Chapter 211 It's Not Easy For You

Seeing the pride on Zhao Boheng's face, Zhaoyang's heart immediately warmed up.

You must know that when she was in the palace, no matter how well she did, no one would recognize her, and would even do everything possible to criticize her.

Everyone envied her for being the eldest princess, but no one knew the sadness behind it.

Zhaoyang thought for a while, and said to Zhao Boheng: "Master, there is something I have been hiding from you. My memory is good and bad, and I don't know if it will have any impact in the future?"

"Why is this? I see that you are in good health."

"Probably because I hit my head twice in a row and got injured. Usually, I don't feel anything wrong. It's just that my memory is occasionally messed up. Sometimes I don't even know who I am."

"There is no cure for this. In the future, if you feel that something is wrong with you, don't treat others, so as not to cause any mistakes, but you still have to learn the skills of medicine. Which genius doctor has no temper? Others dare not say What are you?"

Zhao Boheng was thoughtful for Zhaoyang.

Zhaoyang told him this in the hope that when Yu Zhenzhen came back in the future, he would not be too abrupt and make people wonder what Yu Zhenzhen was.

"I will pay attention, but I hope Master will not tell my family about this matter, I am afraid they will worry."

"Don't worry, you told the master after careful consideration, and the master will not talk too much. The master will go back and look through the medical books to see if there is a cure."

"Thank you Master."

Most of the people in Niutou Village are simple and simple, which is completely opposite to Zhaoyang's perception of people's hearts in the first half of his life.

She likes these villagers very much, it is very easy to face them, and she does not have to be careful with every word, so as not to be misunderstood.

She, the eldest princess, walks on the tip of the knife every step of the way, unable to act recklessly.

Only during her time in Niutou Village was the time in her life that was farthest away from conspiracies and tricks, and she realized what it means to be ordinary and blessed.

After the patient came out, the patient thanked Zhaoyang and Zhao Boheng a thousand times.

They are all poor people who can't afford to be ill or look down on them. They dragged it off until they had no other choice, so they begged Zhao Boheng.

I thought that if I couldn't pay the consultation fee, I would be rejected, but I didn't expect that they not only came, but also kindly asked them to pay back the consultation fee slowly.

That's right, it's not that they don't charge, it's to give them time to save the money.

It's not that they don't have sympathy, but that if this precedent is set, there will be two if there is one. Doctors save lives and heal the wounded, but they can't always fill in.

[Fortunately, princess, you chose to study medicine at the beginning. These days, the number of people thanking you is increasing day by day. Although it is slow, and it is still far from 50, but hard work pays off, and you will definitely succeed. ]
"Compared with these thanks, I hope that they will be free from disasters, illnesses, and pains." Zhaoyang said sincerely, "There is no health that is more precious."

The system sighed. It remembered that there was a host who wanted to earn points for the good of everyone on the surface, but in fact he was very dark inside. He wished that everyone would be unlucky so that he could stand up as the savior.

The eldest princess is different, the eldest princess is sincere, and I hope everyone is well.

[Growing up in the palace, you can still maintain such a kind heart, it's not easy for you, princess. ]
Zhaoyang smiled: "I also have vicious moments, but you don't know it."

Everyone has their own thoughts, and she also secretly hoped that the Empress Dowager would die suddenly, and tried to kill her several times, but finally endured it.

She didn't want her younger brother to become a notorious emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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