Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 24 What is her relationship with you? !

Chapter 24 What is her relationship with you? !

In essence, Huang Lao's tone is full of beating

Meaning, you've been on Earth for so long

Since this plan was followed up by you alone, it means that you have other plans
A plan that the country does not know, or maybe force
The country used to worry about you, but now the country doesn't want to know, because the war is coming

The country temporarily recognizes your identity as the person in charge of the project, but please use something more substantive to prove your words of "love the earth and regard the earth as your home"!

Ducao obviously heard what Huang Lao said, he was not angry or unhappy
On the contrary, there was a gleam of joy in his eyes.
He is not afraid that the country will doubt him, but that the country will not even give him a chance to prove himself

"Please don't worry, Chief!"

Ducao stood up very solemnly, and saluted Uncle Huang.
Said with a serious tone, without hiding his loyalty
Immediately, turning his head to the opposite side, Ajie, who was sitting side by side with Aaron, said
"Ajie, go organize it."


Ajie also nodded solemnly, not dragging his feet in the slightest

"Mr. Chen, Lena, about the Black Armor Company. Please."

Hearing Ajie's reply, Ducao said to Aaron and Lena again

"it is good!"


Aaron gave a seal, and Lena glanced at Aaron in a dazed manner, then looked at Ducao
What the hell, how did it become two people, or with this ordinary mortal? !

Ducao also saw the doubt in Reina's eyes, and said

"Mr. Chen was specially invited by me to be your instructor, Lena, you will be the captain of the Xiongbing Company from now on!"

Ducao said somewhat unquestionably

Lena was very unconvinced and wanted to refute, but seeing Huang Lao again, she suppressed the words in her mouth

But it is clearly written on the face, I am not happy, my little mouth is about to fly
Lena thought of the weird smile when Aaron called her Goddess Leina again, and she was in a bad mood
His eyes turned to Aaron's direction, staring at Aaron fiercely, and Aaron looked like that weird smile again

In Leina's heart, a surge of anger surged up, and she guessed in her heart that

This Mr. Chen must have known this information a long time ago, and he dared to bully himself
Calling myself Goddess Reina, but I am only the captain, and he is the instructor. Isn't he mocking me? !

This guy is so deep, so bad

Thinking about it, Lena actually felt a bit of grievance.
However, she forgot who asked Aaron to call her a goddess in the second grade, and who showed a wretched smile for so long afterwards
"The Black Armored Company. Hmm. I've already thought of a name. I think it's called the Xiongbing Company!"

Huang Lao made up his mind and said, the number of the Xiongbing Company has come out
"One black-armored company of heroes can equal a million soldiers!"

After Dukao heard it, he looked straight ahead and murmured

After the meeting, Uncle Huang had already left, and Aaron and Ducao stood on the deck and said to Ducao

"General Du, I'm curious about the relationship between the person who invited me today and you?!"

Aaron and Dukao asked Dukao while walking to the other side of the deck

"I'm her father, what happened to her?!"

Ducao still said calmly, but there was still some anxiety in his eyes

"Look at it."

Aaron raised his left hand, opened his palm, and a holographic projection screen appeared on the palm of his left hand

A video is playing on it, and the content on it is exactly what happened after Qiangwei came to Aaron's company

When the screen is played until Qiangwei uses the wormhole to attack Aaron for the third time, Aaron pauses the screen

Then stopped in place, clapped his hands, and then opened them again, the projected 2D holographic screen became a live holographic projection

It really became the feeling of watching a movie from the perspective of God. The surroundings of Aaron and Ducao completely changed the situation in Aaron's company at that time.

Then Aaron started to play the content again, but it was played at a slow speed
After Du Qiangwei got out of the wormhole in the sky, she kicked towards Aaron's head obliquely.

But on Yan Qiangwei's feet, a dotted line appeared first and extended out.
In the end, it was connected to the back of Aaron's head, but in the middle, it was rubbing the scalp of a beautiful secretary, which can be said to be very dangerous
The strength of Du Qiangwei is marked on the dotted line, which has reached a full 2.46 tons

With this power, as long as Du Qiangwei is slightly biased, or the secretary is nervous and moves a little, he may die directly
The scene around Aaron and Ducao continued to change, and the next thing was the scene where Aaron beat Du Qiangwei violently
Ducao frowned, but he didn't say a word. He knew when Qiangwei's behavior became what it is now.

He is also not worried about Qiangwei's body, because he knows that Aaron is measured

Moreover, Qiangwei has now stepped into the threshold of a super soldier, and he is well aware of Qiangwei's physical condition.

Seeing Qiangwei being taken away by the police at last, Ducao sighed deeply

He knew that he couldn't blame Aaron, because he knew that Aaron had already given him enough face. Even if Qiangwei offended Aaron again and again, Aaron still
"Okay, General Du, I'll go first."

After Aaron finished playing the video, he said lightly to Ducao, and then walked into the command hall
And Ducao leaned against the wall next to him, touched his body, and found a cigarette from nowhere.
Take out the lighter and light it, just stand there leaning against the wall and smoking

After a while, he casually threw the cigarette butt that saved the filter into the trash can next to the wall, and walked into the command hall

In the command hall, Aaron was chatting with Ajie. After seeing Ducao come in

Aaron and Ducao nodded to each other, and they walked to the position where Lianfeng was located with Ajie and the personnel of the Central Command brought by Huang Lao

Lianfeng opened the surveillance video of Ge Xiaolun and others

"Look, Chief, Xiao Lun is still drinking beer and bragging."

"Liu Chuang is still in the detention center for the time being."

Speaking of Liu Chuang, Ajie is also a little helpless, he has wiped Liu Chuang's ass countless times

"And that Xin Zhao, this kid is not simple, he likes to fight with others, and he usually has the so-called chivalry spirit to protect the weak."

While Ajie was talking, he laughed himself, not laughing at Xin Zhao or something
But I am a little speechless about this cute guy. After all, the country does not advocate using violence to control violence (PS: Although Aaron does not agree with this.)
Ducao and the staff of the Central Command also laughed out, obviously they have a good impression of this cute guy

The latter situation is the same as in the plot, so I won’t go into details

Afterwards, Aaron hurriedly boarded his aircraft and left
Because, he got the news that Qilin woke up
(End of this chapter)

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