Chapter 53 The Finale
Ye Huaizhi still rushed out, and Ye Shuhe hurriedly sent Qin Jun a WeChat message to remind him that his second brother was going to beat him up, and he replied two words, it's okay.

This night, Ye Shuyu didn't know how she lived, Wen Wan wiped her tears and persuaded her not to be obsessed and turn around, Ye Jian also analyzed the importance of a woman's marriage to a man with her, and Ye Shuyu only talked to her at night.

"Mom and Dad, don't try to persuade me. When I first went to Qingli Town and saw Ah Jun, I liked him. I studied hard and worked hard just to be able to be with him in the future. He has money. Not having money is really not important to me. In just a few short decades, no one knows what will happen in the future. I just think about cherishing the present. You are all my favorite people. If you love me, Please respect my choice, okay?" Ye Shuhe's eyes were wet, in fact, she didn't know how to deal with the strong opposition from her family, she only knew that they were her favorite people, and she didn't want to see them have conflicts .

Wen Wan and Ye Jian looked at each other, finally nodded and held her hand, "Okay, we respect your choice, bring him back and meet."

"Thank you, Mom and Dad. I have one more thing to tell you. Ah Jun needs an operation."

Qin Jun still didn't go to see Ye Shuyu's parents. He said he wanted to see them in good health, so that they could hand over their daughter to him without any worries. Ye Shuyu told his parents about his thoughts, and the two elders also didn't say anything.

Ye Shu took Qin Jun to the hospital for a physical examination, and spent a week discussing with the veterans of the hospital's cardiology department to study and make a surgery plan. The veterans knew that the patient Qin Jun was her boyfriend, and suggested that she should not Participating in this operation, Ye Shuyu refused, the veteran didn't say much, and the operation was scheduled for a week later.

If this heart stent operation is successful, you can live for 30 years. This is the second and last operation for Qin Jun. Ye Shuyu said, "In 30 years, you can live to 60 years old. I will accompany you until 60 years old." age."

Qin Jun smiled, "Fool, what are you talking about, how about the surgery without a path, you have to live well."

Ye Shuyu hugged him and didn't speak.

On the day of the operation, the sky was sunny and the weather seemed particularly good.

Qin Jun was pushed into the operating room. Outside the operating room, there were members of the Ye family, as well as Qin Chen and Ma Xiao, Wang Congming and Qin Shu. It was Ma Xiao who informed them. Ye Shu and a surgical gown were the last to enter. In the operating room, she walked up to Wang Congming and Qin Shu and gave them a slight nod, thanking them for coming.

Wang Congming said, "Shu Yu, the operation will be successful, I believe in you."

Qin Shu also said, "Shu Yu, come on."

Wen Wan Ye Jian also came up and held her daughter's hand, encouraging her, "Don't put too much pressure on it, just do the same as normal surgery, daughter, come on."

Ye Huaizhi leaned against the wall, chewing gum because smoking was not allowed in the hospital, looked at her with a lazy attitude, and said in a very disdainful tone, "If he is alive, I will not settle the account of seducing my sister. "

Ye Shu and Nuannuan smiled, and pushed open the door of the operating room.

Everything was ready in the operating room. Qin Jun had just been injected with anesthesia, and his thoughts were still clear for the time being. He didn't speak, and gave Ye Shu a warm smile to reassure her.

Ye Shu kissed him on the forehead and said softly, "You will be fine, we will live forever, and when you wake up, I will tell you good news."

"Okay." Qin Jun closed his eyes as the medicine took effect.

Ye Shuyu touched her lower abdomen, looked at the man's gentle and gentle face, and said to her companion, "Let's get started."

The three-hour operation is a race against time for the people in the operating room, but it is extremely tormenting for the people outside the operating room. The sun rises overhead, and finally the door of the operating room knocks. Qin Chen is gentle and Ye Jian walks over. He lowered his mask and said with a smile, "The operation was a success."

Qin Chen shed tears, but before he could be happy, he felt dizzy and fell to the ground, unconscious.

When Ye Shuhe came out of the operating room, he saw Qin Chen fall to the ground, and ran up quickly. A nurse had already rushed towards him.

When the hospital announced Qin Chen's death, Qin Jun hadn't woken up yet. Ye Shuhe told his family, Qin Shu, Ma Xiao and others about Qin Chen's condition. Don't tell Qin Jun about Qin Chen's death to a few people, but tell him after he fully recovers, and they all agree to help with the funeral.

