Falling into Acacia Gu: Naughty Lady

Chapter 248 Saying Goodbye

Chapter 248 Saying Goodbye (3)

"On this day next year, please burn me some paper money with you and June. Don't let me go hungry in the underworld. I can't bear hunger the most. When I'm hungry, I will... have a stomachache."

In the end, she couldn't laugh anymore, and the tears in her eyes, which she tried her best not to let fall, finally burst.

"Xiao Yi" hugged her tightly, letting her tears wet his gorgeous clothes, and closed his eyes in pain, "I don't want you to die."

"Everyone is mortal. I killed Chu Ge. As his subject, you should share the same hatred with those ministers. I hope that I will die soon. Remember to tell the executioner who beheaded me to be more agile, and don't let me suffer for too long. .”

The sparkle in his eyes, hanging in his eye sockets for a long time, he saw in his eyes and felt pain in his heart, "Why are you so stupid, why did you kill him?"

She now sees death as home.Holding her head tightly, she cried out in grief, "Xiaoyi"

Outside the cell, seeing this scene in June, she felt a little bit lost in her heart. Ever since she found out about Xiao Yi's killing the king these two days, Ming Xing has often been absent-minded.

"Sir, Miss Xiaoyi..."

Seeing them embracing each other, June felt somewhat depressed, but thinking that Xiao Yi was dying, she comforted herself to be more generous.

Besides, before marrying Mingxing, she knew that Mingxing liked Xiaoyi.

Ming Xing let go of Xiao Yi awkwardly, and Xiao Yi also left Ming Xing's embrace knowing that something was wrong. When she looked at June, she saw a smile on her face, she gently pulled the hem of her skirt, and slowly walked over , "Miss Xiaoyi, I have prepared some meals for you, please try to see if it suits your taste."

Dressed in brocade clothes, June is completely different from the previous June. Now she is no longer an inconspicuous little sparrow, but a phoenix with gorgeous wings, about to spread her wings and fly to the mountain of happiness.

Fame is her happiness.

I wanted to get up, but my legs were so painful that I could only sit on my knees, and said with a smile on my face, "Congratulations, June." He took their hands and tried to make himself smile and said, "I wish you a happy life! When you are old, you will have a precious son."

It's not that I haven't dreamed of living a peaceful and beautiful life with Wenjie.A trace of sourness flooded my heart, and even my mouth felt bitter in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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