Chapter 22 Clever Means

Mr. Sun pondered, and said: "When he comes the day after tomorrow, Shangguan Jinhong must have arrived first."

Sun Xiaohong said: "How do you know?"

Mr. Sun said: "Because the person who comes first has the right to occupy the best position first. Of course, Shangguan Jinhong is not willing to miss this opportunity."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Then, why didn't Li Xunhuan compete with him?"

Mr. Sun sighed: "Maybe he never wants to compete with others, maybe...he has other intentions."

He suddenly smiled, and continued: "Xiao Li Tanhua is not an ordinary person, sometimes even I can't figure out his intentions."

Sun Xiaohong blinked and said: "From my point of view, all the places here are similar... I really can't see where the best terrain is."

Mr. Sun said: "It's right where he is standing now."

Sun Xiaohong said: "What's the difference between the place where he stands and other places?"

Mr. Sun said: "Shangguan Jinhong is standing here, Li Xunhuan must be opposite him."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Yes."

Old Mr. Sun said: "The duel time is exactly when the sun goes down..."

Sun Xiaohong hurriedly said: "I understand, the setting sun shines this way, and the person standing there will inevitably be dazzled by the sun. As long as he loses sight for a moment, it will give the other party a chance to kill him."

Mr. Sun sighed: "Exactly."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Since Shangguan Jinhong will definitely stand here, what is he doing here?"

Mr. Sun said: "Only when he stands here can he discover the weakness of this place and decide where he wants to stand."

He went on to say: "Look, the setting sun shines on the dry forest, and there are also flashes, because there is autumn frost on the dead branches, so the eyes of the people standing here are sometimes pierced by the flashes."

At this time Li Xun Huan had already walked under a tree opposite.

Sun Xiaohong's eyes followed him involuntarily, and suddenly felt a burst of light dazzling - the tree obviously had the most frost on it, and the angle of refraction was also the best, so the reflection was strong.

Mr. Sun smiled and said, "Do you understand now?"

Before Sun Xiaohong could speak, Li Xunhuan suddenly flew up the tree, and saw him flying like an autumn geese returning to the sky, tapping on every dead branch.

Mr. Sun sighed: "The world only knows about Li Feidao, and his examples are not in vain, but they don't know his lightness kung fu, and few people can match it."

Sun Xiaohong said: "But what is he doing here?"

Mr. Sun said: "He is testing whether the dead branches over there are firm and not easy to break. This has two functions."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Which two kinds?"

Mr. Sun said: "First, he is afraid that Shangguan Jinhong will play tricks on the dead branches."

Sun Xiaohong frowned and said, "What kind of hands and feet?"

Mr. Sun said: "When he is facing Shangguan Jinhong, if the dead branch on the tree suddenly breaks, what will happen?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "If the dead branch is broken, it will fall naturally."

Mr. Sun asked, "Where did it fall?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Of course it fell on the ground."

Her eyes lit up suddenly, and she quickly continued: "Maybe it will fall in front of him, maybe it will fall on his head, he will inevitably be distracted, and Shangguan Jinhong will have another chance to kill him if he is distracted. "

Old Mr. Sun smiled and said: "Also, when it is a last resort, he can only retreat to the tree and use lightness kung fu to regain the disadvantage. At that time, the treetop will become his battlefield."

Sun Xiaohong said: "So he has to check the condition of each tree first, just like he checked the soil quality here."

Mr. Sun sighed and said, "Now you finally understand."

Sun Xiaohong also sighed, and said: "I finally understand now that there is so much knowledge before the duel."

Mr. Sun said: "No matter what you do, when you do it at a high level, it is a kind of knowledge, even making clothes and cooking."

He focused on Li Xun Huan, and continued slowly: "Although their duel will be the day after tomorrow, it actually started long before they met for the first time. This period is the time to really test their carefulness, endurance, and wisdom. Their victory or defeat has been decided during this period of time, and when it comes time to make a real move, it can be resolved in an instant."

Sun Xiaohong sighed: "But other people can only see that moment, so people often say 'Wulin masters fight with one move', and who knows how much effort they have spent on that move?"

Mr. Sun's eyes suddenly showed a sense of desolation, he knocked on the flint, lit the pipe, looked at the flickering fire in the pipe, and said slowly: "A real master must be lonely in this world. Because others can only see their glory, but not the price of their sacrifice, no one can understand him at all."

Sun Xiaohong lowered her head and fiddled with the corner of her clothes, and said quietly: "But do they need others to understand?"

Li Xun Huan lifted up his skirt, tapped his toes lightly, brushed the ground, and swept up to the top of the octagonal pavilion.

Mr. Sun took a long puff of smoke and sighed: "Others think that Li Xunhuan is a careless and careless person, and who can see his careful side? When it comes to the really important juncture, he is really a little bit They won't let go."

