Chapter 24 The Horrible Duel
Mr. Sun talked about Wang Lianhua wanting to burn his own "Lianhua Baojian", Li Xunhuan couldn't help asking: "Why did he want to burn it?"

Mr. Sun said: "Because it not only contains his martial arts mentality, but also records his poisoning technique, disguise technique, Miao people's release of Gu, and the mind control technique from Persia..."

He sighed and continued: "If such a book falls into the hands of unscrupulous people, wouldn't the consequences be disastrous?"

Li Xun Huan also sighed: "That will indeed cause endless troubles."

Mr. Sun said: "But this is what he has gathered all his life, and he is not willing to destroy it once. Therefore, before he went overseas, he gave this book to a person he thinks is the most reliable."

Hearing this, Li Xun Huan already understood the ins and outs of this matter, and also guessed that the secret book of martial arts hidden in Xingyun Villa is "Treasure of Lianhua".

But there were still a few things he couldn't figure out, so he tentatively asked, "Who did he give this cheat book to?"

Mr. Sun said: "I'll leave it to you!"

Li Xun Huan was startled, "Me?"

Mr. Sun smiled and said, "In the whole world, besides Xiao Li Tanhua, who else is the most reliable person?"

He went on to say: "He entrusted this "Treasure of Lianhua" to you, and not only wants you to keep it for him, but also wants you to find him a disciple with high talent and good mind, as his successor. "

Li Xun Huan smiled wryly, "But I don't even know about it."

Mr. Sun said: "Because you happened to go out at that time."

Li Xun Huan pondered: "13 years ago... Yes, I went outside the pass, and when I came back, I was seriously injured. If Long Xiaoyun didn't save me, I would..."

At this point, his throat seemed to be blocked, and he couldn't speak any more.

This was the most unforgettable thing in his life.

Because of this incident, his life will change—from happiness to misfortune!

Mr. Sun said: "Although Wang Lianhua didn't see you, he saw Miss Lin. At that time, he was about to travel far away, and Shen Daxia was already waiting for him in Haikou. Naturally, he couldn't stay, so he took the "Lianhua Treasure Book" "

Give it to Miss Lin. "

There are few people in the world who know more about the relationship between men and women than Wang Lianhua. He has naturally seen that the relationship between Lin Shiyin and Li Xunhuan is extraordinary.

But why did Lin Shiyin never mention this matter to Li Xunhuan?

Li Xun Huan hesitated and said, "I don't know where senior heard about this? Is it reliable?"

Mr. Sun said: "Absolutely reliable."

Sun Xiaohong couldn't help but interjected: "My second uncle told me about this. Senior Wang went to Xingyun Village... No, when I went to Li Yuan to meet Miss Lin, my second uncle was waiting outside."

She sighed, and said quietly: "Since that day, until now, my second uncle has never left that place!"

Li Xun Huan smiled wryly: "Could it be that he was entrusted by Wang Lianhua to monitor me there?"

Mr. Sun said: "Since Wang Lianhua is willing to give you such an important thing, he will never be worried about you, but he still doesn't trust your martial arts, and he is afraid that someone will hear the news and go to you. Take the book, that's why I want the second child to stay there, so that I can help you when necessary."

Sun Xiaohong said: "My second uncle was once a knight-errant in Jianghu. He was saved by Senior Wang. He is the one with the most clear grievances. What Senior Wang wants him to do, he is indeed willing to die."

Mr. Sun said: "But then I overheard that Miss Lin didn't write the "Treasure of Lianhua"

It will be handed over to you, so after you leave the customs, he will be even more worried and unwilling to take a step away. "

Li Xun Huan sighed: "Being entrusted by others and being loyal to others, Erxia Sun is indeed worthy of being a good friend of Senior Wang, but..."

He stared at Mr. Sun, and said word by word: "How could Erxia Sun know that Miss Lin had not handed over the "Treasure of Lianhua" to me? I didn't even know about it."

Mr. Sun took a long breath and said slowly, "Even you don't know, how can I know?"

Li Xun Huan was speechless.

It never occurred to him that Lin Shiyin was hiding something from him.

Mr. Sun said again: "Wang Lianhua not only has the ability to kill, but also has the means to save people. After middle age, his medical skills become more refined. It can be said that he has the skills of life and death, flesh and bones."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Long Xiaoyun is Miss Lin's biological son, a mother is willing to do anything, so I think..."

