Falling into Acacia Gu: Naughty Lady

Chapter 246 Saying Goodbye

Chapter 246 Saying Goodbye (1)

Wen Ye smiled happily when he saw this, it would be Wen Jie's fault.If it weren't for him, he believed that Xiao Yi would not think of compromise.

Wen Jie... Thinking of this person, Xiao Yi's heart ached so much, and she raised her hand to caress her chest. If she wanted him to die innocently, it would be better to let her die innocently under the executioner's knife and axe.

He doesn't know what love is, but when he understands it, he has to keep Yin and Yang apart. Wen Ye wondered what kind of heartache Wen Jie would feel when he found out, but he vowed to keep Xiao Yi's death a secret forever.


Heaven Prison.

The sunlight came in from the skylight and shone on the body, driving away the remaining coldness of the night.

It was quiet in the cell, especially in the morning.

Sitting in the corner, Xiao Yi rested her head on her knees, staring blankly at the straw on the ground, unable to count how long she had been here.

Last night, she was surprised to find that the magic ring on her body had disappeared at some point, and that was the only thing that reminded her of Han Zheng...

Han Zheng!

The person she wanted to find so hard, now in this cell, even if she wanted to find her, she was powerless, not to mention she was already ready to die.

These days, many ministers came to interrogate her. She didn't know why they would punish her since she confessed the crime herself.

She just endured silently, resolutely not revealing any truth, as long as she thought of Wenjie, she could bear no amount of pain, even if it was Ling Chi or five horses.

No more fear, really no fear, as long as Wen Jie lives well, everything is no longer important.

The cell door made a sound and opened with a creak, but Xiao Yi didn't look up, because she knew that everyone who came to see her hoped that she would die soon.

"Xiaoyi"'s familiar emphasis went straight to her heart, she slowly looked up in surprise, her eyes wide open, "Wenjie..."

Is it him, is it really him?I really wanted to stand up immediately and fall into his arms, but my legs were already numb to the point where I couldn't live up to it, so I got up and fell heavily to the ground, "Wen Jie"

"Xiaoyi" came to support her nervously, "Xiaoyi"

Hugging him tightly, Xiao Yi seemed to be in a dream, leaning on his shoulder and crying loudly, "Wen Jie, Wen Jie...why didn't you show up earlier, why didn't you show up earlier?"

(End of this chapter)

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