tire had been shattered again. I saw that person come out.

(End of this chapter)

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