Falling into Acacia Gu: Naughty Lady

Chapter 213 Death in July

Chapter 213 Death in July (1)

After thinking about it for a while, she realized that there must be something weird in that cup of tea. He is an imperial doctor, and it is normal for him to have drugs on his body. If he wanted to prescribe drugs to himself, it would be easy.

But she couldn't believe that Mingxing would treat her like this. Could it be that the trust she gave him was really worthless and could be ruined by him.


Thinking angrily, she quickly got out of bed and went straight to Mingxing's door.

In the morning light, the soft sunlight shines in, and countless dust jumps in the air.

"Why?" When he was about to reach out and push the door of Mingxing's room, Mingxing just opened the door and was about to come out. He was a little surprised when he saw Xiaoyi, but when he heard her blatant question, he wanted to walk out of the room without saying a word. door, but Xiaoyi didn't give him a chance, he stopped him with open arms, and yelled at him in bewilderment: "Why? Why did you do this?"

Unable to go out, he simply turned around and went back to the room, giving him a tall and slender back, extremely lonely.

Xiao Yi stepped forward, stood behind him, and asked loudly: "Why do you want to do this?"

He closed his eyes and didn't want to pay attention. She was so angry that she grabbed his arm and shook it desperately, "Tell me, why? I believe in you time and time again, but why do you let me down again and again?"

Staring eagerly at his deep face, she was filled with righteous indignation, "We will no longer be friends, nothing at all." As she spoke, she gave him a cold look and left angrily.

"You can't go out." He suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Little Yi paused, looked at him with his robes fluttering out of the corner of his eye, and said in a lukewarm tone, "Since we are not friends, what does my life and death have to do with you? I'm going to find Wenjie, you can't stop me. "

It's his selfishness to keep himself, she adores him, and he needs himself to be with him.

Turning around abruptly to look at the back of her walking away, he repeatedly warned, "It's really dangerous outside...Wen Jie you're looking for has been captured."

"What?" Xiao Yi stopped involuntarily, and turned to look at him, eyes full of confusion.

He was the one who told her that Wenjie was well in the palace. Could it be that... he strode up to Mingxing and asked loudly, "Tell me quickly, which sentence you said is true and which one is false?"

(End of this chapter)

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