Falling into Acacia Gu: Naughty Lady

Chapter 226 I Want to Marry You

Chapter 226 I Want to Marry You (4)

Mingxing approached her and grabbed her fragrant shoulders, "You should know me very well. For more than ten years, I have been a loner, and your parents are still alive, and you have brothers and sisters. If you don't dislike me, you are already me." blessed."

In ancient times, although he had a good official position and a prominent position, his lonely family background was not very pleasing.

What he said was sincere, her worries about identity disappeared, and then... "What about Miss Yi?"

"She..." took a deep breath, "She is a queen, she cannot escape the fate of a queen, and I treat her... as a beautiful encounter in my life, please forgive my momentary confusion."

His clear eyes fixed on June, and his face was full of sincerity, which was irresistible.

"Master..." A smile climbed onto her face, although there was a little sadness hidden, it would be great if Qiyue was here.

"Will you marry me?" He asked earnestly.

June smiled and nodded, not shy, "As long as the young master is willing to marry, the servant will definitely be willing to marry."

He smiled slightly, "Don't call me Young Master anymore, call me Mingxing, or... Mr. Xianggong." The bride that Yirenlou once envisioned became a beautiful dream after all.

"Young master..." After finishing the words, June quickly covered her lips with her hands, and lowered her head as if she had done something wrong, "I still can't change it."

Mingxing smiled slightly, "It's okay. But take me to your house tomorrow. I will propose marriage to your parents in person, and then leave the marriage to them. Do you think it's okay?" It's quite comfortable, but she never thought that he would be more anxious to get married than herself.

"Yeah." She nodded shyly.

Letting go of her fragrant shoulders, Mingxing's tone remained the same, "Then let's go to bed early tonight, and go back to our rooms now."

"Okay." June smiled, turned and left.

Watching her back go away, Mingxing closed his eyes, and heaved a long sigh. This decision is destined to be an open bow and there is no turning back.

Suddenly, he felt somewhat relieved that June would be a virtuous and capable wife.

It's just that the lingering figure in his mind raged at the moment, covering June's back and making him look sad.

(End of this chapter)

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