Sun Xiaohong lowered her head and sighed, "Maybe it's because he has let go too much..."

She suddenly raised her head, stared at Mr. Sun, and said, "Since this battle has already started, from your old man's point of view, who of them has gained the upper hand so far?"

Mr. Sun pondered, and said: "No one has an advantage."

Sun Xiaohong began to bite her own lips hard again.

When she was upset, she would bite her lips, and the more upset she was, the harder she bit.

Now she has almost bitten her lip.

Mr. Sun suddenly asked: "What do you think?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "I think... Shangguan Jinhong seems to have more confidence in himself."

Old Mr. Sun said: "That's right, it's just because in recent years no matter what he does, everything goes smoothly, but his son's death is a great blow to him."

Sun Xiaohong said: "There is also Jing Wuming, if Jing Wuming leaves, he will suffer a great loss."

Mr. Sun said: "That's why he was in a hurry to fight Li Xun Huan because he was afraid that his confidence would be lost."

He let out a long sigh, and then said: "So this battle not only affects the lives of the two of them, but also the fate of the entire martial arts world."

Sun Xiaohong blinked and said, "It's so important?"

Old Mr. Sun said: "Because if Shangguan Jin Hong wins this battle, he will definitely have stronger confidence in himself, and he will have no scruples in doing things. At that time, I am afraid that no one in the world can really restrain him."

Sun Xiaohong rolled her eyes and said, "Now I suddenly feel that he will never win this battle."

Mr. Sun said: "Oh?"

Sun Xiaohong said: "Xiao Li's flying knife is not in vain, his flying knife has never missed."

Mr. Sun sighed and said, "Shangguan Jinhong has never been defeated."

Sun Xiaohong stopped biting her lips, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You old man, don't forget, he was defeated once."

Mr. Sun said: "Oh?"

Sun Xiaohong said leisurely: "That day, in the long pavilion outside Luoyang City, didn't he have been defeated by your old man?"

Mr. Sun suddenly stopped talking.

Sun Xiaohong said: "I have never begged you for anything, now, I only ask you for one thing."

Mr. Sun exhaled smoke again, hid his eyes in the smoke, and said, "Say it."

Sun Xiaohong said: "I just beg you, old man, don't let Li Xunhuan die, don't..."

She suddenly rushed over, knelt down at her grandfather's knee, and said: "Only you in this world can control Shangguan Jinhong, and you are the only one who can save him. You should know that if he dies, I won't There is a way to survive."

The smoke has cleared.

Mr. Sun's eyes still seemed to have a layer of fog.

Like autumn fog, desolate, desolate...but there is a smile on his lips.

He stared into the distance, stroked Sun Xiaohong's hair, and said softly: "You are the naughtiest of my granddaughters, if you die, who will come to pluck my beard and pull my hair? "

Sun Xiaohong jumped up and said happily: "You agreed?"

Old Mr. Sun nodded slowly, and said with a smile: "The reason why you talk about it is to wait for me to say this?"

Sun Xiaohong's face turned red, she lowered her head and smiled, "You old man should know that if you don't get a girl, your daughter's heart is always outward."

Mr. Sun laughed loudly and said, "But if you are still so thick-skinned, I don't know if people dare to take you."

Sun Xiaohong put her mouth close to his ear, and whispered: "I know, if he doesn't want it, I have a way to make him want it."

Mr. Sun hugged her suddenly, as if he had returned to more than ten years ago. When she was a child, he hugged her and said softly: "You are my favorite granddaughter, but you are too naughty and courageous." Ma'am, I've been worried that you won't find your in-law's family, but now you've finally found one you like, and I'm happy for you too."

Sun Xiaohong chuckled and said, "It's my luck that I found him, and it's his luck that he found me. There may not be many people like me in this world."

Old Mr. Sun laughed again, and said, "Except for you, there is hardly any one."

Sun Xiaohong lay on her grandfather's lap, feeling indescribably happy and proud.

Because she not only has the most proud grandfather, but also the most proud lover.

Family affection, love, she already has it all, what else can a woman want?

She felt that she was simply the happiest woman in the world.

She felt that the future was bright.

But at this time the earth has already darkened, and the light has been swallowed by the darkness.

She didn't feel it at all.

"Love is blind."

Although this sentence sounds very vulgar, it does have its eternal truth.

If Sun Xiaohong could open her eyes at this moment, she would find how profound the sorrow and pain in her grandfather's eyes were - even if others could see it, they would never be able to guess the reason for his grief.

As night approaches, the wind gets colder.

There is no sound, only dead branches and decaying grass are left weeping in the wind.

Where is Li Xunhuan's person?

Sun Xiaohong couldn't help but ran out and said loudly: "What are you doing up there? Why don't you come down?"

no respond.

