Chapter 7 Breaking the Righteousness
Autumn forest, dry forest.

Through the dry forest, it is a very secluded path.

A Feiyao pointed to a solitary lamp at the end of the path, and said, "That's my home."


Li Xun Huan heard this word, it was so far away, so unfamiliar... Ah Fei was still looking at the light, and continued: "The light is on, she probably hasn't slept yet."

In the hut, a light flickered, and a peerless beauty in a thick skirt and light eyebrows was mending clothes under the light, waiting for the return of her closest one... What a beautiful picture this is.

As long as he thinks of this, Ah Fei's heart is filled with sweetness and warmth, and those sharp eyes immediately become gentle.

He was originally a lonely and lonely person, but now, he knew that someone was waiting for him...his most beloved person was waiting for him.

This feeling is indeed happiness, and there is absolutely nothing in the world that can compare to it, and nothing can replace it.

Li Xun Huan's heart sank.

Seeing A Fei's face full of happiness and brilliance, he suddenly felt guilty.

He couldn't bear to disappoint Ah Fei.

He would rather bear all the pain by himself than A Fei be disappointed.

But now, he has to disappoint Ah Fei.

He couldn't imagine what A Fei would look like when he went back and found that Lin Xian'er was no longer there.
Although he did this just to want Ah Fei to live well, to live a decent life, to live like a man.

But he still felt a little sorry for Ah Fei.

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain."

He only hoped that Ah Fei could get rid of the pain soon and forget her soon.

She is neither worthy of love nor worth missing.

Unfortunately, a person tends to love someone who is not worthy of love, because emotion is like a wild horse that has run wild, no one can control it, and no one can do anything about it.

This is also one of the deepest tragedies of human beings.

It is also because of this that there will always be tragedies in the world.

The lights were on, but the door was ajar.

The light shines from the gap and shines on the path outside the door.

It seemed to be raining last night, and the road was wet. Under the lights, we could see that there were many messy footprints on the road.

Man's footprints.

"Who has been here?"

Ah Fei frowned, but immediately became cheerful again.

He has always trusted Lin Xian'er, and he is sure that she will never do anything wrong to him.

Li Xun Huan followed from a distance, as if he didn't dare to step into the hut.

Ah Fei turned back and smiled, "I hope she didn't put bamboo shoots in the soup she stewed today, so you can drink a little, and then you'll know that she's better at cooking than using a knife."

Li Xunhuan also laughed.

Who knows how sour his smile is?
If there were no bamboo shoots in the big bowl of sparerib soup, Li Xun Huan might not be able to fully discover Lin Xianer's secret, then what happened today might be completely different.

Li Xunhuan couldn't imagine how a woman could use such cruel means to deceive a man who loved her so deeply.

"But why am I not deceiving him?"

"Why didn't I dare tell him that Lin Xian'er is 'not here' anymore, and that's exactly what I meant?"

Li Xun Huan bent down and coughed violently.

Ah Fei said: "If you are willing to stay with me for a while longer, your cough may be better, because there is only soup here, no wine."

He will never know that "soup" hurts him far more seriously than wine.

There was no sound at the door.

Ah Fei added: "She must be in the kitchen and didn't hear us, otherwise she must have come out long ago."

Li Xun Huan kept silent because he really didn't know what to say.

The door was finally pushed open.

The small living room was still so clean.

The oil lamp on the table is not bright, but it has a warm and peaceful feeling.

A Fei let out a long breath.

He finally came home, safe and sound.

After all, he did not disappoint Lin Xian'er.

But what about her?Where?

There is no light in the kitchen at all, and there is no aroma of vegetable soup.

The door of the room where Lin Xianer lived was also closed.

Ah Fei turned his head and smiled at Li Xun Huan who was standing at the door, "Maybe she's already asleep...she always goes to bed early."

Li Xun Huan was about to smile, but the muscles on his face became stiff.

He had heard moans, moans of women.

It is the moan of the dying!

The moans came from Lin Xianer's room.

Ah Fei's face immediately changed, he rushed over, knocked hard on the door, and said loudly: "How are you, please open the door."

No response, not even moaning.

She obviously wanted to answer and call out, but she couldn't make a sound.

Already sweating on A Fei's forehead, he slammed the door open with his shoulder.

Li Xun Huan closed his eyes sadly.

