Chapter 29 Impacts and Concerns

In fact, Aaron was very happy from the bottom of his heart that No. [-] could lose such a temper.

Over the years, Aaron and No. [-] have never quarreled, but No. [-] usually let Aaron mostly
This made Aaron feel a little guilty while loving No. [-] to the bottom of his heart.

Now, No. [-] can lose his temper once, which makes Aaron a little flustered, but this is very happy
This made Aaron feel that he finally had a place to make up for No. [-]

Aaron's various tricks to coax No. [-], I hope No. [-] will not be entangled in the fact that Aaron was just attacked by Qilin
But, Aaron's starting point is wrong, and then it will become more and more wrong, so Aaron's thoughts can only be in vain

So, what should I say, woman's heart, sea needle
Let's not mention the sad situation on Aaron's side, on the other side

In the director's office of Juxia City Public Security Bureau, Director Qi just sat down and took a sip of tea
But there was a trace of worry in his eyes from time to time. He was a little worried about Qilin, but not very worried. He trusted Aaron very much.
After what happened last night, Qilin's colleague came back and told him about the situation at the scene

Not only the arrival of Aaron's last aircraft, the robot solved the gluttonous matter

There was also the matter about Qilin being shot and taken away by Aaron, and everything about Universal Technology's magical medical machine was told to him.

The matter of the medical machine started at ten o'clock last night, and a group of videos were circulated on the Internet
Instantly ignited everyone's attention, the miraculous healing machine made everyone feel shocked and miraculous, but also a little crazy

Now, as long as the novel content on the topic of healing machines is involved, it will firmly occupy the position of the hot search list
All kinds of speculations emerge in endlessly, saying that Aaron has acquired alien technology.

It is said that this medical machine has various hidden dangers.

Some people say that the medical machine should not be taken out like this, it will cause social unrest
There are also those who want to apply for the qualification to use the medical machine

And speculate on the scientific basis of the medical machine

All kinds of information have bombarded the audio-visual experience of netizens around the world

And Director Qi was obviously bombed very thoroughly, and now he doesn't even turn on the data network on his mobile phone.

However, what Director Qi and most netizens do not know is that

Since that video was circulated, the stock market has been in turmoil, and the medical industry has completely collapsed

Countless stockholders from home and abroad stepped up to the top of the building and completed the only leap of faith in their lives

And the number of people who died in this situation far exceeded the number who died last night
However, these people who have nothing to do with Aaron and don't cherish their own lives, their lives are not precious
Not even worth a hundred dollar bill

But now, Director Qi doesn't care about the medical machine, he just comforts the people around the place where the injured happened
The other is to send off those colleagues who cannot be treated and come back.
Thanks to the medical machine, the number of deaths of soldiers and policemen this time is far lower than in the original plot

The combined number of the two parties did not exceed ten people, which is very lucky, but also a pity
Fortunately, the number is much lower than the original plot

It is a pity that the life of each of these dead heroes is extremely precious, even priceless

Therefore, after Chief Qi found out about the medical machine, he lost most of his worries about Qi Lin.

Hearing that he was taken away by Aaron for treatment, I was relieved by [-]% or [-]% of my worries.
Chief Qi drank his tea slowly, thinking quietly
"Jingle Bell"

At this moment, Director Qi's cell phone rang.
Chief Qi's conditioned reflex was mediocre, and he quickly took out his mobile phone
Looking at the name of the holographic image projected on the top of the phone, Director Qi hesitated and was also a little scared

And the name projected on it is exactly the word "Aaron".
Director Qi sighed, but still picked up the phone
"How is Aaron?"

As soon as the call was connected, Director Qi couldn't help but said, but just said a word
I felt that my throat was a little dry, so I couldn't help swallowing, and continued
"Don't worry, Uncle Qi, Qilin has already woken up, but after learning about her colleague, she fell asleep again."

Aaron's voice came from the receiver, and Director Qi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
"That's good, that's good. That's good."

Director Qi unconsciously repeated the words in his mouth, and the heaviest stone in his heart fell to the ground

"Okay, Uncle Qi, bring auntie to the villa tonight, let's talk about it in detail! I'll hang up first."

Then Aaron's voice came from the receiver again.
"Uh beep.beep.beep."

Then, as soon as Uncle Qi entered a word, Aaron on the opposite side hung up the phone, which made Chief Qi's eyes widen
After being stunned for a while, he finally came to his senses, shook his head with a helpless smile, and said
"This brat."

In the past, Aaron would never hang up the phone so impolitely
But now that Aaron has done this, he doesn't even realize it.
But there was nothing bad in his tone, and Uncle Qi was not worried, but rather happy

Over the years, Aaron has always looked like a little adult, and he can't see the naughtiness of a child at all.
Therefore, Director Qi felt a little distressed from the bottom of his heart when he saw Aaron's appearance as a young adult.

So from that time on, the education method of Qilin Cave is

As long as Qilin doesn't have a bad influence on other people or things, Uncle Qi will let her be naughty
Don't be like Aaron, become a little grown-up

It's not bad, but it's too distressing!

So, until now, I have developed the appearance of a funny goddess

This made Uncle Qi sigh with a wry smile. It is not easy to have children, it is not easy to raise children, and it is even more difficult to educate children.

But Uncle Qi still likes Qilin's appearance now, it's just that it's too out of the ordinary for a girl
Neglecting this point is still in line with Uncle Qi's training goals.
But if we face this point squarely, Uncle Qi will feel like a failure.
Alright, let's not mention the ever-changing situation on Director Qi's side

Another thing happened in the police station

A man in a suit walked out of the gate of the Public Security Bureau with a red-haired Qiangwei in a leather jacket

"Qiangwei, why don't you go back and rest first, and I'll just do the rest of the work, how about it?!"

This man in a spirited suit is exactly Ajie who was ordered to take Qiangwei away.
After Qiangwei heard it, she still lowered her head slightly, paused her footsteps, then continued to walk forward, and said
"It's okay, let me go together, there will be no more problems!"

Qiangwei's heart was very complicated. During the few hours she spent in the detention center, she gradually calmed down.

In fact, my micro-wormhole transportation ability can be used again an hour ago
But she did not choose to escape from the detention center, but still stayed there quietly.
She also thought about it clearly, she did do something wrong, and she has to bear this punishment
(End of this chapter)

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