Falling into Acacia Gu: Naughty Lady

Chapter 44 Don't Stay in the Palace

Chapter 44 Don't Stay in the Palace

She fantasized that his big heart would be able to protect her.
After a while, Mingxing withdrew his hand on her pulse, looked up at her with a natural expression, "Your Majesty was just a little frightened, as long as she recuperates well for a few days, she will be fine." 
Seeing that he got up to leave, Yi Wanyan sat up, grabbed his sleeve, and begged, "I want to leave here with you."
Mingxing was startled, and when he turned his head, there was a slight smile on his face, "Your Majesty, don't be afraid, the emperor will come to accompany you in a while."

After getting off the bed, Yi Wanyan stood in front of him, pouted, "I don't want him to accompany you." Then she looked directly at him in fear, and said softly, "You don't know, Lu Cheng was shot by an arrow in the blink of an eye just now, I It’s scary, it’s really scary. Because that feathered arrow is only a little bit about to shoot into my body.” 
Seeing the worry in her eyes, he clearly saw her fragility.

She is not the real queen, he knows it well, but now that she has entered the palace, he wants to take her away, is it possible?

Taking her hand away, Mingxing lowered his head to avoid her pleading eyes, and said quietly: "Your Majesty, please be safe, the Emperor will be here in a while."

No way, is this guy really desperate?
She had just come to the palace, and she already felt the aura of danger, but he was indifferent to the danger lurking around her, and he just took one emperor at a time?
"No, I'm going to go with you." Holding his hand tightly, seeing that his expression didn't change, she acted coquettishly, "Will you take me away?"

Ming Xing's eyes showed embarrassment, looking at Eunuch Lin who was waiting outside the curtain, Ming Xing's expression turned serious, "Major, please respect yourself."

Seeing his sudden change of color, Yi Wanyan stopped pretending to be a coquettish girl with him, and said arrogantly: "Why are you so important? I am not a queen at all, I like you, I will follow you, and I will not stay in the palace even if I die .”

She purposely spoke loudly, and Eunuch Lin, who heard it outside the curtain, felt creepy and walked in quickly.

Her words were like stones thrown into Ming Xing's peaceful heart, causing waves of ripples, staring at the face in front of him, he suddenly smiled, "The empress is the empress, she always talks to scare my ministers."

(End of this chapter)

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