Chapter 64
Aaron set up his fist again while explaining to Wu Chilin

"Then how do I determine which move to use at that moment?!"

At this moment, Wu Chilin rubbed his heart and asked

"This is the problem of boxing talent! Sensitivity to boxing is very important!"

"Then my talent is not very bad?!"

Wu Chilin said in frustration

"No, on the contrary, your talent is very good, it's just that you need to let go of all kinds of imaginations about martial arts! Let's fight for real!"

Aaron said with a smile, when Wu Chilin heard Aaron's words, his whole body seemed to be rejuvenated

As for what Aaron said later, he didn't know whether he listened to it or not.

Just listening to the first half of the sentence is enough to be excited, and then I set up my fist again.
"Okay, this time I will attack first! You try to take my attack, or this move!"

After Aaron finished speaking, he punched Wu Chilin with his right hand forward.
Wu Chilin's reaction was not bad, his left hand quickly intercepted Aaron's fist and pressed down
The colleague still punched Aaron with his right hand
At this time, Aaron turned around quickly, and his right hand curled up to hook Wu Chilin's left arm
Then the left back Zhou reached Wu Chilin's back again, still holding his strength, but Wu Chilin was hit in the back like this

The whole person couldn't help but draw a half circle with the arm hooked by Aaron as the center

But when he turned around, he just met Aaron's left fist and hit him directly in the face

At this time, Wu Chilin's right hand had just lost its old strength, and its new strength was not yet born, so it was completely irresistible.

I couldn't help closing my eyes and waiting for the fist to land on my face
However, in the end, I only felt a slap on my face.
He opened his eyes suspiciously, and found that Aaron's hand was pressed against his face
At this time, Aaron exerted strength with his left hand, and let go of his right hand, pushing Wu Chilin back two steps.

"Okay, I probably know all about your problem!"

At this time, Aaron stopped, looked at Wu Chilin in front of him and said
"First, the basic skills are not solid, and it can be said that it is a bit vain! It is not a joke to squat in Shaolin Temple for three years before entering the temple! If you do not have the skills of standing, it is difficult to change the power of vanity! Without good skills, hands, eyes, body The steps cannot be coordinated, if the heavens and the earth are blocked, the steps will be unstable, and if the steps are not stable, you will not be able to think about change.”

While pouring a cup of tea for himself and Wu Chi Lin, Aaron sat down and said

"Just like just now, although you learned a good move, you can only fight according to the routine, and your fight is still weak. Later, you have an idea to change your move, but your movement and steps limit your performance! So, Your talent is very good, but you are a little unsteady!"

Aaron commented lightly, without any scruples, and said directly
"Oh! Aaron, how should I change it?!"

Hearing such a bunch of questions, Wu Chilin felt like an eggplant beaten by frost, and asked a bit dejectedly.

"Insist on standing upright every day, stand up until you are about to faint, and then do it again, three to five sets a day, when one day you can stand upright for two hours without much discomfort , then it means that the Zhuang Gong has reached home!"

Aaron said with a faint smile
"Then, Aaron, how long do you think it will take me to reach this level?!"

"Five or six years!"


Wu Chilin yelled in surprise, five or six years, this is too long
"What?! Don't want to?!"

Seeing Wu Chilin's surprised expression, Aaron asked with a smile
"Uh, yes, of course I do, it's Aaron, uh. Is there any quick way?!"

After Wu Chilin finished speaking, he smiled a little embarrassedly, and felt that he was a little greedy.

However, he can be regarded as Sima's living horse doctor. If you ask casually, I don't think there will be any good way
However, Aaron gave him a weird look, and then said
"A quick way. Yes!"

Aaron said calmly
"I knew there was no uh, yes?!"

Hearing Aaron's words, Wu Chilin was a little frustrated at first, but suddenly reacted, and asked in a hurry

"What way?!"

Wu Chi Lin's eyes are full of anticipation
"That is to squat dead piles into living piles!"

Aaron said lightly
"Live pile?!"

"That's right!"

"What kind of pile is that?!"

"How about this, you practice your new move first, and when my martial arts gym opens, come over and I'll teach you!"

Aaron didn't go into details at this time, after all, there are too many things involved, so he just waited for the martial arts hall to open and teach together!

"Oh, good!"

Wu Chi Lin could only sigh helplessly, looking forward to the early opening of Aaron's martial arts gym

He is even thinking now, or else he would just drop out of this Master Liao and be the first to sign up when the Aaron Martial Arts Hall opens.
But it's just thinking about it, a decision can't be made with a slap on the head
After finishing the work, the two chatted about the timing and selection of moves, and got up from time to time to practice duels

Until the sun went down, Aaron's door was knocked again

"Boss, Mr. Zhou is here!"

A voice came in from the door, and it was from the shopkeeper.
"Oh! Well, I'll come right away!"

For the two people who were practicing, Wu Chi Lin replied, then withdrew his fist, and said to Aaron
"Aaron, Quan Shu and I are going to Brother Wen's place tonight, and we will come back when I come back!"

Aaron smiled and nodded without saying a word.

When Wu Chilin saw it, he took the tray, opened the door and went downstairs

Aaron sat by the window, watching the sunset outside the window, enjoying the rare tranquility, but


Zhou Qingquan's voice rang outside Along's gate, Aaron was taken aback, guessing what was going on

"Come on!"

Aaron walked over and opened the door. Zhou Qingquan in a suit and Wu Chi Lin in a military uniform stood outside the door!

"Aaron, do you have time to sit with us at Ah Wen's place?!"

Looking at Aaron, Zhou Qingquan smiled and invited, and Aaron thought to himself, it really is!

"Is it suitable?!"

Aaron said hesitantly, after all, it's a bit impolite to rush to the door

"Don't worry, Aaron, Ah Wen is very hospitable!"

Zhou Qingquan smiled and said to Aaron

".Well! That's fine! I'll go get ready!"

Aaron returned to the house after speaking, and then took out some things from a very modern large suitcase that appeared at the head of the bed

Put them into several paper bags, and just carried them out the door

"Let's go!"

The paper bag in Aaron's hand looks very eye-catching because it is a modern thing
Zhou Qingquan and Wu Chilin were obviously also attracted, but they took the lead and walked ahead without asking any further questions.
Ye Wen's house is not far from Wu Chi Lin's restaurant, but about two miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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