Chapter 37 The Test of Lianfeng

".Well, that's right!"

Hearing Uncle Qi's question, Aaron sighed in his heart, thought for a while and confirmed Uncle Qi's conjecture

"Huh, that's fine, that's fine!"

Uncle Qi let out a long breath, and his expression relaxed.
And Mrs. Qi, who was sitting next to Qilin, also relaxed.
Just now when Aaron said that Qilin has a super gene, her heart tightened

Immediately afterwards, I heard that Qilin might be going to be a super soldier or fight aliens, and she was so scared that her face turned pale.
But the final turn of events also made the big rock in her heart fall to the ground completely.

But just when the two thought the matter had been resolved, at this moment, a voice came over

"Why don't you ask Qilin for her opinion?!"

It was the voice of No. [-], and at this moment, Qilin who was sitting opposite her

On the other hand, he pursed his lips tightly and didn't say a word, but there was a stubborn look in his eyes

Uncle Qi, Aaron, and Mrs. Qi were all silent. When Aaron said that Qilin might join the army to fight against aliens, the confusion in Qilin's eyes disappeared, leaving only firmness.

There are three people, two of them are elders with a lot of experience, and one is a genius, how could they not see Qi Lin's thoughts?
It's just that everyone doesn't want Qilin to join the army, it's too risky, and Qilin just died once

So I deliberately ignored Qi Lin's thoughts, hoping that everything will calm down like this
However, No. [-] is Qilin's best friend and Aaron's wife. She knows that Aaron will be the instructor of the Xiongbing Company

Therefore, in the trust of Aaron, it is also pampering for his best friend
"I'm going!"

Without waiting for everyone to ask, Qilin said with a serious face and a firm tone
"Linlin, you."

When Mrs. Qi heard her daughter say this, her heart skipped a beat. The last thing she wanted to see was still coming.

She has raised Qilin so much, and she knows Qilin's temperament like the back of her hand
Sometimes I'm not like a girl, sometimes I'm stubborn like a cow
But now, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Qilin has made up her mind
"Mom, don't rush to persuade me, I know exactly what I want to do!"

Is Qilin stupid? !She's not stupid, on the contrary, she's smart

She clearly knew that her parents didn't let her go because she was worried about her safety, and she almost lost her last night

But she's a policeman, the 'people's' policeman, and she has to do it
When she is not capable, she can be a simple policeman, but if she is capable, she will protect this land from threats, even if her life is threatened
"I'm going to join the army and be that super soldier!"

Qilin turned her head to look at Aaron, and said firmly and persistently
Aaron looked at the stubborn Qilin, couldn't help sighing, and turned to look at the silent Uncle Qi

"Don't look at my dad! This is my own decision!"

Qilin was very dissatisfied when she saw that Aaron was thinking about her father asking for advice. Did she treat herself like a child? !
Aaron also sighed looking at Qilin, feeling a little helpless in his heart, but also a little happy

Helplessly, Aaron really doesn't want Qilin to go to Xiongbinglian to live the life of struggling on the death line, his heart aches

What is gratifying is that Qilin is able to take responsibility and persevere. Such a girl is more likable, isn't she? !

So, human nature is cheap, it’s just the difference between being able to fill a hole and not being able to fill a hole

"What?! Super Soldier?!"

In a laboratory of Juxia, Aaron came here with Qilin in police uniform, but standing in front of him were Ducao and Lianfeng
Hearing Aaron's words, both of them were taken aback, wondering if Aaron was joking
"That's right, although I really don't want this situation to happen, but I have to say that Qilin is indeed a super soldier!"

Aaron looked at Ducao and Lianfeng who looked suspicious in front of him, smiled wryly, and said helplessly

When Qilin heard Aaron's words, she couldn't help but lightly hammered Aaron's back with her small fist.

It seems to be blaming Aaron for not being firm now, but the warmth that flashed in his eyes cannot be concealed

When Ducao and Lianfeng heard what Aaron said, they also believed Aaron's words
Although it is said that Aaron's technological level is not even a star behind the god-making civilization

But what Aaron climbed is a technology tree that is different from other civilizations

In the process, there will always be some unexpected results, which is not surprising

They were just a little surprised. They didn't know when Aaron had already possessed the technology to detect super genes
"Lie here please"

Lianfeng stared at Qilin in front of her, just when Qilin felt a little bit on pins and needles

Lianfeng turned around, pointed to a very sci-fi bed-shaped machine more than 20 meters away, and said

After Qilin heard it, she subconsciously glanced at Aaron in front of her.
As if Aaron had sensed something, he just turned his head and met Qilin's eyes

Amid Qilin's slightly anxious expression, Aaron smiled and nodded slightly
Qilin felt relieved, walked to the side of the machine, and lay down on it
After Lianfeng saw Qilin lying down, he went directly to the operating table next to him and started to operate.

I saw the big circle around the bed body, with blue patterns slightly lit up on the side.
As time progressed, the pattern continued to spread, and the ring also stretched vertically

In a few seconds, a ring stretched into a cylinder
It wasn't until stretched out that I realized that the whole machine was floating in the air

This stretched cylinder covers the entire bed, as well as Qilin lying on the instrument

It looks like a horizontal cylinder made of steel, but there is a faint blue light flashing on it, showing various patterns layer by layer

When the blue pattern on the whole cylinder lights up, the whole machine becomes transparent

The whole machine seemed to be made of glass, revealing Qilin who was a little nervous inside.
And now, Qilin obviously noticed that the cylinder that sealed her has become transparent.

Subconsciously looking in Aaron's direction, seeing Aaron's reassuring eyes, Qilin also settled down
Then, without waiting for her to continue thinking, wisps of blue air flow appeared out of thin air in the space inside the machine

As soon as the airflow appeared, it gathered towards Qilin's body

When touching Qilin's body, it melted into Qilin's body instantly, and Qilin's face showed a little bit of comfort.

But this situation didn't last long, Qilin couldn't help frowning just as she melted into three wisps of blue air.
Aaron looked at Lianfeng, but Lianfeng obviously didn't notice Aaron's expression
(End of this chapter)

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