She didn't say any more.

Li Xun Huan understood what she meant—everyone should understand.

Lin Shiyin must have passed on the book "The Treasure of Lianhua" to her son, and she must have kept this magical book for many years, and kept it very secret.

The question is, why didn't she tell him about it?
When Li Xunhuan saw Lin Shiyin for the first time, he was still a child.

It was snowing that day.

The plum blossoms in the garden were in full bloom, and the snow under the plum trees seemed extraordinarily white.

That day Li Xunhuan was building a snowman under the plum tree. He found two pieces of the darkest and brightest coal, and was about to insert a pair of bright eyes into the snowman.

This is his happiest time.

He doesn't like making snowmen very much. He makes snowmen just to enjoy this momentary pleasure-every time he puts his "eyes" on, this bloated and stupid snowman seems to suddenly become life.Whenever this moment, he always felt indescribably satisfied and happy.

He has always liked to build and hated to destroy.

He loves life.

He always sneaks up to build snowmen alone, because he doesn't want anyone to share his secret joy. At that time, he didn't know that joy will never be diminished by sharing it with others.

Later he realized that happiness is like a cornucopia, the more you give to others, the more you get.

The same goes for pain.

If you want others to share your pain, you will suffer more.

The snowman's face is round.

He was thinking about where to embed these eyes, when his sick mother suddenly made an exception and walked into the garden, accompanied by a girl in a red cloak.

The scarlet cloak is brighter than plum blossoms.

But the girl's face was pale, whiter than snow.

Red and white are always his favorite colors, because "white" symbolizes purity and "red" symbolizes enthusiasm.

The first time he saw her, he felt an indescribable sympathy and pity for her, and he could hardly bear to hold her hand to prevent her from being blown down by the cold wind.

His mother told him: "This is your aunt's daughter. Your aunt has gone far, far away, so she will live in our house from today on."

"You always complain that you don't have a sister. Now I have found a sister for you. You must treat her better and never make her angry."

But he hardly heard what his mother was saying.

Because the little girl had come over, walked up to him, and looked at his snowman.

"Why doesn't he have eyes?" she asked suddenly.

"Would you like to put the right pair of eyes on him?"

She likes it, she nods.

He sent the pair of black "eyes" in his hand over.

For the first time he let others share his joy.

After this time, no matter what he had, he would share it with her. Even if someone gave him a small piece of kumquat cake, he would hide it and give her half when he saw her.

As long as he sees a gleam of light in her eyes, he will feel unprecedented happiness, and there will never be any substitute for happiness.

He didn't even hesitate to share his life with her.

"She too." He knew, he was sure.

Even when they were separated, deep down in his heart, he still thought that only he could share her pain, her joy, her secret, everything about her.

He's sure of it, until now... mean.

First snow last night.

The snow had melted, and the ground was muddy.Of course there are some dry roads around the corner, but Li Xunhuan prefers to walk in the mud, he likes the soft and warm feeling when he steps into the mud.

This often makes him feel relaxed.

In the past, he hated mud the most. He would rather make a big circle than walk a short muddy road.

But now, he realizes that the mud also has the cuteness of the mud-it silently endures your trampling, and still protects your feet with its wetness and softness.

Are some people in the world just like mud?They have been enduring insults and contempt from others, but they have never complained or fought back... If there is no mud in this world, how can seeds germinate?How can trees take root?

They don't complain or hate, because they know their worth and preciousness very well.

Li Xun Huan heaved a long sigh and raised his head.

The walls were newly painted, but the signboard of Sun Tuozi's shop was even more dilapidated.

From here, you can't see the people behind the wall.

It was still daytime, and of course the lights in the wall could not be seen.

"At night, is the solitary lamp on the small building still there?"

Li Xun Huan couldn't help but think of something he didn't want to think about. In the past two years, he always sat at the table by the entrance and waited for the lonely light to come on.

Sun Tuozi was always silently by the side.He never spoke, never asked.

Sun Xiaohong also sighed for a long time, and said quietly: "It's not time for dinner yet, and the guests won't come to the door. I don't know what the second uncle is doing now? Is he wiping the table again?"

Sun Tuozi was not wiping the table.

He will never be able to wipe the table again.

There is a hand on the table.

There was still a rag in his hand, and he held it tightly.