He didn't dare to look at the expression on Ah Fei's face at this moment - what kind of expression would a person have when he saw his sweetheart struggling to die?
Not only did Li Xun Huan not dare to look at it, he couldn't bear to look at it, he didn't even dare to think about it.

But after the door was knocked open, there was no other sound.

Could it be that Ah Fei couldn't bear this terrible blow, had he passed out?

Li Xun Huan opened his eyes, A Fei was still standing at the door.

Strangely, the expression on his face was only surprised, but not sad.

What happened in that house?I'm afraid Li Xunhuan will never think of it.


The first thing Li Xunhuan saw was blood.

Then, he saw the person lying in a pool of blood.

But he would never have imagined that the person lying in a pool of blood and struggling to die was Ling Ling!

Li Xunhuan's blood had frozen and his heart sank.

Ah Fei looked at him quietly, with a strange expression on his face.

Has he guessed something?
He didn't ask, "How did this little girl come here?"

He just asked coldly: "This time, is she waiting for you here too?"

Li Xun Huan's heart seemed to be torn apart, he rushed over, picked up Ling Ling who was in a pool of blood, and tested her pulse and breathing - he only hoped to save her life.

He is desperate.

Lingling finally opened her eyes and saw Li Xunhuan.

Tears welled up in her eyes immediately, tears of sorrow and tears of joy.

After all, she still saw Li Xunhuan before she died.

Li Xun Huan also had tears in his eyes, and said softly: "Cheer up, you are still young, you will never die."

Lingling didn't seem to hear his words at all, and just said intermittently: "You are wrong about this matter."

Li Xun Huan said sadly, "I was wrong."

Lingling said: "You should know that there is no man in the world who would have the heart to kill her."

Li Xun Huan's voice was hoarse, and he said word by word: "I hurt you, I'm sorry."

Lingling suddenly grabbed his hand firmly and said: "You have always been kind to me, it is not you who hurt me, but him."

Li Xun Huan said: "He."

Lingling burst into tears, and said: "He lied to me, but I...I lied to you."

Li Xun Huan said: "You didn't..."

Ling Ling's nails had already pierced into Li Xun Huan's flesh, and said: "I lied to you... I lost my body to him long ago, while I was waiting for you... I only hate myself for not having the courage to tell you."

Her voice suddenly became clear, as if she had come to life.

But Li Xunhuan knew that it was just a flashback - if Lingling hadn't been so young, she would not have lived to this day.

Lingling said sadly: "I have been unwilling to die, I have struggled to live until now, just to tell you these words, as long as you can understand, I am willing to die."

Li Xun Huan said sadly: "It's my fault, I should have protected you..."

Lingling nodded suddenly, and said: "Although he lied to me, I don't hate him, because I know he will definitely get retribution, retribution ten times worse than me."

Li Xun Huan said: "Yes, he..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Ah Fei suddenly pushed him away forcefully.

A Fei stared at Lingling, and said word by word: "Did you bring Lu Feng here first?"

Lingling bit her lip.

Ah Fei said: "He asked you to bring Lu Feng here first?"

Lingling suddenly exhausted her last bit of strength, shouted, and said, "Yes, it was him, but do you know what he did for you? Do you know what he did for you? For you, he would not hesitate... ..."

Speaking of this, her voice suddenly tore.

Her breathing has stopped.

Silence, deathly silence, no movement, no sound.

If there is no wind blowing, even the earth seems to have lost its vitality, turning into a tomb, a tomb that can bury all life.

But the wind is also bleak, and the sound of the wind is also heartbreaking.

I don't know how long it took before Ah Fei slowly stood up straight.

But he didn't face Li Xunhuan.

He didn't want to look at Li Xun Huan anymore, he just said coldly, "Why are you doing this?"

It was easy for Li Xunhuan to answer this question, but he didn't say a word.

He knew that if he said some words, he would not only hurt himself, but also hurt others.

Ah Fei still didn't look back, and continued slowly: "Do you think she made me depressed? Do you think that as long as she leaves me, I will cheer up?... But you know, I can't live without her at all !"

Li Xun Huan said sadly: "I only hope that you will not be deceived, I only hope that you can find someone worthy of your love, will forget all these unfortunate things."

Ah Fei's chest heaved, his voice was a little excited, and he said, "Do you think she's lying to me? Do you think she's not worthy of my love?"

Li Xun Huan said: "I only know that since the beginning, all she brought you is misfortune!"

Ah Fei said: "How do you know if I am happy? Or unlucky?"

