Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 75 Interesting facts about "Jianghu"? !

Chapter 75 Interesting facts about "Jianghu"? !

Jin Shan looked excitedly at Aaron in front of him, patted his chest and said, there was still a mouthful of food in his mouth, and his speech was a little slurred

His four younger brothers, when they heard what their boss said, they also patted their chests with excitement and nodded frantically.

Think about why Jinshan brought them out of the valley? !Isn't it just trying to be rich!

Even after they came out, they didn’t dare to think that they would be as rich as they are now. Now the owner in front of him is willing to give them a fortune

It can be said that they are their real benefactors, you know, if they can't stay here
It is very likely that what is waiting for them is to starve to death, or to fall into bandits, so everyone is grateful
The next morning, when Aaron woke up, he found that some people from Jinshan had already started cleaning up the martial arts gym.
The sun has just risen from the ground, and the sun looks like a sunset
"Master, morning!"

As soon as A-Long walked to the yard, he saw Jin Shan find a few people to sweep the floor, to lift the water, and to clean up the yard.

Aaron nodded and the superman also said hello, watching the sun rising in the distance

He raised his hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, it was past 40:[-]

In other words, it will be seven o'clock soon, and none of the people who came to apprentice with Liu Ren yesterday
A look flashed in Aaron's eyes, but he still couldn't help being a little disappointed

National security is at stake, how many people can really work together to save the country? !
Maybe I am too greedy. In this era, it is an extravagant hope for everyone to have a bite to eat and to guarantee their own survival. How can there be any talk of serving the country!
At this time, the figure of Liu Ren came in from the door, carrying a big burden, it seemed that he had finished his affairs
"Master, morning!"

After Liu Ren entered the door, he greeted Aaron
"Is everything done?!"

Aaron nodded with a slight smile, then asked

"Yes, Master!"

"Well, okay, let's go and pack up! We're ready to eat after we're done!"

After finishing speaking, Aaron turned and walked towards the kitchen
Liu Ren also nodded, and walked towards the backyard, but there was some hesitation in his expression

He wanted to wait for the other companions, but he knew that they probably wouldn't come!

More than ten minutes later, two more figures appeared at the door of the martial arts hall, and Liu Ren's eyes lit up after cleaning up.

But when he saw the person coming, his eyes couldn't help but dim again.

The person who appeared at the door was Wu Chi Lin, followed by Zhou Qingquan's son, Zhou Guangyao, who was wearing a suit!

"Ha, Wu Chi Lin, you're here too!"

Liu Ren was a little disappointed when he saw Wu Chi Lin and Zhou Guangyao, but he was also very excited

After all, he knew Wu Chi Lin, and although the relationship was not particularly good, it was still pretty good.
So, he's still excited

"Oh! Brother Liu San, you are here too! I thought you wouldn't come!"

Wu Chilin was about to speak when a voice behind him interrupted Wu Chilin's words
At this time, Zhou Guangyao excitedly called out to Liu Ren in front of him.

In fact, Liu Ren is not that familiar with Zhou Guangyao, but Zhou Guangyao is in school.

And they are social people with some jobs. The only thing they have in common is that they like boxing.

So, after Zhou Guangyao went to school, he circled around their buttocks
Liu Ren and his group will also tell them some interesting stories about "Jianghu", which makes Zhou Guangyao always very excited

"Now that you are under my sect, everyone knows my rules!"

After breakfast, resting slightly, Aaron looked at the row of people standing in front of him and said
There are three young people named Liu Ren, and Jinshan and others, a total of eight people

And now the door of the martial arts hall has been closed, because a lot of Foshan people have gathered outside the door, and the policeman Li Zhao took the lead.
In fact, Aaron's conditions for accepting apprentices also spread along with the children who went back yesterday.

There are a lot of orphans who want to learn from Alongmen before coming to the Alongmen Pavilion this morning
There are also some families who support their children to serve the country, and there are quite a few such families

In addition to Li Zhao and his team members, it can be said that the team is very large, and the entrance of Along Martial Arts Hall is completely surrounded.

In the yard, when they heard Aaron's words, several people said in unison

Aaron looked at the monkey-spirited people in front of him and smiled slightly, but no matter how you look at it, it looks like a smirk
"Okay, let's start now, every morning, start from the martial arts hall, and run around the town! I didn't say stop, so I can't stop! Now, let's go! I will follow you, don't try to be lazy!"

Immediately after Aaron opened his mouth and said, after finishing speaking, while the few people looked at each other in blank dismay, they still obeyed Aaron's order and ran towards the outside
As soon as I opened the door, I saw the watertight door around the door.
At the originally noisy door, when everyone saw the door of the martial arts hall opened, they immediately became quiet

But Liu Ren and the others who came out ignored these people, squeezed out a jump, and ran towards the outside
But Aaron stopped, looked at the people in front of him and said
"I know that you all want to be apprentices. From now on, if you want to learn boxing from me, you can run with me. If you can persist until the end, or if you are determined enough, you can join me and learn boxing with me. !"

After Aaron finished speaking, he ran forward to follow Liu Ren and the others, and the surrounding villagers also made way for a passage
And those who want to learn boxing also reflected it at this time, let go of their feet, and ran behind Aaron

As a result, a strange scene appeared in Foshan, that is, a large group of people started running around Foshan Town

It looks like there are hundreds of people, a huge crowd
The line was very long, unlike other martial arts gyms, this novel way of teaching boxing made many people look lively
But as time goes by, this scenery has become a common thing in Foshan

However, the later morning running team did not have the scene of hundreds of people on the first day.

Running in a circle from Foshan Town, not long after, some children in their teens also started running

Three months later, more than 30 young people aged [-], [-] and above, both men and women, each accounted for about half
And in this team, it is unbelievable to see Li Zhao and his two subordinates
Running around Foshan, followed by a small team, sixteen little hairy kids around ten years old, also ran behind
Time moves on, and a year later
Aaron is chatting with someone in the martial arts gym

This person is wearing a Chinese tunic suit, wearing glasses, and his eyes reveal a fiery enthusiasm

"Mr. Liu, please bring this letter and this item to *** for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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