Chapter 18 Rose Du


As soon as Hexi said this, Kaisha couldn't help raising her eyebrows, very dissatisfied
With her arrogant ruling character, of course she doesn't care what those low-level gods have to say

But that doesn't mean he can stand these gods against her righteous order

Hexi glanced at Kaisha, ignoring Kaisha's eyebrows and eyes

Looking at the small animals playing on the grass in the distance, he continued to speak

"But what that kid researched is the nemesis of the main god, or the nemesis of all the gods, super fighters and even angel fighters in the current universe."

Hexi said lightly, like someone who doesn't care about his own affairs

Kaisha listened quietly and did not speak, she knew that Hexi hadn't finished speaking.
In other words, Hexi has a solution
"But this technology is not very difficult to crack, but... Queen Keisha, I need to go there to see this child."

He Xi said lightly, but Kaisha looked at He Xi in surprise.
After all, Hexi, a ten thousand year old house girl, also wants to go out one day? !

"Why, the 3-year-old maid is starting to have a spring heart now?!"

Kaisha looked at Hexi with a teasing smile, as if she was teasing, but also seemed to be blessing, she couldn't explain clearly
Hexi looked at Kaisha amusedly, but said nothing

This old friend has always been like this, and now even when he is queen, he still does
However, seeing that Hexi didn't speak, Kesha went on to say
"Okay, I see, I think, there will be a chance."

At this time, Keisha stood up vigorously, followed by standing up
The armor on his body gradually appeared piece by piece, covering that graceful figure
With the end of the armor covering, the wings behind Keisha also spread out

He Xi also stood up, and said to Kesha:

"Queen Keisha, that child is not that simple, don't you plan to find out more?!"

"No need, it's enough to have you here"

After Kesha finished speaking, she flapped her wings and flew towards Tiancheng, while Hexi who was behind couldn't help but smiled wryly

As soon as Keisha returned to her bedroom, she received a communication from Angel Yan.
"Queen Keisha, something happened to me today, and I think it is necessary to report to you."

Angel Yan floated in the sky above the clouds, opened his eyes of insight, and said in his mouth

"No, I already know, come back as soon as possible"

Keisha's voice came into Angel Yan's mind, Angel Yan looked puzzled

I understood that today's large amount of dark data mobilization has attracted the attention of Queen Keisha, so I didn't go into it.
"Yes, Queen Keisha!"

Immediately, the communication between the two was disconnected, and Keisha in the bedroom sighed slightly.
He had an ominous premonition, which was especially strong when he was talking to Angel Yan

As a battle angel up to [-] years old, and even the queen of angels, she trusts her instincts

And this intuition also appeared when Liang Bing returned to Tiangong, but she chose to trust Liang Bing

The final result is that the two fought for tens of thousands of years

Now, she didn't feel afraid or anything about the possible consequences of his intuition.

Instead, I felt a little excitement, even a little relief, or a desire for death

But at this time, she thought of what Hexi said just now, and she had some urge to fight
And as her mood fluctuated, the surrounding objects in the bedroom were even affected, trembling irregularly
The next day, Aaron received an invitation from the Juxia, because the "goddess" from half a year ago came again
However, before this, such a thing happened

In the morning, Huanyu Building 10:30
Aaron, who was wearing a Taoist robe, was walking towards his office
While dealing with company affairs that have piled up for a while
And all around him are the beauties of the secretarial group who circled around him, taking advantage of Aaron from time to time, making Aaron's head hang with black lines

However, Aaron ignored it, he was processing various documents and approval materials in a hurry

However, just halfway through the road, Aaron stopped suddenly and looked at the front
I saw ripples in the air, and a red-haired super beauty wearing a red leather armor and leather pants came out from inside.


The beauties of the beautiful secretaries around Aaron screamed one by one, subconsciously wanting to hide behind Aaron
But two or three of them took a step back, then glanced at Aaron, and stood up in front of Aaron again
It seems that when Aaron encountered some trouble, they should bravely block the gun for Aaron

Aaron looked a little moved but also a little funny
One by one, he patted the heads of the three beautiful secretaries in front of him and said,
"What are you thinking! Come and stay behind me."

Although the courage of these three beautiful secretaries is commendable, they are just a little silly

What level of force is my own, and what level of force are they? If this is an attack, isn't this going up to die in vain?

However, although it is a bit silly, it is still very touching. These silly girls
The three beautiful secretaries were slapped on the head, and couldn't help shrinking their heads
Then he glanced at the super beauty in red leather who didn't say a word

Knowing that Aaron is not in danger, he pouted and walked behind Aaron
"Okay, who are you, or rather, from the Juxia?!"

Aaron smiled and drove a group of beautiful secretaries behind him, and then said to the super beauty in red leather in front of him
In fact, the first time this beauty appeared, Aaron guessed who she was
Dark red leather jacket, dark red long hair, with a bit of non-mainstream temperament——Du Qiangwei
Looking at Aaron's figure, Du Qiangwei said coldly with a slightly unclear expression of contempt:

"General Du said he's going to a meeting on Juxia now!"

"Go downstairs and wait!"

Aaron heard the contempt in Du Qiangwei's mouth, and at the same time, Aaron couldn't understand Du Qiangwei's rudeness

So I ignored Du Qiangwei, and turned to talk to her, while talking, I wanted to take the document from the secretary next to me
As for Du Qiangwei in front of her, a look of contempt and disgust flashed across her expression.

He walked forward directly, wanted to grab Aaron's arm, and was about to forcibly take Aaron away

And with Aaron's current physical fitness, it is not something that a mere Du Qiangwei can win.
I saw him directly holding the document in his hand, slapped down, and precisely hit the back of Du Qiangwei's outstretched hand.

He couldn't help but withdrew his hand, but then a look of embarrassment and anger flashed across his expression, and he grabbed the Taoist robe on Aaron's collar directly.

As for Aaron, seeing Du Qiangwei's indomitable look, a trace of displeasure flashed across his expression.
(End of this chapter)

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