Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 60 The small fish has already entered the pot, can the big fish be far behind? !

Chapter 60 The small fish has already entered the pot, can the big fish be far behind? !
When Aaron learned that this restaurant belonged to Wu Chilin, he moved his mind.

What is the best way to get in touch with Ip Man? !only three ways
One is a door-to-door challenge, and the other is to get to know Ip Man through a friend of a friend
The other one is coincidence. To put it bluntly, it is just a way to deliberately create coincidences.
"This Taoist priest, you can call me Wu Chilin, you are the one who wants to sell a batch of silver?!"

Wu Chilin was brought over by the servant, and let the servant go to work,

I sat on the side seat familiarly, and when I saw Aaron wearing a Taoist robe, I smiled and said

"You can just call me Aaron. Yes, I have a batch of silver that needs to be exchanged, but the little brother just now can't make the decision."

While talking, Aaron lifted the package up again, and put it directly on the table

Seeing the package, Wu Chilin said to Aaron

"Daoist Aaron, can I?"

Wu Chilin didn't finish his sentence, he gestured to the package with his eyes, asking if he could open it and take a look

Aaron didn't speak, just nodded

Wu Chilin opened a seam of the package, and took a closer look
After a while, he raised his head and said

"Daoist Aaron, I don't know if you can sell this batch of goods to me directly. Don't worry, the price will definitely not be lower than that of the central bank!"

Wu Chilin said directly, the urgency in his eyes couldn't help
Now the legal currency is gradually being promoted, but the credibility is really not high, and people still trust the hard currency of silver more
"It doesn't matter!"

Aaron said indifferently
Wu Chilin was relieved when he heard it, and then called the boy just now, and asked him to call the shopkeeper.

Then whispered a few words in the shopkeeper's ear

After a while, the shopkeeper kicked over a big brown suitcase, and Wu Chilin put the suitcase on the table directly
"You click!"

Wu Chi Lin smiled and said to Aaron
"No need, it's just money, it doesn't matter! Besides, I think you are trustworthy!"

Aaron took a sip of his tea, turned his head with a smile and said something to Wu Chi Lin with a smile

"Thank you Aaron Dao Zhang for your trust!"

With a grateful look on Wu Chi Lin's face, he bowed to Aaron
Immediately motioned to the shopkeeper to take the silver away, the shopkeeper picked up the silver, turned around and left
"I heard the Daoist's accent, not a local?!"

Seeing the shopkeeper leave, Wu Chilin picked up a topic and chatted with Aaron
Aaron didn't refuse, and started chatting on the topic of Wu Chilin
"I'm from the north! I'm still a boxer. I want to see the hometown of martial arts and see if I can settle here!"

Aaron also smiled and said that he was a boxer. Aaron knew that this topic would definitely excite Wu Chilin
"Boxer?! Northern boxer?! Then what kind of boxing do you fight?!"

Sure enough, Wu Chi Lin became excited when he heard what Aaron said.

He took the initiative to refill Aaron's tea and asked enthusiastically

"Thank you, I know some boxing skills, mainly Bajiquan!"

"Bajiquan! I've heard of this kind of boxing, and I heard it's very powerful. Once you make a move, you will either die or be disabled."

Next, the two began to chat on the topic of martial arts, and they chatted for more than an hour
Until a man with a very high hairline and a suit walked in
After the man came in, Aaron glanced at him, Wu Chi Lin who was talking was puzzled, and followed his eyes

As soon as he saw it, he stood up abruptly and yelled:
"Brother Quan! Here!"

It's just that what he didn't notice was that the corner of Aaron's mouth raised a slight arc

The small fish has already entered the pot, can the big fish be far behind? !
That's right, the person who came in is an important character in the play, Zhou Qingquan

Ip Man's close friends are also the only few people who are regarded as friends by Ye Wen's wife
Zhou Qingquan was taken aback when he heard Wu Chilin's cry, and turned his head

I saw Wu Chilin was at the same table with a young man in Taoist robes
There are still a few side dishes on the table, but they are almost eaten. It is estimated that the two chatted for a long time
This aroused Zhou Qingquan's curiosity, because although Wu Chilin was relatively simple and enthusiastic,
But if it's not about martial arts, I won't stay with one person for too long

Could it be that this little Daoist is a boxer? This figure doesn't look like it!

Moreover, Aaron is very unfamiliar, Zhou Qingquan has been here for decades, and every flower and tree here is very familiar

The unfamiliar Aaron successfully aroused his curiosity
"Morning, Wu Chi Lin, who is this?!"

Zhou Qingquan came over and greeted Wu Chilin, then asked

"Brother Quan, sit down first, let me introduce you!"

Wu Chilin pulled Zhou Qingquan to sit opposite Aaron, and said
"Brother Quan, this priest's name is Chen Yilong. He is from the north and a boxer. He fights Bajiquan! Aaron, this is Zhou Qingquan, a well-known businessman in our town! He is also Ye Wen's best friend. friend!"

Wu Chilin briefly introduced the two of them.
"Mr. Zhou, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Chen Daochang, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Aaron took the initiative to speak, and the two greeted each other!
After the two of them sat down, Zhou Qingquan said
"I don't know where Mr. Chen cultivated?!"

"Xiaoxitian on Niu Shou Mountain, hidden view and cultivating Taoism! I don't know what kind of business Mr. Zhou is doing?!"

Aaron smiled calmly and said

"It's just a few shops, it's not worth mentioning!"

Zhou Qingquan said with a humble face, but the pride that flashed in his eyes couldn't be hidden no matter what
"Oh?! It seems that Mr. Zhou's business is very big. How about it? Do you want to find an opportunity later to do business together?!"

Seeing Zhou Qingquan's expression, Aaron said with a casual smile
"Oh! That's right, Brother Quan, you can cooperate with Aaron. Don't look at Aaron like this. In fact, Aaron is very rich."

Aaron just said it casually, and Zhou Qingquan just listened casually, neither of them took it seriously, but Wu Chilin came to assist

This made Aaron's eyes flash brightly. It doesn't matter whether he does business or not. If he can establish a deeper relationship with Zhou Qingquan, he can get on line with Ye Wen

"...Alas! Let's forget it! Now the few small shops are a bit too much to take care of!"

Zhou Qingquan also has some hesitation. He wants to set up a textile factory and integrate his own resources, but he is short of money, and the gap is not small.

Hearing Wu Chilin's words, he was also a little moved. In fact, he really didn't want to bother Ye Wen.
Although the friendship is deep, but the more you trouble your friends, the friendship will fade

But the Aaron in front of him made him dare not believe it easily, after all, it was the first time we met

"Haha! Let's talk about it when we have a chance!"

Aaron said with an indifferent look on his face

I don't feel too lost in my heart. In fact, my goal has been achieved now.

Wu Chilin took the opportunity to change another table of dishes, and the three of them just drank tea and ate dim sum
After a while, a short but energetic man with Donnie Yen's face walked into the restaurant
(End of this chapter)

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