Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 15 Keisha's Solemnity

Chapter 15 Keisha's Solemnity

Keisha opened her eyes, and a holographic screen was projected in front of her

She projected the screen into the hall for all the angels to watch together...

And the content inside is the official situation of Angel Yan coming to Aaron's villa.

Kesha watched the content on the screen quietly, with a faint smile on her face

It seems that the weak Yan is not her left guard

After quietly watching the content of the screen, Kaisha turned off the holographic screen and said
"Tell me, what do you think..."

The sound echoed in the wide hall with a little reverberation

The voice is gentle and majestic, but there is some naughty meaning in it that cannot be concealed

She likes to see Angel Yan in a bit of a mess. In the past 7000 years of Angel Yan's battle
Except for the first 1000 years, Angel Yan showed a lively and childlike cuteness unique to a new generation of angels
Over the next 6000 years, she has grown into a full-fledged angelic warrior
Without the liveliness at the beginning, there are no such and such seemingly naive questions to ask her, which makes her life much less interesting

Therefore, more than 6000 years have passed, and today, I saw Angel Yan again.

That is, her left-wing guard, once again in such an embarrassing situation, she even felt a little nostalgic

And her heart, which had been silent for a long time, fluctuated again

"Queen Keisha, although I don't know exactly what happened to Angel Yan, but I'm sure that this child is a deadly threat to us angels..."

This is what an angel with a strand of hair in front of the senior guard standing on Kesha's left said
And this angel is also a very distinct character in the original plot, the angel... cold!

Although it is said that she and Angel Yan have always been at odds with each other, or in other words, it is just pure dissatisfaction with Angel Yan
However, she is still very sure about Angel Yan's strength and means
So, seeing Angel Yan being subdued so easily, she felt horrified, and even felt her scalp tingle...

"No, I think his heart is full of love, he must have a very beautiful heart..."

And on the right side of Kaisha, there is a very cute angel who looks a little fleshy

Eyes full of little stars, thinking about the scene of eating on the screen just now, yearning for the love between Aaron and No. [-]
Therefore, I felt like some brain-dead fans opened their mouths to refute coldly.

Moreover, as soon as the words came out, several angels nodded in agreement.

On the other side, Leng let out a chuckle, with a disdainful expression on his face

"I said, little girl, have you never experienced abstinence, naive!"

Angel Leng said to that cute little angel with disdain, for Leng, how to defeat the enemy is the most important thing

As for love, this is dispensable to her, it doesn't matter, she just wants to keep fighting by Queen Kaisha's side

Until one day, I died fighting in an unknown galaxy, and in the last days of my life, I shouted: "For justice!"

Then upload your glorious life in the sacred communication system, leaving the final glory, how exciting is that?
"You! Hmph..."

The fleshy little angel girl heard the cold mockery of herself, but she was powerless to refute, so she snorted angrily...

Then he just stood there with his head bowed, sulking...

Kesha, sitting on the throne, watched with great interest the group of cute little angels bickering. This is one of the few interesting activities she has had in tens of thousands of years.
"Hey! What are you talking about? I mean, what do you think of Yan's experience..."

At this time, Keisha spoke again, with a little mischievous meaning, and said with a black belly, with a little amused look in her eyes

And the angel warriors in the audience looked at Kaisha on the throne speechlessly.
Then they looked at each other, and they all lowered their heads again, complaining about Queen Keisha's black belly, but they dared not say it
"Leng, tell me, don't you just feel like you can't help it when you encounter Angel Yan's message?!"

Seeing the silence in the audience, Keisha couldn't bear it anymore, so she yelled coldly and replied
"Uh, Queen Keisha, with all due respect, Angel Yan's posture can be described as extremely ugly..."

Of course, Angel Leng would not give up this opportunity to taunt Angel Yan severely, so he said with a poisonous tongue.

"Is there?! Well, it's a little..."

Keisha was puzzled when she heard Leng's poisonous tongue, and then turned on the holographic screen again, looking at Angel Yan who was beaten on the ground
He nodded with some agreement, and then turned off the holographic screen
"Hey! Xiao Lingxi, don't lower your head, you're still thinking about men, tell me, how is your sister Yan..."

Immediately, Keisha saw the cute little angel Lingxi with her head bowed and her face flushed slightly.

"Ah! Sister Yan is amazing..."

Lingxi was named by Kaisha, and her face turned even redder. When she heard that she was asking about Angel Yan, she opened her eyes wide, full of adoration.
"Where is it amazing..."

Keisha looked at the cute little angel in front of her, and felt that she was much younger, so she asked jokingly
"Well... they are all amazing..."

As soon as the lovely little Lingxi finished speaking, the angel warriors beside him all laughed, not because they were laughing, but because Lingxi looks so cute now...

And the angel Lingxi looked at the sisters around her, her big eyes revealing a puzzled look, wondering what these good sisters were laughing at...

"You...what are you laughing at..."

The angel Lingxi glanced at the surrounding sisters with a puzzled face, and said with grievances...

All the angelic sisters laughed louder, so this also caused Lingxi's eyes to be watery, and she was about to cry
"Haha, okay, stop laughing, Xiao Lingxi is about to cry..."

Keisha couldn't help laughing, but seeing Lingxi's expression, she decisively called everyone to stop, and then continued:

"Okay, let's go here first today, let's all go to rest..."

Kesha thought about the content of the video just now, a trace of solemnity flashed in her eyes, and then said to everyone with a smile
"Queen Keisha, the matter of that man named Aaron has not been resolved yet... I'm sorry to say that if that man is allowed to live, it will be a disaster for our angels..."

At this time, Angel Leng spoke again, with some urgency and worry in his words

"Oh?! Why is it only a disaster? Maybe it's an opportunity for us angels..."

Angel Keisha refuted Leng's words with a faint smile

After all, who is she, the biggest matchmaker in the known universe, who is worried that she can't handle a man? !

It is said that Angel Yan is not professional at work this month, stealing chickens is not enough to lose money, so I can't let her do this in the future...


(End of this chapter)

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