Hold down the little cutie and kiss

Chapter 50 For You, I Will Try to Live

Chapter 50 For You, I Will Try to Live
Qin Chen was repairing the electric car, and when he saw the two of them coming back hand in hand, he was also stunned for a long time, the wrench fell to the ground, and his expression was dull.

Ye Shuyu also felt a little embarrassed, didn't know what to say, squeezed Qin Jun's hand, motioned for him to explain, Qin Jun smiled and said, "Dad, your daughter-in-law, you don't need me to introduce you."

Only then did Qin Chen come to his senses, nodded and smiled, and hurriedly invited Ye Shuhe into the house, closed the shop, took the dishes, and started preparing dinner. Ye Shuhe wanted to help, but Qin Jun dragged him to the room. Ye Shu And said, "This is not good."

Qin Chen had always said that he treated her like a daughter, but when her daughter suddenly became a daughter-in-law, An Lei herself felt awkward.

Qin Jun hugged him directly, "What's wrong, the old man may be very happy."

Ye Shu and did not speak, because she did not feel how happy Uncle Qin was,

Qin Jun hugged her and lay on the bed, "I'm so exhausted, I need to catch up on sleep." Closing his eyes, Ye Shu and his face blushed instantly. After tossing her for so long, he thought he didn't know how tired he was. Woolen cloth.

Qin Jun suddenly opened his eyes, turned over on the bed, looked at her with his chin in one hand, raised one corner of his mouth, and teased, "What did you think of, your face is so red?"

"Are you still asleep or not?" Ye Shuyu covered his face with the pillow and turned around, not looking at him.

This man is really bad.

Qin Jun smiled softly, stopped teasing her, and fell asleep after a while.

It's the first time for Ye Shuyu to come to his room. The space is not big and the furniture is very simple. There is a single bed, a wardrobe and a desk, a computer, and a few pictures of beauties on the wall. They are very hot, and they are very clean. Ye Shuhe became more and more unhappy the more he looked at it, and tore off the picture of the beautiful woman.

It was getting dark, half of the moon was exposed, and the stars also appeared one by one. The small room was very quiet, and he was breathing heavily. He seemed really tired. Ye Shu and took a quilt to put on his stomach. , was about to get up, but unexpectedly the hand held by him was tightened suddenly, and he seemed to mutter, "Don't go." The voice was also deep, like a child's.

Ye Shu and her heart ached for a while, leaned down and kissed his forehead, and said softly, "I won't leave, sleep peacefully." Then she sat quietly by the bed, looking at his cheek over and over again tirelessly, She didn't leave quietly until the strength in his hand relaxed a little.

In the kitchen, Ye Shu and He were sitting in front of the stove and burning wood, while Qin Chen was cooking. Qin Chen asked her, "Your parents don't know about you and Ah Jun, do they?"

Ye Shuyu nodded, "I'll tell them when I get back."

"Shu Yu, don't talk about it, you and A Jun forget it, he is not good enough for you." Qin Chen's expression was indifferent, the result of long consideration.

Ye Shuyu also thought that he would say this, looked at him and said seriously, "Uncle Qin, brother Qin Juan is very good, he is not unworthy of me, I already know his illness."

Qin Chen was surprised, looking at her with a dazed look, Ye Shu smiled, "Uncle Qin, do you know why I studied medicine? I studied cardiology because of Brother Qin Juan. I knew about his illness a long time ago. Now that medicine is so advanced that even a heart can be replaced, his illness is not a big deal.”

"But medical expenses..."

"Don't worry about this, I will give you a healthy brother Qin Jun."

"He has a stubborn temper and strong self-esteem. If you pay him for medical treatment, he will not agree."

"Ok, I know."

Qin Chen looked at her for a while, his eyes suddenly became wet, he quickly lowered his head to hide his emotional voice, "Shu Yu, you are a good girl, if Ah Jun treats you badly in the future, I will not let you go as a ghost he."

