Chapter 10 Anger
Ah Fei said: "I used to think so, but now, I already know that sometimes life is better than death."

Lin Xian'er bit her lip and said, "It's not like what you said, just like what Li Xunhuan said, only a lonely person like him can say such ridiculous things."

Pain appeared in Ah Fei's eyes again, and he said, "You think this is ridiculous?"

Lin Xian'er said: "Of course it's ridiculous. If everyone thinks the same as him, there are countless people in the world who should have died long ago. Since no one else..."

Ah Fei suddenly interrupted her, and said slowly: "I am not someone else, I am me!"

Lin Xian'er stared at his face, and said quietly: "I found that you treat him better than me, don't you?"

Ah Fei's mouth closed, forming a line.

Lin Xian'er said sadly: "But why don't you think about it, he always wants you to kill for him, I just want you to live for me, don't I treat you much better than him?"

Ah Fei finally let out a long sigh, and said: "But, I can't let him feel that as long as I'm with you, I'll be depressed. I must make him understand that I can cheer up only when I'm with you!"

Lin Xian'er burst into tears again, and said: "Sometimes I really don't understand, what is on your mind?"

Ah Fei said: "I think it's very simple, so it won't change."

The simpler, the less variation.

Lin Xian'er raised her tearful eyes, stared at him, and said, "It will never change?"

Ah Fei said: "Forever!"

His answer is also very simple.

Lin Xian'er stood up and walked slowly to the window.

There is no sound outside the window, not even the chirping of insects and the singing of birds—no matter what kind of life it is, as long as it comes here, the value of life will suddenly become very humble.

Here, the most real feeling is "death", whether you are sitting or standing, whether you are inside or outside the window, you can feel its existence anytime and anywhere.

After a long time, Lin Xianer sighed and said, "I suddenly realized that the relationship between you and Li Xunhuan is very similar to Shangguan Jinhong and Jing Wuming."

Ah Fei said: "Oh?"

Lin Xian'er said: "Jing Wuming lived almost entirely for Shangguan Jinhong, and of course Shangguan Jinhong treated him very well, until now..."

With a bitter smile on the corner of her mouth, she continued slowly: "Jing Wuming has lost the value of being used now, and was immediately driven out by Shangguan Jinhong like a wild dog. Such an ending, I'm afraid he was dreaming Unexpected."

Ah Fei said: "Maybe he thought of it a long time ago."

Lin Xian'er said: "If he knew the ending would be like this, would he still do that?"

Ah Fei said: "He will, because he has no choice."

Lin Xian'er said, "What about you?"

A Fei stopped talking.

Lin Xian'er said: "Li Xun Huan treats you well only because you are the only one in this world who can really help him. Apart from you, he is almost completely isolated, but when you are useless, will he be like Shangguan Jin Hong?" Treating you like Jing Wuming?"

Ah Fei was silent for a long time, and suddenly said: "Turn around!"

He spoke the words slowly, but firmly and sternly.

He had never spoken to Lin Xian'er like this before.

Lin Xian'er clenched her hand on the window lattice suddenly, and said, "Turn around? Why?"

Ah Fei said, "Because I want to tell you two things."

Lin Xian'er said: "This way I can hear it too."

Ah Fei said: "But I want you to look at me. For some words, you have to listen not only with your ears, but also with your eyes, otherwise you will never understand its meaning."

Lin Xian'er's hand clenched even tighter, but she finally turned her head around.

She saw Ah Fei's eyes and understood what he meant.

Ah Fei's eyes suddenly became almost exactly the same as Shangguan Jinhong's.

If a person's eyes become like this, it means that no matter what he says, you have to listen to it, and you must not disobey it.

Otherwise you are bound to regret it.

At this moment, Lin Xian'er realized that she was wrong.

She had always thought that she had completely controlled Ah Fei, but now she realized how wrong this idea was.

Ah Fei really loved her, deeply.

But in a man's life, there are many more important things than "love"—things more important than life.

Ah Fei had always been obedient to her before, that was only because she hadn't touched these things yet.

She can ask him to die for her, but she can never ask him to abandon these things.

After a long time, Lin Xian'er smiled and said, "What are you going to tell me? I'm listening."

She still smiled sweetly, but it was a bit forced.

Ah Fei said: "I want you to understand that Li Xunhuan is my friend, I don't allow anyone to insult my friend... anyone!"

Lin Xian'er lowered her head and said, "What else?"

Ah Fei said: "What you said just now not only underestimated me, but also underestimated Jing Wuming."

Lin Xian'er suddenly raised her head, eyes full of surprise and doubt, said: "He?..."

Ah Fei said: "He left because he wanted to leave, not because he was driven away."

Lin Xian'er said: "But, I don't understand..."

Ah Fei said: "You don't have to understand, you just need to remember."

Lin Xian'er lowered her head again, and said quietly: "I will always remember every word you said, and I only hope that you will never forget, you will never change your heart towards me."

A Fei stared at her for a long time.

Even if there is an iceberg in his heart, it has already melted at this moment.

He walked over slowly, towards her, as if there was a strange force in her attracting him, which he couldn't resist at all.

Lin Xian'er walked away, as if she was afraid of getting attached to him, and said, "Not today..."

A Fei's body suddenly stiffened.

Lin Xian'er laughed again, and said softly: "Today you must have a good rest, go to sleep, I will stay by your side."

Shangguan Jinhong stood there, looking at the door, as if waiting.

What is he waiting for?
The people waiting outside the door have already withdrawn, because Shangguan Jin Hong has ordered them: "Someone is coming tonight, I will not allow anyone to disturb him."

Who is coming?

