Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 3 Unusual Statistics and Martial Arts

Chapter 3 Unusual Statistics and Martial Arts

"As far as I know, Mr. Chen is a kung fu master."

Looking at Aaron's expression, Ducao smiled and said
Hearing Ducao's words, Aaron couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but his face remained calm.
Pretend to be silent and think for a while
"Why?! No matter how good your kung fu is, you will be knocked down with one shot. It is impossible for General Du not to have heard of this sentence, so I am a kung fu master, but this is not an excuse."

Aaron asked, and did not explicitly refuse. After all, the position of instructor of the Xiongbing Company is quite attractive to Aaron

It's not that the official position is high, but that it can study Ge Xiaolun and others closely for a long time
At the same time collect some necessary data during their training
Of course, for Aaron himself, it is also very interesting
After all, being able to train Ge Xiaolun and the others can be regarded as satisfying Aaron's bad taste before crossing

However, although Ducao now invites Aaron to be an instructor, it seems to be in line with Aaron's wishes
However, the reasons given by Ducao could not completely convince Aaron, or let Aaron feel that he was testing himself a little bit.
Hearing Aaron's question, Ducao smiled kindly, and gestured to Lianfeng sitting in front of the computer with his eyes.
Then he turned his head again, signaling to Aaron to stay calm

Seeing Ducao's gesture, Lianfeng didn't say anything, and quietly operated on the keyboard for a while.

A picture appeared in the holographic projection light bottle, which was shot by something similar to a police law enforcement recorder
But this is not important, what is important is the content inside

The content inside is impressively, the scene of Aaron wearing a Taoist robe, carrying Iron Man with one hand, walking from the boat to the shore
It looks very relaxed and effortless, even when I landed, I even jumped a bit

But when it landed on the shore, it was silent and very light.

Aaron looked at the content in the picture, a little dazed look flashed in his eyes, but he still frowned slightly and said

"That's not enough to explain the problem"

"Don't worry."

Ducao was not impatient when he heard Aaron's words, but opened his mouth to signal Aaron to be safe and not to be impatient
The picture on the holographic light screen changed for a while, and a chart came out, which listed Aaron's body data
"Strength: lift 20 tons (preliminary calculation, no exact value)
Speed: [-] to [-] seconds per [-] meters (preliminary calculation, no exact value)
Combat strength: Initially reached the sub-generation super fighter, the specific combat ability is unknown"

There are some other messy data, Aaron glanced at it, and stopped paying attention

Looking at the chart in front of him, Aaron's mind turned, and there was no obvious emotional change on his face.
"What does it mean."

After a while, Aaron still frowned and asked, but he didn't mean to be angry

"Don't be angry, because the last time this American exoskeleton warrior entered Juxia City, we also monitored it. At that time, because we saw your figure, in order to ensure your safety, we monitored the whole process, but..."

Ducao explained. Having said that, Ducao withdrew his gaze on the chart, looked at Aaron whose brows were gradually loosening and continued.
"However, we accidentally discovered your disproportionate strength, so we made a simple calculation, just for the record, and didn't mean to monitor you."

Ducao explained, looking at Aaron in amazement, with a confused and happy expression
Hearing Ducao's explanation, Aaron shrugged and signaled that he understood
In fact, it is impossible for Ducao to monitor Aaron, because Aaron's martial arts has reached the state of Baodan now
Within a certain range, it means that a person does not look at Aaron directly, but only focuses on Aaron for more than three seconds

All will be keenly noticed by Aaron, let alone monitored

Even with satellites or Deno-[-], Aaron will be aware of it
This is the meaning of "the cicadas feel before the autumn wind moves" mentioned in Guoshu

What's more, even if there is no national art, Aaron is now scanning the consciousness with a radius of 4000 kilometers, it is not a joke
Therefore, Aaron knew well whether Ducao and others were monitoring him, so he didn't get angry
"However, we have never discovered that you have researched genetic technology, so we guess that the biggest reason for your physical fitness is probably because of your daily practice."

When Ducao said this, he just stared at Aaron's face, trying to see something from it

However, Aaron was expressionless, and the surroundings fell into silence. After a while,

"You guessed it right, but this is not called Kung Fu, but Guoshu. Or, it can be called Neijiaquan"

Aaron openly admitted the fact that he became stronger because of martial arts

"National art?!"

"Yes, that's right, national art, the national art of a strong country!"

Aaron repeated
"Can you tell me briefly?!"

Ducao was a little excited when he heard it, because he had a premonition that this martial art would definitely be popularized
In other words, this may be the exclusive way for people on earth to become stronger, which is tantamount to creating a new way to become stronger

However, on this road, Aaron, as a pioneer, has only just started
Although Ducao was very excited, he was still a little confused about the principles of Chinese martial arts, so he asked

"There is a saying that explains it very well. Martial arts that only kill enemies and do not perform are called national arts. National arts are divided into practice methods, fighting methods and performance methods. The so-called kung fu that is popular in the market now is all performance methods. .”

Speaking of this, Aaron also sighed, this is not only the helplessness of the super god world, but also the helplessness of the status quo of martial arts in the real world
"Oh?! Why is it divided into three parts?! Why is there only the performance left?!"

Ducao asked curiously at this time, he has been on the earth for thousands of years, but he didn't know such information at all, so he was very curious
"And the reason why there is no style of play is that the current era is a peaceful and prosperous age. If you don't make a move, you will break the law. Therefore, the style of play will gradually lose its inheritance."

"Later, as the style of play was gradually cut off, the practice method was gradually abandoned, because the practice method was for strengthening the body, but it was too hard, and there was no style of play after practicing, just like practicing for nothing, so, also I abandoned the practice."

"At this time, the most basic and most important things of Chinese martial arts were discarded, and the remaining performance, with the rapid development of the entertainment industry, has gradually become popular, but the traditional performance is not affected by modern times. People love it, so for a more passionate and exciting way of performing, even the basic skills of acting have been changed, and the inheritance of Chinese martial arts has been completely broken."

"As for why the national art is divided into three methods, it is because the three methods of national art have different functions"

(End of this chapter)

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