The door of the small shop was closed, but there was no response when there was a knock on the door, and there was no response to the call.

Sun Xiaohong was more anxious than Li Xunhuan, when she opened the door, she saw this hand.

A hand that had been chopped off at the wrist.

Startled, Sun Xiaohong rushed over and stood by the table in a daze.

That was the table where Li Xun Huan had been drinking every day for two years.

Li Xun Huan's face has also turned blue, he recognizes this hand, he is more familiar than Sun Xiaohong, in the past two years, this hand has poured wine for him countless times.

When he was madly drunk, it was this hand that helped him back to his room.

When he was sick, it was this hand that served his soup and medicine.

Now, this hand has turned into a shriveled piece of dead flesh. The blood has coagulated and the tendons have contracted. The fingers are tightly grasping the rag, as if they are grasping their own life.

Had it been cut off while he was cleaning the table?
The table was polished and clean.

When he was wiping the table, was he thinking of Li Xunhuan?
Li Xun Huan suddenly felt a sharp pain in his chest.

Tears began to flow out of Sun Xiaohong's eyes, and she said word by word: "Do you know whose hand this is?"

Li Xun Huan nodded heavily.

Sun Xiaohong murmured: "Where are his people?...Where are his people?..."

She rushed out suddenly.

No one, no one in the store.

Sun Xiaohong ran back again, but Li Xunhuan was still standing in front of the table, staring at the hand without blinking.

In the dead black hand, all four fingers were embedded in the dishcloth, and only one index finger stretched forward, as stiff as a section of wax, pointing straight at the front window.

The windows are open.

Li Xunhuan raised his head and stared at the window.

Sun Xiaohong's gaze followed him, and the two of them suddenly flitted out of the window at the same time.

The cold wind outside the window was so cold that even the stinky water in the ditch had frozen.

An even smaller alley, not much wider than a ditch, perhaps not an alley at all, but a ditch.

Walking along the ditch until you reach the end, you will find a very narrow door, which is the back door of someone's house. Apart from this, there is no other way.

This is a dead end.

The back door was ajar, and there was a dark red handprint where the door was pushed.

Handprints stained with blood.

Sun Xiaohong rushed over, suddenly stopped, and slowly turned around, facing Li Xunhuan.

Her lip was bitten until bleeding, she stared at Li Xun Huan and said, "Shangguan Jin Hong has already figured out that you are going to come here."

Li Xunhuan kept his mouth shut.

Sun Xiaohong said: "He knows that you will never go to Xingyun Manor first, because you don't want to see Long Xiaoyun again, so no matter how anxious you are, you will definitely come to Second Uncle's shop to have a look first."

Li Xunhuan kept his mouth shut.

Sun Xiaohong said: "All of this is just a trap set for you."

Li Xun Huan's mouth closed even tighter.

Sun Xiaohong said: "So you must not enter this door."

Li Xun Huan suddenly asked, "What about you?"

Sun Xiaohong bit her lip and said: "I'm fine, Shangguan Jinhong is not in a hurry to kill me."

Li Xun Huan said slowly, "So you can go in."

Sun Xiaohong said: "I must go in."

Li Xun Huan heaved a long sigh, "It seems that you don't know me as well as Shangguan Jin Hong."

Sun Xiaohong said: "Oh?"

Li Xun Huan said indifferently: "He set up this trap painstakingly because he knew that I must go in too, even if someone cut off my two legs, I will climb in!"

Sun Xiaohong stared at him, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

She rushed over suddenly and hugged Li Xun Huan tightly, tears wet his haggard face.

She rubbed his face, as if she wanted to wash away the haggardness on his face with her own tears - if there is only one thing in the world that can wash away people's haggardness, it is a lover's tears.

Li Xun Huan's stiff limbs gradually softened, and finally he couldn't help reaching out and hugging her.

They hug tightly.

Because this is their first hug - and maybe the last!
It seems that even the sun does not want to shine on the ditch, and the alley is as dark as dusk.

It was darker behind the door.

As soon as the door was opened, a disgusting stench came out.

It's bloody!

Then, they heard a strange sound, as if it was the panting of a beast before dying, or as if it was the cry of a devil in hell.

The sound came from the ground.

There are more than a dozen people on the ground, with their mouths closed and teeth clenched, fighting desperately like wild animals.

No one spoke, not even with a knife on their body.

