Chapter 57

Cui Dali said solemnly: "Mr. Yang, Mrs. Yang, my medical skills are not learned in school, but from the inheritance of my ancestors!"

He repeated the old tune angrily: "My ancestor was an imperial physician in the palace, and he devoted his whole life to the royal family. He not only has attainments in medical skills, but is also a master of yin and yang and feng shui."

"He spent his whole life leaving a mental method, and I got the inheritance, so I can save the noble daughter."

"Oh, your ancestor is really amazing, you have a bright future after getting the inheritance!"

Yang Shulin and his wife couldn't help being shocked again, they were stupefied for a moment, even Yang Fang forgot to be shy, she listened seriously with her bright eyes open.

"Of course."

Cui Dali said eloquently: "My ancestor's doctor was superb. People in the world called him Sai Shenxian. His attainments in yin and yang feng shui are much better than some masters on TV today."


Hearing Cui Dali mentioned yin and yang Fengshui, Yang Shulin suddenly thought of something, and he couldn't help but look over.

"Mr. Yang, Mrs. Yang, look here!"

Cui Dali walked to the window and opened the curtain directly.

At this moment, the strong sunlight came in, and everyone in the room felt their eyes were dazzled, and turned their heads to avoid it.

Although it was two o'clock in the afternoon and the intensity of the sun had weakened, it was still extremely hot.

Especially the glass greenhouse on the roof of the opposite villa, the light reflected by it illuminates the whole house like a stove.

"Mr. Yang, Mrs. Yang, you have seen it!"

Cui Dali pointed to the greenhouse of the opposite villa and said: "After the sunlight is reflected by the glass curtain wall of the greenhouse, it all shines into this room!"

Without waiting for Yang Shulin and his wife to respond, he explained: "When the dappled sunlight shines in, it's like a lightsaber!"

"In that case, our Fangfang's transformation into a vegetable has a lot to do with the greenhouse opposite?"

Yang Shulin and Li Xue were extremely shocked, and their expressions became more and more gloomy.

Cui Dali's words couldn't be more clear. Yang Shulin and his wife are not fools. Now they finally understand that the reason why their daughter was in danger was completely impacted by the opposite greenhouse.

Especially what Cui Dali said about the light evil problem, which also made them extremely worried.

After such an explanation, they also observed carefully. After the sun shone into the room, the light and shadow on the wall really looked like a sharp sword.

"Doctor Cui, according to your words, our family's feng shui cannot be broken, and this caused our little girl to be in danger?"

Li Xue's face was also ugly, and there was a trace of panic in her eyes.

Their business people are the most particular about Feng Shui, and now they hear what Cui Dali said clearly and logically, and they are even more convinced in their hearts.

"It seems that the Feng Shui here has really been destroyed!"

Yang Shulin's complexion also became gloomy, but he was not quite sure about it in his heart. He usually burned incense for divination, but he knew nothing about these profound questions.

"Yes, that greenhouse is weird, and it was also responsible for my accident that day."

Yang Fang, who had been silent by the side, suddenly spoke up. She seemed to remember something very important, and her face was full of panic.

"Fangfang, don't be afraid, everyone is here, tell me what you saw that day?"

When Li Xue and Yang Shulin heard this, they felt that it was not that simple, and they hurriedly comforted their daughter.

"Don't be afraid, just tell us if you have anything to say, no one can hurt you."

Yang Shulin patted the back of his daughter's hand, his tone full of fatherly love.

He only knew that Yang Fang accidentally bumped into a street lamp in order to hide from a child riding a tricycle, and she has been in a coma for more than a year since then.

But I don't know the details, and my daughter's driving skills are not bad, so she shouldn't be so flustered.

Now hearing from their daughter about the direct relationship between their distress and the greenhouse, Yang Shulin and Li Xue were really surprised.

Cui Dali also encouraged: "Miss Yang, you must explain the situation at that time, so I can think of a solution.


After a long time, Yang Fang's emotions slowly calmed down. She looked at the opposite greenhouse and fell into memories.

"I came back from shopping in the supermarket that day, and I was only a few tens of meters away from home, but I encountered a special situation here."

"I saw a piercing bright light coming from not far away, and I couldn't open my eyes at that time. Just as I saw the situation clearly, a little boy riding a tricycle rushed out from the side."

"At that time, my eyes were still blurred, and I was trying to hide from that little boy. In a hurry, I bumped into a street lamp, and I can't remember what happened after that."

"Ah, it turned out that it was really caused by the reflection of the greenhouse."

Li Xue said something in amazement, and she immediately said angrily: "Who owns the villa opposite, why did the owner want to kill us, and even did this to Fangfang?"

"Old Yang, this matter must be investigated thoroughly. Later, I will go to the property to find out who the owner is."

Li Xue spoke anxiously to Yang Shulin, her expression was quite excited.

"Okay, which guy who has eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard actually plotted against me, I have to get to the bottom of this matter."

"If I can find out who the owner of the home is, I must let him go around without food."

At this time, Yang Shulin was also pale with anger, and his body was trembling unceasingly.

His family was attacked with feng shui, and his daughter became a vegetable because of this. It would be strange if he could be calm again.

"Mr. Yang, Mrs. Yang, please don't get excited."

Cui Dali quickly explained: "Actually, things are not that simple."

Seeing that Yang Shulin also understood that his daughter's situation was related to Feng Shui attacks, Cui Dali was finally relieved.

In fact, there was a reason why he didn't explain in advance. If he came up and talked about Feng Shui theory, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to enter Yang Fang's room.

A doctor doesn't talk about the principles of medical treatment, but talks about yin and yang, Feng Shui, which is easy to be dismissed as a liar.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Cui Dali decided to rescue Yang Fang first, and then explain the reason to her.

Now Yang Fang has also personally confirmed the situation that day, and Yang Shulin also knew that it was caused by Feng Shui attack.

At this moment, Li Xue said with great concern: "What should we do now, the greenhouse on the opposite side still exists, and there will definitely be problems in the future!"

Cui Dali replied: "This matter is easy to handle. Either destroy the greenhouse, or you sell the house."

(End of this chapter)

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