"Dad, you won't have this chance." Qin Juan walked in, smiled mischievously, and immediately pulled Ye Shu and wrapped her around her waist. He was still in that lazy tone, even wearing slippers On the contrary, Ye Shuyu pointed to his shoes, and he changed them.

Qin Chen gestured to him with a spatula, hating iron for being weak, "Look at you, you are already 30 years old, and you are not serious."

"Dad, I'm only 28, not yet thirty, and I'm young."

Ye Shu and Xiaoxiao pinched his hand, intending to make him listen obediently and not to talk back. Qin Juan really didn't say anything, Qin Chen nagged him a few more words, and finally drove him out. A light in the treetops illuminated the yard, and small flying insects flew around and buzzed.

The two sat on a small chair, with a square table set up in front of them for eating. Qin Jun took a circle of mosquito coils from the room and lit it. Ye Shuyu sat on the small chair and watched him quietly, cooking vegetables in the kitchen. The sound is quiet, and the meal is almost ready.

Ye Shuyu said, "Ah Jun, you heard what I said to Uncle Qin. I didn't mean to hide it from you. Don't be angry."

His illness is a knot in his heart. His self-esteem is so strong. If he didn't tell her, it proved that he didn't want her to know. But she didn't tell him after she knew it, and she pretended not to know anything. He should feel uncomfortable. .

"Not angry." Qin Juan said the three words lightly, unable to tell whether his emotions were good or bad. He lit a cigarette and sat there obliquely.

The incandescent lamp shone on his face, and the ink-stained night behind him, he was like a lonely beast walking, Ye Shu and her heart were bursting with pain, she hated his decadent appearance the most, as if he was the only one left in the world, as if he Will leave anytime.

Ye Shuyu took his hand, "Ah Jun, trust me, we will be together."

"Okay." Qin Jun put out the half-puffed cigarette, rubbed her head, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said after a long time, "For you, I will work hard to live."

Ye Shuyu finally smiled, lowered her head, a stream of tears fell, she had been waiting for his words for a long time.

He was rebellious, unrestrained, and finally gave up everything for her. He said that he would live for her for the rest of his life.

When Qin Chen came out, he saw the two of them hugging each other tightly, his nose was sore and he shed tears.

After dinner, Qin Jun sent Ye Shu and back home. When he returned home, Qin Chen was still awake. When he saw him coming back, he waved to him. Qin Jun sat down and handed him a bank card, "There are 5 bank cards in it." Although ten thousand yuan is not much, you can’t let Shuyu pay all the surgery expenses, you can give it to her.”

Qin Juan was in a complicated mood, so he didn't answer, "Dad, you can keep it for yourself, and I will figure out the surgery fee myself." The identities of the two are very different. Although she said that he doesn't care about the surgery fee, he is a man, and a man's self-esteem is not high. Allow him to spend money from a woman, and it's the woman he cares about most.

Qin Chen's eyes were wet again, but he didn't say any more.

It is very good that he can accept the operation. In the past, when he was asked to have the operation, he turned around and left. He completely lost confidence in life. As he said, he was just dawdling every day. Now he has the motivation to live. Finally feel at ease.

"Ah Jun, dad didn't leave you anything in this life, don't blame dad." Divorced car accident broke his leg and he was heavily in debt. His son was imprisoned. He has experienced all the disasters in his life, and it is a miracle that he is still alive.

"Dad, I don't blame you. I will take you to Lincheng after my operation is successful, and I will see my grandson in the future."

"Okay, look at grandson." Qin Chen held his son's hand and lowered his head, tears streaming down his face.

Ye Shu and Yu didn't go to work on time, and took two more days off. Qin Jun took her to the playground, played all the entertainment items, and even climbed the mountain. Like all lovers, Ye Shu and Let him carry it on his back when he was tired from climbing, take pictures and eat at roadside stalls, these two days are the happiest two days in Ye Shu's life.

(End of this chapter)

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