Qin Jun woke up once in the afternoon, and knowing that he was still alive, he went back to sleep with peace of mind. During this time, Ye Shu and Ye Shu were with him all the time. Five days later, Qin Jun finally couldn't stay on the bed anymore and insisted on getting out of bed. Shuyu stopped it forcefully. At noon that day, Ye Shuyu was feeding Qin Jun spoonfuls of liquid food for lunch. Qin Juan suddenly asked, "Where is my dad? I haven't seen my dad since I woke up." gone."

Ye Shuyu said, "Well, I'm back in Qingli, and I said I'll catch some old hens and stew them for you to replenish your body."

"That old man really doesn't mind the trouble. He knows that I don't like to eat old hens the most." Having said that, Qin Jun smiled like a child. Ye Shuyu didn't dare to look at his smile, and lowered his head to hide his emotions, " Eat quickly, continue to lie down after eating, and don’t get out of bed for less than a week.”

Qin Juan's eyes wandered around her, and he leaned close to her and smiled mischievously, "Daughter-in-law, touch it for me, and I'll just lie down obediently."

Ye Shuyu blushed and stuffed the spoon into his mouth, "I won't give it to you if you're not good."

"Of course I am obedient. My life was given by my daughter-in-law. Of course I have to be obedient." He swallowed a mouthful of porridge, touched his chest to feel the beating of his heart, as if in a dream, looked at Ye Shu and said , "Shu Yu, this life was given by you, and I will be yours from now on." His expression was serious, and his eyes were serious and firm.

"Well, I will spare my life in the future."

"Didn't you say you wanted to tell me some good news? What good news?" Qin Jun took the bowl and drank the porridge in two or three mouthfuls, impatient to hear the good news she said.

Ye Shuyu didn't speak, just looked at him like that, as if deliberately not to worry about him.

Qin Jun guessed, "Your parents agreed to our marriage?" The two elders wanted to keep their daughter for a few more years, but they did not agree with them getting married so early.

Ye Shu and shook his head, smiling very sweetly.

Qin Jun guessed again, "Your parents agree with us to live together?" The two elders were too conservative and did not agree with them living together.

Ye Shuyu shook her head again, then took his hand and placed it on her belly, "You are going to be a father."

"Ah?" Qin Juan was stunned, and exclaimed three seconds later, "I'm too good at it, I won within half a month."

Ye Shuyu knew that he was going to talk nonsense again later, so she didn't want to talk to him, so she packed up the dishes and left the ward, telling him to lie down and not move.

Qin Jun hadn't recovered yet, joy could no longer express his mood, so he wanted to get out of bed and move around. After five days without getting out of bed, his body was rusty. It took him a long time to get up from the bed and just opened the room. He heard two little nurses discussing at the door, and his hand holding the doorknob immediately froze.

"This morning, a patient named Qin Chen was sent from the hospital to the crematorium. The scene was really big. All the doctors and directors of the Cardiology Department went to express their condolences."

"You don't know that. Qin Chen's patient is Dr. Ye's father-in-law, who is the father of Qin Jun who just had a heart stent operation a few days ago. He still doesn't know that his father died of lung cancer. Dr. Ye is really good enough." Poor... Ah, what happened to the patient over there, why did he suddenly fall to the ground... Hurry up and have a look..."

Ye Shuyu just came back after throwing out the trash, and saw two nurses rushing towards the ward, and there was a person lying on the ground at the door, she was shocked, and hurried over.

The operation was normal, and his recovery was also normal, how could he faint, how could...

On New Year's Day of the second year, a day of universal celebration, Ye Shu and Zao gave birth to a baby boy, named Qin Siyu, who weighed four pounds and seven taels, and was sent to an incubator after birth. After examination, he had the same disease as his father. congenital heart disease.

At the same time, a female patient jumped down from the top of the building. The woman was wearing a blue and white patient uniform, with chestnut hair, thin and pale facial features that had not been as beautiful as before. She was lying in a pool of blood and holding a photo in her hand.

In the background of the amusement park, the sun shines with golden light. The woman is wearing a floral skirt and is snuggling in the arms of the man, smiling sweetly, because the man is bowing his head to kiss her.

Ah Jun, you said that no matter how your surgery goes, you want me to live well.

I didn't speak at that time.

Because, if you die, I will not live alone.

Without you, I don't know how to live a long life, even every minute.

If there is an afterlife, I will still be with you.

In exchange for you to love me first, okay?
(End of the article)

 Thank you for following up, this is a sad article, please give a five-star praise if you are moved, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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