Hold down the little cutie and kiss

Chapter 44 You Get Married As Soon as Possible

Chapter 44 You Get Married As Soon as Possible

"Well, it's a bit far away, do you want to go?" Ye Shuyu looked at him and tightened the strap of her bag.

Her nails were dyed with bright red nail polish, and her fingers were whiter and more tender, and her hand holding the scalpel was very beautiful.

Qin Jun glanced away, took out the lighter, lit a cigarette, and said, "Go, the shop is not busy."

They didn't speak until they reached the milk tea shop. In the shop, Qin Jun found a seat to sit down. Smoking was not allowed in the shop. He pinched the cigarette. Ye Shuhe was ordering milk tea at the front desk. There was always something attractive about her. Temperament, there are only a few seats in the small shop with an area of ​​about ten square meters, and it is already full of people. They can't help but look at her, and she is standing there, proud, quiet and dazzling. Qin Jun doesn't know how long he has been looking at it. He didn't come back to his senses until the person walked up to him, he secretly let out a groan in his heart, got up, picked up the milk tea and walked out.

On the way back, the two of them were still silent. Ye Shu and Ye Shu wanted to find something to talk about, but they were born dumb and couldn't chat. Seeing that they were about to arrive at the car repair shop, the chance for the two of them to be alone was about to disappear, so she asked, "What are you talking about?" When did you get married?" She was stunned when she asked this question, she had never thought about this question before, and she didn't understand why she asked it suddenly.

Perhaps she was avoiding this question subconsciously.

Qin Jun loosened his shoulders for the so-called ground, and smiled, "It's still early."

Ye Shuyu lowered his head and didn't speak any more.

A pair of men and women riding bicycles passed by. They were wearing high school uniforms. The girl sat on the back seat of the car and hugged the boy's waist. In the past, there was a girl's joyful laughter.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, pure liking, even riding a bicycle is full of love.

Ye Shuyu remembered that when she was learning to ride a bicycle with him in junior high school, she also hugged Qin Juan's waist like this girl. He could fly into the sky while riding a bicycle, whistling arrogantly in front, while she was sweet in the back. Sweet smile, not worried about whether it will fall off, although it is only a short three days.

Ye Shu and the men and women who were looking away from each other sighed softly.

Qin Jun asked, "You are so young, why are you sighing?"

Ye Shuyu said, "I regret that I didn't have a relationship in high school." Looking at him, she smiled, which is rare and cute.

I often hear people say that not having a relationship in middle school is one of the most regrettable things in a long life. She has never had a relationship, but she is deeply in love with one. Seeing that person grow from a teenager to a man in his twenties Youth, what was that like.


Things are wrong.

She is still alone, and he already has someone who will accompany him for a lifetime.

Ye Shuyu lowered his head and smiled, his eyes were a little wet.

Maybe this unrequited love really is coming to an end.

Qin Jun didn't know what he recalled, so he hummed lightly. The two of them had already walked to the car repair shop. Ye Shuhe took his own cup of milk tea, "I'm going back, goodbye."

Qin Jun bit the straw and waved to her, his posture still lazy.

Ye Shuyu walked to the front of the car, opened the door, and then turned her head to look at the tall and straight figure, with the same clear eyebrows and eyes, and the smile on her lips reminded her of the first time she saw him.

He fed the lamb, raised one corner of his mouth, moved the bottle in his hand and asked her, Yo, little sister, do you want to taste it?
"Brother Jun..." After a pause, she continued, "You get married as soon as possible, I may have to leave, and I won't be able to catch up with...your wedding."

Qin Jun nodded, "Be careful on the road."

Ye Shuhe got in the car, buckled up the seat belt, saw the man standing there, biting the clinker straw through the rearview mirror, and didn't know what he was looking at. Tears finally fell from Ye Shuhe's eyes, and started the car. leave.

Ye Shuhe returned to work, went to and from work as usual, went to the gym and traveled in his spare time, and kept his mind free from thinking about that person. However, time seemed to stand still. Looking at the date, the distance since the last time I saw him was unexpectedly It's only been a week, but it feels like centuries to her.

This night, her hair was blown to half-dry, she took a shower and lay on the bed, only turned on the two small lamps beside the bed, the lights were soft and quiet, she looked at the gray car wash card, wondering if she should go to wash the car tomorrow, But her car looks clean and doesn't need to be washed, why don't I paint some ink on the glass tomorrow?There seems to be no ink at home, and a paintbrush will do.

She got out of bed and found two watercolor pens from the desk drawer. First, she painted a few times on the glass, but it fell off with a light rub with her finger, leaving no trace at all. Can be blown away by the wind, thinking, Ye Shuyu hugged her head.

My heart suddenly felt like it was scalded by something, bursts of pain, and tears rolled down like that.

Who will tell her why loving someone is so painful, she dare not think that she can't see her, but she can't help but think about it, and try her best to see her, people say that time can heal everything, but after so long, he is still the same. on her mind.

Now she looks like a fool.

Crying until her throat became dry and her eyes were dry, the phone suddenly rang. Ye Shuhe took out a tissue to wipe away her tears and turned on the phone to see that it was a message about adding friends on WeChat.

She directly clicked to reject, stuffed the phone under the pillow, turned on the LCD screen, plugged in the game controller, and soon the sound of gunshots rang out in the room.

When she is in a bad mood, she plays games.

After the two games were over, things seemed to be a little bit better. She took out her phone to check the time. It was already eight o'clock, nothing important. She would go to bed on time at 08:30.

I went to the bathroom, turned off the lights, and habitually took out my mobile phone to glance at WeChat. Most of her WeChat friends are patients. She usually asks her some post-operative recovery questions. , She froze for a moment, she had rejected it once before, because the pure black profile picture impressed her deeply, now most people who play on WeChat will post their own photo or funny pictures, there are very few such perfunctory ones, just Made a pure black picture, and the nickname is a string of mobile phone numbers, which is simply rude, maybe because of curiosity and boredom, she clicked agree, and a message box flashed out.

The man sent a sentence: [Are you asleep? 】

Ye Shuyu didn't want to chat, so she turned off the phone and stuffed it under the pillow again before going to sleep.

The alarm clock rang at seven o'clock, she got up, washed and changed clothes, and prepared breakfast. During the years in the United States, she had learned to cook and wash clothes. The breakfast was black rice porridge, an egg, and quick-frozen finger biscuits bought from the supermarket. It was not rich but she Very satisfying to eat.

Turning on the phone and clicking on WeChat, I saw several messages, most of which were from patients. She replied professionally one by one, and saw the message of the person who just added last night.

(End of this chapter)

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