He suddenly turned around, glared at Li Xun Huan, and said sharply, "Who do you think you are? You must control my thoughts and control my fate? You are nothing at all, just a fool who lied to himself. Sending a loved one into a fire pit, thinking that what he has done is noble and great!"

These words, each word is like a needle.

There is absolutely no other word in the world that can hurt Li Xun Huan's heart more.

A Fei gritted his teeth and said, "Even if she brought me misfortune, what about you? What did you bring to others?
Lin Shiyin's life's happiness has been ruined in your hands, are you still not satisfied?Still want to ruin me? "

Li Xun Huan's hands were trembling, he had coughed up blood before he bent down.

Ah Fei looked at him coldly for a long time, then turned around slowly and strode out.

Li Xun Huan's coughing did not stop, he struggled to rush over and blocked the door.

Ah Fei said, "What else do you want to do?"

Li Xun Huan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, panting, " want to find her?"

Ah Fei said: "Yes!"

Li Xun Huan said: "You must not go!"

Ah Fei said, "Who said that?"

Li Xun Huan said: "I said it, because even if you can get her back, it will only be more painful. Sooner or later, she will destroy you one day... I can never see you ruined by this kind of woman."

A Fei's hand was already tightly clenched, every time Li Xun Huan said a word, he clenched it even tighter.

His knuckles had turned white from exertion, and his face was even paler, but his eyes were covered with red threads, like flaming flames.

Li Xun Huan said: "Now that you are separated, you will inevitably suffer for a while, but if you are together, you will suffer for the rest of your life. You can see everything else clearly, why this matter..."

Ah Fei suddenly interrupted his words, and said word by word: "You have always been my friend."

Li Xun Huan said: "Yes."

Ah Fei said: "Until now, you are still my friend."

Li Xun Huan said: "Yes."

Ah Fei said: "But not in the future!"

Li Xun Huan's expression changed drastically, "Why?"

Ah Fei said: "Because I can bear you insulting me, but I can't bear you insulting her."

Li Xun Huan said sadly: "Do you think I'm insulting her?"

Ah Fei said: "I have endured it until now, because we have always been friends, but in the future, if you insult her again, this insult will have to be washed away with blood!"

His body was also trembling with excitement, and he continued word by word: "Whether it's your blood or my blood, it must be washed away with blood!"

Li Xun Huan seemed to have been punched in the chest by someone suddenly, he staggered back and retreated to the door.

He coughed again, but there was no sound, because his teeth were clenched and his mouth was tightly shut.

Blood oozes from the corner of his tightly closed mouth again.

Ah Fei never looked at him again, and said in a squeaky voice: "I'm going to find her now, and I will find her no matter what. I hope you don't follow, absolutely don't follow, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

After saying this, he walked out.

He walked out without looking back.

Tears are salty.

But some tears can only flow into the stomach, which is not only salty, but also bitter.

Blood is also salty.

But if a person's heart is broken, the blood dripping from the heart will be more bitter than tears.

Li Xun Huan didn't know how long he had been coughing, his sleeves were already stained red.

His back seemed unable to straighten.

There is a footprint on the ground, a footprint stained with blood.

Li Xun Huan suddenly remembered the messy footprints outside the door, and his palms immediately turned cold.

Ah Fei will definitely find her.

Because Lin Xian'er would definitely leave some clues on purpose for him to find.

He doesn't need too many clues, A Fei seems to have a tracking instinct in his blood, even more sensitive and direct than beasts.

But after chasing it?
A Fei is bound to fight Lu Fengxian to the death - Lin Xian'er already likes to watch men fight for her.

Thinking of this, Li Xun Huan's palms broke out in cold sweat.

Ah Fei is not yet Lu Fengxian's opponent.

The only person who can save Ah Fei's life is Li Xunhuan, but... "You must not follow, or you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

What Ah Fei said has never changed.

What's more, the night is getting darker now, and Li Xunhuan doesn't have the instinct to track like Ah Fei, even if he wants to chase, there is very little chance of him being able to catch up.

Li Xunhuan struggled, stood up, carried Lingling's body onto the bed, and covered it with a sheet.

No matter what, he will go after him, he has made up his mind.

Even if A Fei no longer regards him as a friend, he will always be A Fei's friend, and his friendship will never be changed by anything.

That's just like his love, even if the sea is dry and rocks are broken, his heart will never change.

"Shiyin, Shiyin, are you alive now?"

(End of this chapter)

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