Why does Shangguan Jinhong attach so much importance to him?
No matter what Shangguan Jinhong does, he has a purpose. What is his purpose this time?
The night is darker and quieter.

Ah Fei closed his eyes, breathing very evenly, as if he had already slept soundly.

In fact, he was fully awake, almost never sober.

He has rarely been unable to fall asleep, because he never falls asleep until he is very tired. These days, he falls asleep as soon as he touches the pillow.

But now, he has insomnia.

Lin Xian'er was sleeping next to him, breathing evenly.

As long as A Fei turns over, he can hug her warm and soft body.

But he barely controlled himself, he didn't even dare to look at her, he was afraid that if he looked at her, his will would completely collapse.

Lin Xian'er has always trusted him so much, how could he do such a thing?

But he could still feel her sweet breath, and he almost used all his energy and strength to force himself to control himself.

This is by no means a pleasant thing to do.

Desire is like a wave, which calms down for a while, and then rolls over again immediately.

He continued to suffer like a fish in a hot pan.

How can he sleep?

Lin Xian'er's breathing seemed to be heavier, but her eyes had slowly opened.

The bright eyes stared quietly at Ah Fei in the darkness.

With disheveled hair hanging over his broad forehead, he slept like a child.

Lin Xian'er suddenly noticed that his eyelashes were also very long, as if she wanted to reach out her hand to gently touch... At this moment, if she really stretched out her hand, A Fei might be hers forever in the future, and maybe she would do it for her. Drop everything, give up everything.

At this moment, her gaze was gentle, but it was only for a short moment. Her hand had already been retracted, and the waves of her gentle eyes had frozen, but she whispered: "Xiao Fei, you are asleep!" Is it gone?"

Ah Fei didn't answer, nor did he open his eyes.

He dare not.

He was afraid of himself... Lin Xian'er waited for a long time, then slipped off the bed quietly, and quietly lifted her shoes.

She held her shoes, quietly opened the door and went out.

It's so late, where is she going?

It was as if a needle had been pierced into Ah Fei's heart suddenly, causing his heart to constrict.

"Out of sight, out of mind, there are some things that you never know, but it's better."

A Fei also understands that truth is often the cruelest and most hurtful.

Unfortunately, he could no longer control himself.

The door opened.

A smile suddenly flashed in Shangguan Jin Hong's eyes.

He was even crueler when he laughed than when he wasn't.

Lin Xian'er closed the door, leaned against the door, stared at him, and with a "poof", one of the shoes she was carrying fell down, and then another.

She sighed a long time, and said, "You already knew that I would come, didn't you?"

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "Yes."

Lin Xian'er bit her lip and said, "But I... I myself don't know why I came here."

Shangguan Jin Hong said: "I know."

Lin Xian'er said: "You know?"

Shangguan Jinhong said: "You come, because you have found that Ah Fei is not as reliable as you imagined. If you still want to live and live well, you can only come to me."

Lin Xian'er said: "You... are you reliable?"

Shangguan Jin Hong smiled and said, "Then you have to ask yourself."

There is no absolutely reliable man in the world.

Whether a man is reliable depends entirely on whether the woman's methods are effective for him.

Of course Lin Xian'er understood this truth very well.

She also smiled and said, "You must be very reliable, because I will never let you down."

At first, she smiled with her eyes.

Then, she used her hands, waist, and legs... She seemed to have made up her mind that she would not hesitate to use any means to entangle this man.

She used her most effective weapon as fast as she could.

In the eyes of men, there is absolutely nothing more attractive than a naked woman, let alone a woman like Lin Xian'er.

Strangely, Shangguan Jinhong's eyes were still staring at the door.

He seemed to think that this door was much prettier than hers.

Lin Xian'er gasped and said, "Pick me up, I...I can't walk anymore."

Shangguan Jin Hong picked her up, but his eyes were still fixed on the door.

With a bang, the door was knocked open.

A person crashed in, like a burning fire.



No one can describe Ah Fei's current anger, and no one can imagine it.

A smile flashed across Shangguan Jin Hong's eyes.

"Could it be that he had already planned that Ah Fei would come?"

Ah Fei didn't seem to see him at all.

He could hardly see anyone in his eyes, all he saw was a nightmare.

His whole body was shaking.

Lin Xian'er didn't even turn her eyes, she still hooked Shangguan Jin Hong's neck and said, "Don't people who come to you knock on the door?"

Ah Fei suddenly punched backhand and hit the door.

It is an iron gate.

Ah Fei's fist was already bleeding, and his lips turned white from the pain.

But what kind of pain in the world can compare with the pain in his heart at this moment.

Lin Xian'er laughed, and said, "So this person is a lunatic."

Ah Fei finally broke out and roared, "So you are this kind of woman."

Lin Xianer said lightly: "Can't you think of it... In fact, I have always been this kind of woman, and I have never changed. You can't think of it because you are too stupid."

She sneered, and continued: "As long as you are a little smarter, you shouldn't have come!"

Ah Fei said sharply, "I'm here."

Lin Xian'er said: "What's the benefit of you coming? Can you still bite me?... What does I have to do with you? Can you control me? No matter what I do, you can only watch."

There seemed to be tears in Ah Fei's eyes, but at this moment the tears seemed to have suddenly condensed into ice.

His eyes seemed to have turned a dead gray.

The dead gray of despair is like the color of Jing Wuming's eyes.

His blood and tears seemed to have flowed out at this moment, and his life seemed to have ended at this moment.

It was as if he had suddenly become a dead man.

"You shouldn't come, you really shouldn't come..."

You know you shouldn't, so why did you come?

Why do people always do things they shouldn't do to hurt themselves?

(End of this chapter)

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