Where is Li Xunhuan's person?

Is there really some sinister ambush on the octagonal pavilion?Could it be that Li Xunhuan has been murdered?
The octagonal pavilion is covered with red tiles and has a golden roof.

There is a small iron box on the golden top, which is tied with a yellow cloth belt.

The iron box is a very common one, it has neither carvings nor decorations, and there is no mechanism information. If you open this iron box, there will never be a crossbow arrow flying out of it to shoot through your throat.

"But how did the iron box end up on the top of the octagonal pavilion?"

There was only a lock of hair in the iron box.

The hair is also very ordinary hair, black, very long, neither fragrant nor smelly, just like the hair of thousands of ordinary people in the world.

But Li Xunhuan was staring blankly at this lock of hair. Sun Xiaohong called him several times, but he didn't hear him.

What's so special about this hair?

Sun Xiaohong couldn't tell.

No one can see it.

Li Xun Huan's face was very heavy, and his eyes were a little red.

Sun Xiaohong had never seen him like this, even when he was drunk, his eyes were still bright.

How did he become like this?

The hair was placed on the stone table in the pavilion, and Li Xun Huan was still staring at the lock of hair.

Sun Xiaohong couldn't help asking: "Whose hair is this?"

No one answered, no one could answer.

Anyone can have hair like this.

Sun Xiaohong said: "Such long hair must belong to a woman."

Of course she herself knew that this judgment was wrong, because the man's hair was also very long.

Because "the body, hair and skin, received by parents, can not be damaged."

Whoever cuts his hair short is unfilial.

Someone told a story about a woman who disguised herself as a man and was suddenly discovered to have long hair, and others immediately discovered that she was a woman.

People who tell such stories must not have very developed brains, because such things can only deceive children at best-it is strange that people still want to tell such stories, not only tell them, but never change them.

Sun Xiaohong stomped her feet and said, "Anyway, these are just a few hairs, what's so strange about it?"

Mr. Sun suddenly said: "Yes."

Sun Xiaohong was startled, and said, "What's the matter?"

Mr. Sun said: "Strange, and very strange."

Sun Xiaohong said: "What's so strange?"

Mr. Sun said: "There are a lot of strange things."

He continued: "Why is the hair in the iron box? How is the iron box on the top of the pavilion? Who put it there? What's the purpose?"

Sun Xiaohong was stunned.

Mr. Sun sighed, and said: "If my guess is correct, this must be Shangguan Jinhong's masterpiece."

Sun Xiaohong lost her voice: "Shangguan Jinhong? What is he doing this for?"

Mr. Sun said: "Just to let Li Xunhuan see this lock of hair."

Sun Xiaohong said: "But...but he..."

Mr. Sun said: "He was sure that Li Xun Huan would come to investigate the battlefield first, and he was sure that he would go to the pavilion, so he left this box there first."

Sun Xiaohong said: "But what's so special about this hair? Even if you see it, it won't matter. Isn't it funny for him to do so."

As she said this, she suddenly felt something was wrong in her heart, very wrong.

People like Shangguan Jinhong, of course, would never do funny things.

Mr. Sun stared at Li Xunhuan, and said, "Do you know whose hair this is?"

Li Xun Huan was silent for a long time, and finally heaved a long sigh, "I know."

Mr. Sun said sharply, "Are you sure?"

His voice was so harsh that Li Xun Huan was startled, and said, "I..."

Mr. Sun said: "You can't be sure either. Are you?"

He didn't let Li Xun Huan speak, and continued: "Shangguan Jin Hong did this to make you think that this hair belongs to Lin Shiyin, to make you think that she has fallen into his grasp, and to make you uneasy so that he can kill you. Why did you fall for his tricks?"

Sun Xiaohong also rushed to say: "That's right, if Miss Lin really fell into his hands, why didn't he simply threaten you in person?"

Li Xun Huan sighed: "Because he can't do this - others can, but he can't."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Why can't he?"

Li Xun Huan said calmly: "If anyone knows that Shangguan Jin Hong used this method to defeat Li Xun Huan, they will be ridiculed by the world."

Sun Xiaohong said: "But now he didn't say anything, he just showed you a bunch of hair."

Li Xun Huan said: "This is exactly where his methods are brilliant."

Sun Xiaohong said: "This hair may not be hers."

Li Xun Huan said: "Maybe not, maybe... No one can be sure."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Then if you don't pay attention to it at all, it's as if you didn't see it at all. Wouldn't his scheming be in vain?"

Li Xun Huan said: "Unfortunately, I have already seen it."

Sun Xiaohong said: "It's because he didn't say anything that you doubt it, and it's because he's sure you'll doubt it, that's why you do this. You also know his intentions, but you still fall into his trap .”

He sighed a long time, and said with a wry smile, "Why did such a ridiculous thing happen to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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