Chapter 67 Apprenticeship? !
Wake up, wash up, clean up the house
Although it was in the period of the Republic of China, Aaron decorated it according to modern standards
There are all the electronic products in it, and the power supply is a super graphene battery the size of a brick

Although this battery is not big, it is enough to support a modern normal household with full power for more than a year

After tidying up all the miscellaneous things, I opened the shop. Uh. Now it's called the martial arts hall, and opened the door of the martial arts hall

This shop is very big, there are two courtyards in total, one inner courtyard and one outer courtyard

The inner courtyard is the courtyard in front of the bedroom of the house. It is very large and can accommodate twenty or so adults to practice martial arts together.
The outer courtyard is the outer house, that is, the yard from the front of the shop to the entrance of the courtyard wall.
It is slightly smaller than the inner courtyard, but it is enough to be used as a martial arts gym (ps: refer to the appearance of Bao Zhilin in Huang Feihong's movie, that is, there is an inner courtyard and a house behind the shop)
Aaron swept the fallen leaves in the yard and began to prepare breakfast, and it was for many people
After nine o'clock in the morning, Wu Chilin's figure appeared at the gate of the martial arts hall
But today he changed his clothes, he is no longer in the uniform of the Liao Family Boxing Martial Arts Academy.

Aaron was sweeping the yard in the outer courtyard, and when he saw Wu Chilin's figure, he greeted with a smile

"Wu Chi Lin, it's so early!"

"Morning, Aaron, I don't think you're going to open the martial arts gym today, come here early to see if you need help, but you."

Wu Chilin came to the yard while saying hello, and looked around as he spoke, feeling a little puzzled
Let’s say today is the opening day of the A-Long Martial Arts Hall, let’s not talk about inviting a lion dance performance or something, let’s decorate the yard or something
But in Aaron's yard, it was deserted, only Aaron was sweeping the yard, Wu Chilin was a little confused
"My martial arts gym is not open to everyone, and I don't like it to be too lively, so I invited some acquaintances here to have a light meal, and just put up a signboard."

Aaron could understand Wu Chilin's doubts, so he explained, and put the broom next to the wall while talking
After finishing speaking, without waiting for Wu Chilin to say anything, he continued
"Come on, come with me, you came just in time, set the table with me"

Wu Chilin followed Aaron and got busy for half an hour
The two were going to sit down and rest for a while, but just as they sat down, several figures appeared at the door of Aaron Martial Arts Hall
Ip Man, Zhou Qingquan, Zhang Yongcheng, Xiao Yezhun, and Zhou Qingquan's son Zhou Guangyao
But today they all look like suits and leather shoes, even Ip Man is wearing a suit

Zhang Yongcheng is wearing a cheongsam and a shawl, which looks very eye-catching
After a few people came in, they also looked at Aaron's yard with some doubts, a little cold
And the street at the entrance is already bustling with people coming and going.
It is in sharp contrast with the courtyard, but Aaron's martial arts gym opened today, why is it so deserted
"Brother Quan, brother Wen, sister-in-law, Guangyao, welcome! Flourishing! By the way, there is also little A Zhun. Uncle has prepared a lot of delicious food today. How about uncle eating all of them for you?!"

Aaron and Wu Chilin went up to meet them, and greeted Ye Wen and others at a discount.

In the end, he just walked up to everyone, pinched Ye Zhun's little face in Ye Wen's arms, and said with a smile

And Ye Zhun was pinched by Aaron, turned his head a little shyly, put his arms around Ye Wen's neck, and buried his head in Ye Wen's chest

"Ask brother! Brother Quan! Sister-in-law!"

After Aaron finished greeting, Wu Chilin also greeted:

"Aaron, Wu Chi Lin, you guys are too early! But, you..."

While talking, Ye Wen glanced around again and again, feeling the same doubts as Wu Chilin

In Aaron's entire martial arts gym, the only thing that can be considered festive is the red cloth covered on the signboard at the gate
This doesn't look like an opening, it's so deserted

"Let's reveal the card first, let's eat first, you haven't had breakfast yet, let's tell you while we eat!"

Aaron didn't answer Ye Wen's question, and directly led the crowd to the door

Looking at the red cloth covering the signboard above, Aaron, under the witness of several people,

Pulling directly on a red ribbon hanging down next to it, the red cloth on the plaque fell apart, and there was only one word "Wu" on the plaque
"Master Chen!"

"Master Chen!"

As the red cloth fell into Aaron's hands, Ye Wen and Zhou Qingquan said to Aaron one after another

Words, Aaron's martial arts school is officially opened
Aaron bowed his hands in return, and then led everyone to the facade room, where a large round dining table was placed
There are some side dishes on it, as well as fried dough sticks and stuffed buns.
There were still several big dishes, and the few people sat down directly and finished the meal
While eating, Aaron said

"My martial arts gym is not open to everyone, and I don't like too much excitement, so after thinking about it, I invite you to come here for a light meal. Under your witness, just put up a signboard."

Aaron told Ye Wen and others what he just said to Wu Chilin

"Not open to everyone?!"

As soon as Aaron's words fell, Zhou Qingquan asked with some doubts, and then his face was stunned again
"That's right, Aaron, you are not short of money. If it is not for making money, opening a martial arts gym should be more about wanting to inherit your skills!"

Zhou Qingquan ate, thought for a while, and said with an understanding expression

Ye Wen and others also looked at Aaron, they also had this doubt
"There must be some reason for this!"

Aaron responded without saying anything.

In fact, the main reason for Aaron is to open up the martial arts system in this world
With such a group of the best people in the martial arts world, it's just to explore the future of martial arts
The second reason is for the country. Now the country is in an era of war and chaos.

Moreover, the Sino-Japanese war will soon lead to a full-scale outbreak, which can be said to be real internal and external troubles

And Aaron wants to train such a group of people to work together with Mao Weiren to make peace come earlier
At the same time, I also want this group of people to become the backbone of the country (ps: you can refer to the dragon group in other novels.)

But these are not suitable to say now, so Aaron didn't say much, but just echoed Zhou Qingquan's words

Everyone looked at Aaron's appearance, and knew that Aaron's reasons were not all in this way, but they didn't say much.

"Hey, Aaron, then your martial arts gym is not open to everyone, how can I learn from a teacher?!"

At this time, Wu Chilin suddenly spoke, with a slightly urgent expression on his face

"Apprenticeship?! Wu Chi Lin, aren't you in the Liao Family Boxing Martial Arts Academy?!"

Ye Wen asked with some doubts at this time.
"Oh, I have already left the Liao Family Boxing Gym. Two days ago, Master Liao and I had some conflicts because of my younger brother's affairs. I just took advantage of the opening of the A-Long Martial Arts Gym, so I left from there!"

(End of this chapter)

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