Chapter 80 Ip Man, Come Out!

Originally, Aaron was also wondering what was going on.

Knowing that Li Zhao had secretly sent a message, Aaron felt a bit dumbfounded.

A long time ago, Aaron arranged for Li Zhao to be a "traitor"

Of course, not really being a traitor, but hiding under the noses of the Japanese army, listening to Aaron's orders and waiting for an opportunity
Therefore, just like in the original plot, Li Zhao still worked as a translator for the Japanese army.
A few days ago, Li Zhao still took in Ye Wen's family and planned to send them to the underground base

But there are too many secrets in the underground base, it's not that you don't trust them, but that you can't have the slightest risk
So, Li Zhao took them to his home
Ye Man is still working and teaching boxing in the cotton factory
And Zhou Guangyao has also entered Mingjin now, but it doesn't seem to be obvious
This is what Aaron requested, now is not the time for Zhou Guangyao to show his strength

Zhou Qingquan, who originally planned to leave Foshan, did not have time to leave and stayed in Foshan
Since Jin Shanxun has now been subdued by Aaron, there are no robbers in the factory.

However, two days after Aaron came back, Ye Wen was still arrested

Aaron originally planned to save people, but Li Zhao said that there is no need to worry, there are people of his own to take care of him, so he was relieved
So after Ye Wen was captured, Aaron came forward and took Zhou Qingquan and the cotton factory workers to a resettlement site, where they temporarily lived.
Then he ran to Li Zhao's house, and took Zhang Yongcheng and others to the resettlement site through a secret passage.
And Aaron is waiting now, waiting for Ye Wen's final battle in Foshan

The next day, around eleven o'clock in the morning

After Aaron contacted the nearby army, Aaron and others were wearing tattered clothes and hiding in the crowd
Within a few minutes, Ye Wen, dressed in a long gown, was escorted by several Japanese soldiers and walked towards the stage.
Ye Wen, who was dressed in an old gray gown, had shining eyes, even a bit compelling

But in the eyes of ordinary people, it does not have such a glamorous feeling, and there is a feeling of returning to basics

He walks in an even and steady manner, as if he is punching a fist every time he walks, with an inexplicable rhythm

If it is a person who is very close to Ye Wen and has a certain foundation in martial arts, he will hear some thunderous sounds
This is Ye Wen breaking through the last bit of strength and integrating the strength into his body
Completing the final transformation of the body is also the last step of sublimation, returning to the realm of the unity of the Hunyuan again

What is missing now is the last battle
It seems that what happened in the past few days has completely gathered the fierceness in Ye Man's bones

For a long time, Ip Man, who is like a gentleman, has found it difficult to make progress on the road of fruit trees
But national art is an armed force, and it uses the body as a weapon to the extreme
Ye Wen's martial arts is admirable, but it also makes him a bit stupid

This encounter finally made him truly understand his own stupidity.

It’s okay to be kind, but stupid kindness will only harm others and yourself, and those who love you will hurt your enemies!

Now, Ye Wen, who has lost this point, has finally crossed the threshold of Baodan with his mind cleared up.

Aaron looked at Ye Wen who was walking, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes

However, this is not enough, far from enough for Aaron. What Aaron needs is a fellow Taoist who can seek the Tao together
Rather than a groping apprentice!And the competition, also in Aaron's thinking, began!

However, unlike the situation in the original book, Ip Man, you shot very quickly this time.
Ip Man and the Japanese general stood on the stage, looking at the unpretentious Japanese general Ip Man in front of him, he smiled and said:
"Some time ago, sixteen devils of your zhina killed [-] warriors of the Great Japanese Empire. I don't believe it. I will show you zhina today. Only the warriors of the Great Japanese Empire are the most heroic warrior!"

The Japanese general put on a karate posture, and his tone was unabashedly contemptuous
After Li Zhao translated it, Ye Wen's face remained the same, as if he hadn't heard the insult from General Ru Jun, and then he spoke
"Chinese martial arts, although it is a kind of armed force, but our Chinese martial arts contains the philosophy of Chinese Confucianism, martial arts, that is, benevolence, benevolence, and putting oneself in front of others. This is the truth that you Japanese will never understand! But , I also hope that you can remember that Chinese martial arts are not only good-looking! I will let you understand what is the Chinese killing technique!"

Ye Wen said a lot, forcing Wang Fan'er very much, but the other side can't understand, are you angry?
But after Ye Wen finished speaking, the people in the audience applauded loudly, and Ye Wen remained motionless like a mountain.
The two officially started fighting, the same routine as in the original plot, starting with a set of Japanese punches

However, the difference from the original plot is that Ye Wen punched vigorously and heavily.

Just one punch broke the defense of General Rujun, and one punch hit the heart of the Japanese general
It is a bit tiring that the Japanese officer was...killed by this punch.
In the meantime, the Japanese officer rolled over on the ground twice before making no sound.

Just when everyone was stunned, a gunshot resounded through the sky

Everyone was awakened, whether it was ordinary people in the audience or the Japanese army, they all looked up at the place where the sound came from

I saw that Li Zhao standing on the top of the stage took out a pistol out of nowhere, and shot the dead Japanese general's subordinate in the head.

At this moment, his body went limp, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.
Just when the rest of the Japanese army rushed to shoot Li Zhao

The dense gunshots rang out again, but the duration was not long, less than 20 seconds

Before the people in the audience even had time to scream and run around, they saw the Japanese soldiers guarding around fell to the ground one after another.
Ye Wen who watched was also in a daze, standing on the stage and didn't know what to do

Aaron leaped a distance of more than five feet, landed on the stage, and said loudly

I saw young people in casual clothes, who looked no different from ordinary suffering people, gathered from all directions
And Li Zhao on the stage also took off his suit jacket and jumped down from the stands
Another pistol was drawn from behind, holding two guns, and stood in front of Aaron
Finally, after all the party members had assembled, there were already twenty people standing in front of Aaron, lined up in two rows.
The eyes are shining, everyone is holding two pistols, standing straight and looking at Aaron in front of him

Looking at the figures of Aaron and the others, Ye Wen couldn't help but smile
He knew that when Aaron's figure appeared here, everything would be settled

But Aaron didn't have time to talk to Ye Wen, or even to the people in the audience, so he said solemnly
(End of this chapter)

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