Chapter 98 Scandal (1)
Seeing Li Tuo here is something Di Anxi never thought about. Although there are constant news reports in China, Li Tuo began to work in Hollywood in the United States and achieved good results.But he just entered the set and came to her side, Di Anxi still felt that it was not real.

Li Tuo said, "Long time no see."

Di Anxi said, "Well, long time no see."

It's not a broken-up lover. After all, she only has a good relationship with him.

The scene became so cold.

Until someone ran over and called Di Anxi, "End of your explosion scene!"

Di Anxi responded and stood up, "I'm going to film a movie!"

Li Tuo nodded.

Explosions roared, thick smoke billowed...

Screams, cries, growls, all mixed together.

Suddenly, Di Anxi's feet bumped and she couldn't stand still... She just thought that she was about to fall because she didn't stand properly, but her feet shook even more violently.Accompanied by the strong shaking, the bricks, tiles and decorations on the set fell from the top of the head and fell to the ground, making pits, and some even smashed to pieces!

Di Anxi deftly stole the documents at this "critical moment".

Everything is according to the script.She even admired how Miguo achieved such an overly real vibration effect.She hardly suspected that an accident had happened right now.Until it sounded in her ears, "The gunpowder can't be controlled, there is a problem with the gunpowder mechanism." This line went beyond the content of the script, which made Di Anxi's nerves tense.The explosion that gradually sounded was getting closer and closer to Di Anxi, and her hands and feet became uncontrollable.On the set, objects were constantly being dropped from high places, one by one falling to the ground and making "slap", "bang" and "bang-dang" sounds.

"Run! Hurry up—" Li Tuo turned his head and shouted at Di Anxi, his brows and eyes were full of anxiety!Di Anxi realized that she was about to take a step - she felt a mass of heat rushing towards her face, and a bad premonition followed.

Di Anxi watched helplessly as the gunpowder in front of her instantly ignited and exploded, causing a fiery red fire that seemed to be able to swallow everything... Objects were constantly being burned in front of her eyes, and she was instantly drawn into the flames... The fire burned more and more. Big, faster and faster!In the distance, Li Tuo shouted loudly, desperately urging her to run.

There was a rumbling sound in my ears.But the world seems to be slowing down, everything seems to be in a very short time, Di Anxi doesn't even know how she opened her legs, how to take every step... The feeling of stepping on the ground is very unreal, the whole person seems to be sleepwalking generally.Fire, big fire, burning fire, all burning fires will be ignited... Although I saw this, I couldn't avoid it. Seeing that a charred log was about to hit Di Anxi's head—a hand grabbed her violently Her arm moved forward fiercely, and Di Anxi felt her whole body being pulled by a huge force, and she couldn't help but lean forward.The charred wood that had fallen down hit her feet. "Run!" A loud voice came from beside the ear, and a strange masculine breath approached - it was Li Tuo!

"Run, follow me! You won't get hit!"

He actually ran over.

He really ran over!Li Tuo didn't care about Di Anxi's shocking expression, and without saying a word, he pulled her to run forward at a fast speed, and objects around them kept slipping and falling to pieces beside them, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Diane was in such a situation.

Protected by Li Taku, he ran forward at an astonishing speed... "Okay! It should be fine!"

The two ran for a long time until they escaped from the danger zone and stood in an open place where the fire would not reach. Li Tuo stopped, put his arms off Di Anxi's shoulders, put his hands on his knees, and kept panting .Fine beads of sweat slid down Li Tuo's forehead.

Li Tuo gasped for a few seconds, then raised his head, looked at Di Anxi with a pair of deep black eyes, with a trace of concern in his eyes, "Are you okay, are you injured?" Di Anxi wiped the dirt from her face.

The dust from the fire made them both ashamed.His hands and face were fine except for a few scratches. "I'm fine, how about you?" Di Anxi replied. "That's good!" Li Tuo looked at him, and finally showed a reassuring smile, "It's okay, it's okay..."

Watching the fire trucks quickly enter the set and gradually extinguish the raging fire, both of them had a sense of unreality that they would survive after a catastrophe.

"Why did you come here today?" As soon as Di Anxi asked the question, she thought of Bai Mu. If it was him, he would definitely answer, because I know my wife will be in danger today, so I came to save you!Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Di Anxi's lips.

"I heard that you came here to film a movie, so I wanted to come and have a look!" Li Tuo pursed his lips, and said, "Are you married?"

On Di Anxi's finger was a small ring, the diamond on it was covered with soot, "The child is already half a year old."


"What about you?" Diane asked.

Li Tuo shook his head.It's just that an overly noisy girl suddenly appeared in my mind, she clings to him like a piece of brown candy, pesters him and threatens him, jumps up and kisses him when she is happy, and wipes her snot and tears on herself when she is sad On his clothes, he will say that he likes him over and over without any morals, and he will act like a baby and threaten him not to hook up with other women.

Li Tuo finally nodded again, "It's okay."

Di Anxi said that he could see it in his eyes, "People are always easily bound by the past, but they can't see the beautiful things around them, and they are reluctant to throw them away, so they can't find a new life."

After listening to Di Anxi's words, Li Tuo finally smiled: "You saw through it."

"Because I am always abandoned by others, I just want to be the most important person in other people's lives. Your rejection made me depressed for a long time. I heard that you came to the United States, so I just wanted to see if it was possible for us !" Li Tuo rarely confessed his inner thoughts so bluntly, "Fortunately, the crew gave me this opportunity."

"Yes, you have become my savior."

Di Anxi's half-serious words made Li Tuo curl his lips, "I'm not brave enough, I'm too persistent, but I just like nostalgia. In fact, I have many fans now, and many people like it. I'm no longer the one who can be thrown away like garbage. A child who comes and goes. I came to you today to make a decision, muster up the courage to chase you again, or give up completely. And now I hope that we can be friends..."

The two walked side by side by the lake, the lake water sparkled under the breeze, and the stone in their hearts was let go, and the two of them felt more at ease than ever before.

"You have been in Hollywood for more than a year, why don't you plan to return to China to develop?"

(End of this chapter)

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