Chapter 69 Why Learn Boxing? !

Aaron sent Ye Wen and others to the door, but what he didn't expect was that
There are a dozen young people, sneaking around the wall of Aaron's outer wall

Seeing Aaron, Ye Wen and others coming out, these people quickly turned around
Those who watch the sky look at the sky, those who kick the grass kick the grass, all of them pretend to be indifferent
These young people are only sixteen or seventeen years old, and the few people standing in the front look very familiar.

In fact, the moment Aaron saw these people, he probably guessed their purpose
However, now Aaron bids farewell to Ye Wen and others, and ignores them
"Okay, Master Chen, stop and send it here! Thank you for recruiting today!"

At the door, Ye Wen also saw those young people, and Ye Wen also knew them, but Ye Wen didn't say anything

After exchanging light greetings with Aaron, he left with Zhang Yongcheng and Ye Zhun

And Zhou Qingquan and Zhou Guangyao also chatted lightly with Aaron, and left

Wu Chilin originally wanted to stay and help Aaron clean up the yard, but Aaron drove him back

"Okay, stop pretending, you guys, come in with me!"

Aaron turned around, looked at the extremely contrived young people on the wall next to the door and said
After finishing speaking, he took the lead and walked in.
The young people behind looked at each other, and finally looked at each other, followed Aaron into the martial arts gym
After entering the yard, Aaron turned around, looked at more than a dozen young people in plain clothes, sized up everyone and said
"You all want to learn boxing?!"

Aaron didn't hesitate at all, and asked directly
When Aaron saw these young people, he recognized these young people
It was those young people who were lying on the courtyard wall watching boxing at Ip Man's mansion that day

Therefore, they can come to the Aaron Martial Arts Hall at this time, and there is no need to guess their purpose
There is no other reason than apprenticeship

A few young people were a little confused when they heard Aaron's words, er, how do you know that we are here to apprentice? !

Several people can't help but have doubts in their hearts

Therefore, Aaron waited for a long time after asking the question before hearing anyone reply, so he glanced at everyone suspiciously

Several people also reflected at this time, and the leader spoke
"Uh yes. Yes!"

It's a man dressed in plain clothes, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, very simple and honest
And this man is also the man who screamed when Aaron was exchanging ideas with Ye Wen that day

Aaron is still very happy that he can come here to learn from his teacher

Hearing what this simple and honest man said, the group of people in the back also nodded frantically.

"Tell me what your names are!"

Aaron didn't say anything after hearing it, and asked everyone to briefly introduce himself

"My name is Liu Liu Ren!" "My name is Wang Si" "My name is Chen Chong!".
Next, a bunch of names came up.

"Then why do you want to learn boxing?"

Aaron asked again

"Practicing boxing can protect yourself!" "A man should learn boxing!" "I don't want to be bullied!" "Learning boxing can make me stronger!".
Similarly, there are various reasons, but in general, there are only a few

After everyone finished speaking, Aaron looked at the young people in front of him and pondered, and after a while, he opened his mouth and said
"If you have learned everything, I want you to join the army, are you willing?!"


Hearing what Aaron said, the young people in front of them were a little stunned, looking at each other, not knowing what to say

Everyone is thinking, or in other words, weighing, whether it is worthwhile to measure the gains and losses
"If you don't want to, just go out right now!"

Aaron didn't give everyone too much time, and said directly!

Hearing Aaron's words, seven or eight of them had a look of disappointment in their eyes, hesitated for a while, and then left one after another

And there are five or six people left, including that simple and honest Liu Ren
Unobtrusively, a look of satisfaction flashed in Aaron's eyes
"The boxing skills I teach you can never be passed on to people abroad without any reason. They must be descendants of the Yellow Emperor! If you can't accept it, leave!"

Aaron looked at the crowd and didn't move.Then he spoke again, but after finishing speaking, this time, there was no movement from the crowd.

Obviously everyone has no objection to this question, Aaron shrugged and said nothing

"Learn boxing with me, you don't have to worry about eating and drinking, but it's a hundred times harder than other martial arts gyms, people who think they can't bear this hardship, just leave!"

Aaron continued, his eyes scanning the people in front of him

Of the remaining six people, one of them, a man who looked a little fat, was a little hesitant. Aaron remembered his name, Chen Chong
The family conditions should be relatively good, at least not short of food and clothing

Chen Chong's eyes kept struggling, he hesitated and hesitated in his heart, and finally pushed it out, walking towards the door
"Three children?!"

Seeing Fatty leave, Liu Ren standing in front of the line couldn't help but shouted

Chong Chong is the third child at home, and sometimes everyone calls him Chen San, and later he got the joking name of San'er
Chen Chong stopped for a while, finally shook his head slightly, and still walked towards the door
After he left, Aaron looked at the young people in front of him and said
"Okay, I've finished asking all my questions! Now, you can go, go back and discuss with your family members whether you can really accept these conditions! If you can accept them, start tomorrow morning and come to the martial arts hall to gather!"

Aaron looked at the people in front of him and opened his mouth again. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone was shocked, but after hearing what Aaron said behind him, he calmed down

But I couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in my heart. I agreed to it very readily just now, and now I have to discuss it with my family.
In fact, the second and third of the three conditions proposed by Aaron are acceptable, but the first condition is very difficult!

After all, it's a time of troubled times, and everywhere is in chaos. Joining the army and waiting to die are almost equated

Therefore, all the young people have a passion for serving the country, but their families are not so willing
Everyone was a little apprehensive when they heard Aaron's words, gave a salute, and went out
In the end, Liu Ren stayed and just stood there. After everyone left, Aaron said
"And you, why don't you go back?!"

Aaron looked at Liu Ren, who was half his head lowered by Long Long in front of him, and said
"I don't have a home. I grew up eating a lot of food, so I can make my own decisions!"

Liu Ren said, there was no sadness in his eyes.
Perhaps for him, life without parents and family is very habitual

Aaron didn't show any pity, because there is no need

He is very strong and self-reliant, if you show pity on your face, it is an insult to his strength

"Have you had breakfast yet?!"

Aaron looked at Liu Ren in front of him, and suddenly said
"Uh no. No!"

(End of this chapter)

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