Chapter 209 Slandering You

Pei Xuan acted very quickly, and within three days, the government released the embezzled pension.

But this is only in Huaixing County, as for other places, Zhaoyang can't see it, and can't know it.

But it's useless for her to be anxious, she is just Yu Zhenzhen now, and she has no identity and qualifications to intervene in these important court affairs.

"Really, I have to go back to Beijing." In the evening, Zhaoyang was practicing calligraphy, and Pei Xuan whispered next to him, "The amount of pension that was withheld is unimaginable, and the Ministry of War can't talk about it. If you come out to make trouble, the household department and the old hag will be afraid."

"Then you go back and be careful, the Empress Dowager will not let you go easily, and even fabricate charges to slander you."

"Are you worried about me? I'm very happy. But don't worry, the old hag couldn't deal with me before, and it's even worse now. She's afraid of the military power in my hands."

"It is precisely because of fear that I will try my best to get the military power over."

What Zhaoyang wants to say is that the Empress Dowager may marry him or give him a woman on the grounds of his outstanding military achievements, so as to stare at him.

Thinking of this, Zhaoyang felt a little uncomfortable.

Probably because she is used to Pei Xuan raising male pets, if Pei Xuan suddenly has more women around her, she will not be used to it.

System: Pei Xuan is really a tragedy when she is so emotionally insensitive as the eldest princess!If it were someone else, they might all be thinking about whether they are grateful or affectionate towards Pei Xuan. The eldest princess is fine, and I hope they will always keep a male pet...

Please wake up, princess, Pei Xuan raises male pets just to avoid being targeted by those girls!

But no matter how the system complained, Zhaoyang still didn't think about it.

"Soldiers come to cover up the water, and the old hag can't do anything to me, especially her usual tricks, which won't work on me."

Pei Xuan also knows that the Empress Dowager likes to overwhelm others with bestowing marriages. Others may give in, but he, Pei Xuan, will not!
After all, he had threatened the old hag before sending troops to reinforce her.

If the old witch dared to think so highly of herself, he would immediately let her know that she was not even a thing.

"It's better to be careful. She has been running the court for many years, and she is not without power. Don't forget that Prince An."

"I'll let you see that the old witch can't do anything to me. Really, I will personally welcome you back to Beijing."

"Okay, I will use my identity to go back aboveboard."

"What are you talking about? Come over and have something to eat." Seeing the two getting so close, the old lady was terrified, afraid that her granddaughter would be tempted by Pei Xuan.

Zhaoyang felt a little helpless, so he could only put down his pen and walk over.

The old lady made peanut pancakes, which were freshly fried, fragrant and crispy.

Zhaoyang, who doesn't like snacks, also ate two.

"Is it delicious?" The old lady looked at the two with a smile.

"The old lady's craftsmanship is getting better and better, and it's even better than the ones from the stalls outside." Pei Xuan praised.

The old lady smiled and was very happy, but she denied it: "Where is it, you are exaggerating, how can it be compared to others who make this specially. But if you like it, you can eat a few more, this pancake will not be crispy when it is cold. "

"Really, you can eat too." Pei Xuan took a piece and handed it over.

Zhaoyang's two yuan is enough, she didn't want it: "I've already eaten, no need!"

The old lady was very satisfied with Zhaoyang's actions: "The little girl doesn't have a big appetite, Ziyun you can eat by yourself, don't worry about her."

"By the way, old lady, I have some things to leave for a while. During this time, please ask the old lady to supervise the calligraphy practice, so that she won't be lazy."

(End of this chapter)

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