Chapter 35 A Little Confused

"How is it?! How does it taste?!"

On the main road of Tianhe Stone, a cool sports car is heading towards the goal
In the car, Aaron looked at Xin Zhao who was obviously stunned beside him and asked
"Hi! Don't tell me, this taste is really, well, heavenly."

Hearing Aaron's words, Xin Zhao reflected, and said with some aftertaste, couldn't help but smack his lips, and then said
"However, I don't know who opened this hotel. There may be some brain problems. Although the taste is good, it is too cumbersome! I don't think this hotel will last long."

Xin Zhao thought of the beautiful maids in cheongsam, although they were pretty, they were really hard work.

However, what Xin Zhao didn't see was that Aaron's face turned black when he heard his words. Is this a fucking curse? !

"I have a problem with my head, I'm really sorry for you"

Aaron glanced at Xin Zhao speechlessly, the hotel owner with a brain problem you mentioned is right in front of you
"Uh, I made a big fuck, you can't be a hotel owner!"

When Xin Zhao heard Aaron's words, he was stunned. Isn't this fucking stupid in front of others?
"My subordinate is the largest shareholder of the hotel's board of directors, do you have any advice?!"

Aaron glanced at Xin Zhao and said unhappily
Xin Zhao looked at Aaron's displeased expression, sneered a few times, but said nothing

"Okay, let me tell you about the main purpose of finding you this time. As I said before, you are the inheritor of the super gene, but you are not the only one. Now, the war is coming, and the country needs you to form A small team, to deal with the war! So, you are going to join the army, I hope you will not refuse!"

Aaron said lightly, and briefly explained the main purpose of coming to him this time. Although it was in an inquiring tone, the words revealed that there is no doubt about it, and Xin Zhao was also noncommittal.

"Joining the army, I'm quite willing. I wanted to join the army before, but my education was too low to join. Of course I'd like to have this opportunity! But, who are we going to fight?! The League of Hateful People?!"

Xin Zhao does not reject joining the army, but the second half of Xin Zhao's sentence surprised Aaron

In China, because of information control, some people actually know about the Hate Alliance, but most people don’t
Especially the bottom group of people, it is difficult to know this kind of information

"Oh?! You also know the League of Hateful People?! However, they are not rivals!"

Aaron glanced at Xin Zhao in surprise, and said with disdain

"I learned from a gangster, they are not considered opponents!"

Xin Zhao asked in surprise, puzzled by Aaron's disdain

"Don't worry, China and the United States will not become enemies. The next war is an interstellar war, and we are invaded again! Moreover, as long as your abilities are initially developed, they are far from being comparable to those of the League of Haters of!"

"I'm so powerful?! Isn't there a Thor or something on the side of the haters, aren't they all gods?! I don't think I'm so powerful!"

"God?! Brother! You may have misunderstood God. As a god, at least you have to live for tens of thousands of years. However, that Thunder God is only five thousand years old, and his strength is only tens of thousands of tons. Called a god?! At most a second-generation super fighter, and he was still at his peak to reach the level of a second-generation fighter!"

A-Long was very upset when he heard what you Xin Zhao said. The Hateful Alliance group is very powerful, but the gap with Xin Zhao and others is too big.

"What, tens of thousands of tons?! Tens of thousands of years?! Fuck, is it so powerful that you can't call it a god?!"

When Xin Zhao heard Aaron's words, he was startled. This is measured in tons, or tens of thousands of power. You tell me it's not worth mentioning? !

"Hehe, you still don't know anything, you will know later, the so-called Thor is just a super soldier with special energy!"

Aaron looked at Xin Zhao's unbelievable face, smiled lightly, and said nothing, after all, Xin Zhao doesn't know anything now
"Okay, here we are!"

At this time, Aaron stepped on the brakes and stopped the car
Xin Zhao also came back to his senses and looked around. The car was parked on a circular platform, which was inside a very beautiful building.
At some point, Aaron had already driven the car into the production building. Xin Zhao was about to unbuckle his seat belt and get out of the car, but he saw that Aaron didn't move.

Just as he was about to ask Aaron a question in doubt, he felt the whole body of the car move, so he hurriedly looked out the window
I saw the circular platform where the vehicle was parked, and the dragging vehicle began to rise gradually

But Xin Zhao could clearly see that there was nothing connected around the round platform, Xin Zhao thought it might be something supporting the bottom of the round platform, and he didn't show any fuss.
However, Xin Zhao was not surprised, but the people around the prototype platform were looking at the scene in front of them in shock.

In the middle of the hall, a circular platform rose out of thin air, like a magic spell in a novel

Some people even watched the platform rise higher and higher, and quickly found a place farther away to hide in fear
In fact, there is such a circular platform in every second-tier and above city, located in the middle of the Huanyu Technology Building in every city, and it is specially used for Aaron's use
The platform has been rising and stopped when it reaches the height of the building platform. A connecting platform extends from the edge of the building and connects to the circular platform
The circular platform turned underground, turned the direction of the car towards the connection, then started automatically, and arrived at the balcony of the building
A private aircraft is parked on the balcony of the building. When the vehicle reaches the top platform, the hatch at the rear of the aircraft opens directly.

The vehicle automatically drove to the rear, and the people and the car directly entered the aircraft

Knowing this, Aaron unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car

There is a lot of space inside the aircraft, it is in a parking lot, there are various models, and various locomotives
But this is not the point of the problem, Xin Zhao feels that his whole brain is not enough at this time
This, could it be time-traveling!
"Okay, get out of the car. This space is a technological product, subspace technology. I won't tell you the specifics. Just treat it as a Qiankun bag in a cultivation novel!"

Seeing that Xin Zhao didn't move, Aaron said

"Oh, oh!"

Xin Zhao responded dizzily, followed Aaron out of the car, he still couldn't accept it, how the hell did he enter the world of comprehension!

Don't say it's not the world of comprehension, Xin Zhao doesn't believe it, it's all in the bag, isn't it the world of cultivation? !
Around Juxia City, a school with a very large area
Although it is a school, there are only a few students in it, and the rest are all soldiers

At this time, a family of aircraft landed
(End of this chapter)

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