There were originally 27 people, but now nine of them have fallen, and the remaining eighteen are divided into two sides. The dominant side has far more people than the other side.

There were thirteen of them, all dressed in dark yellow clothes, most of them used foreign weapons that were rarely seen in Jianghu, and one of them used an iron planner.

There were originally nine people on the other side, but now there are only five left, and one of them is blind.

There is also a big man with a naked upper body, he has no weapon.

His people are made of iron!

With a flash of cold light, a fish-scale knife slashed on his left shoulder, as if cutting into wood, the sharp blade was clamped by his flesh and embedded in his bones!
The man in yellow drew his knife vigorously, but couldn't get up, the big man's iron palm had hit his chest, and he seemed to have heard the sound of his own bones breaking.

With a "bang", his whole body was beaten and flew out.

But the big man couldn't lift his left arm anymore, so he suddenly said in a deep voice, "Retreat, I'll block them... retreat quickly!"

No one retreated, and no one answered.

A person who had already fallen on the ground suddenly jumped up and hissed loudly: "I can't retreat, we will take him out even if we die!"

It was a basement, and the lights were burning all year round.

The lamp was embedded in the wall, under the gloomy light, I saw that she was actually a woman, a tall, big and fat woman, with a scar stretching from her eyes wearing a black blindfold to the corner of her mouth.

Her right eye was already blind, leaving only one left eye staring at the big man.

There is nothing in this eye, only hatred, hatred... a hatred that cannot be understood until death.

"Female butcher" Mrs. Weng!

Who is this big man?Could it be Tie Chuan Jia who has not heard from him for many years?

Yes, it was indeed him!
Except for Tie Chuanjia, who has such a hard bone.

Aunt Weng struggled and wanted to get up. She stared at Tie Chuanjia and said in a low voice, "This man belongs to us. Except us, no one can move a finger of him, no one can..."

"Shua", the cold light flashed again, and she fell down again.

This time she could never stand up again.

But her remaining eye was still wide open, still staring at Tie Chuanjia.

She died without pain or fear.

Because all that was left in her heart was hatred, and she couldn't feel anything but hatred.

Tie Chuanjia gritted his teeth, he was stabbed with a sword again, stomped his foot and said, "Are you really not leaving?...If you are all dead, how can you take me away?"

The blind man suddenly gave a sinister smile and said, "We are all dead, and we will take your ghost away too!"

Although his martial arts are more terrifying than those with eyes, he is blind after all, and he relies on his ears to "listen to the wind" when fighting.

No matter who is talking, his ears will not be as sharp as usual. Before he finished his two sentences, a tiger's head hook has already scratched his chest.

The hook was raised again, and a bloody piece of meat was already hanging on the tip of the hook.


Tie Chuanjia could hardly bear to vomit.

He has also killed people, but he is definitely not a murderer. Although his bones are hard, his heart is soft.

Now, he has almost softened his hands and is no longer able to kill.

He suddenly said loudly: "What if I die by your hands?"

The blind man said coldly: "This matter here has nothing to do with us, we are here for you."

Another person sternly said: "If Zhongyuan Bayi can't take your life with his own hands, he will die in peace!"

This man's face was full of pockmarks, and he was using two knives, one long and one short. He was Gongsunyu, the only descendant of the Northern School's "Yin Yang Knife".

Tie Chuanjia suddenly laughed. At this moment, no one knew why he was smiling?

He laughed really creepily, and laughed loudly: "So you just wanted to kill me with your own hands, it's easy..."

With a backhand punch, he repelled the man in yellow in front of him, and his body suddenly rushed towards Gongsun Yu - aimed at Gongsun Yu's blade and rushed towards him.

Gongsun Yu was startled, the dagger had pierced Tie Chuanjia's chest!

Tie Chuanjia's chest was still thrusting forward, panting like a cow, and said: "Now... my debt will be paid off! Are you still leaving?"

Gongsun Yu's face was contorted, and suddenly he roared wildly, and drew out his knife.

Blood rained down on his chest.

His roar suddenly stopped, and he fell to the ground with a three-foot flower gun stuck in his back.

The red tassel on the tip of the gun was still trembling.

Tie Chuanjia also fell down, still repeating that sentence.

"My debt is finally paid off...why don't you leave?"

He saw that another flower gun had stabbed at him, neither parrying nor dodging.

(End of this chapter)

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