Salted fish drifting in the sky: super seminary

Chapter 82 See God Aaron VS Baodan Yewen

Chapter 82 See God Aaron VS Baodan Yewen
The elbow passed like a knife, but there was no sound, no sound, and the short and fast tip of the elbow left Li Yewen's ears less than [-] centimeters.
In terms of Aaron's shooting speed, if this blow is solid, Ye Wen will definitely be killed or disabled.
But at this moment, Ye Wen tilted his head, bent his body sideways, shifted his center of gravity slightly, raised his left foot, and kicked Aaron's waist with a flat side kick
Quickly and swiftly, it attacked Aaron's waist like lightning
Aaron's body turned slightly, and Zhu Anshen Porridge attacked Ye Wen's sideways head.
This attack can be said to be very vicious. It seems that Ye Man has no way to evade or defend. In other words, Aaron's attack can be said to be truly invulnerable.

However, at this moment, Ye Wen's sideways body shrank slightly.
The whole body leaned back, and the strength of the back burst out, just hitting Aaron's waist, knocking Aaron two steps away

Then both of them stopped, turned around each other, took a fancy look at each other, and opened the distance again

Both of them knew that after the warm-up was over, Ip Man was still slightly inferior

When the two returned to where they stood at the beginning, their blood began to flow violently, and their faces were flushed like fire
As the breath swelled, the robes also began to rattle, as if there was no wind.

As he breathed, Ye Man's mentality gradually calmed down, just like the state he had when he was fighting the Japanese general on the stage.

No sorrow, no joy, like a Buddha who has realized the artistic conception of "emptiness", squatting down slightly, raising his hands slightly, and erecting a fist
In fact, at the level of Ye Wen, he is already at the peak of Baodan, and he is no longer limited to Wing Chun.

Even when he walks, sits, and sleeps, he is always boxing. He already has his own way of boxing.
But now, he still likes to put up this boxing pose, it's just because of habit, it can make him calm down quickly

The bodies of the two were full of qi and blood, and countless steams were emitted from the two bodies. In the afterglow of the setting sun, there was a somewhat beautiful artistic conception

But this scene does not make everyone feel beautiful, but terrifying

In the eyes of everyone, the two of them are like giant beasts, with strands of "immortal energy" floating around them

Originally, in their cognition, the two people just now were already very terrifying and magical, just like immortals who have attained enlightenment and become immortals

But now, everyone knows that it was too early to sigh!
The two people in front of me are real giant beasts, just this invisible aura is scary enough

Just when everyone was still immersed in that sense of fear, Ye Wen moved
He took a big stride and rushed forward with both legs. With his short stature, he looked like a giant Kuafu running

At the same time, his right hand was thrown back, his arm was slightly bent, forming a miniature arc, like a machete

Ye Wen's speed at this time has more than doubled compared to just now, and in the blink of an eye, Ye Wen has already arrived in front of Aaron
This is the weapon usage in Wing Chun, double chopping knife, it should be holding two butterfly knives
But at this moment, Ye Wen erected his hands into palms and turned his palms into knives, vaguely looking a bit sharp like knives

Then I saw Ye Wen's right hand formed a circle, and struck towards Aaron's more heavenly spirit caps from top to bottom.

This move is exactly the "Snowflake Covering Knife" method in Wing Chun. It is sharp, straightforward, and ruthless.

Aaron No. [-] has no doubts. Ye Wen chopped down with the knife. If he chopped it hard, his head would definitely explode like a watermelon.

Ye Wen's blow, the timing of the outbreak, the geography, and the environment, all cut me to the extreme, and it was the most peak strike. In the indomitable trend, it also brought countless bloody storms

Ye Wen's attack this time has a hint of sneak attack, which can be regarded as a surprise attack

But for Aaron, such a situation made him very happy, because Ye Wen finally had a little murderous intent in his fist. This is the essence of Chinese martial arts, and the real Chinese martial arts detective
Amidst the excitement, Aaron's face remained unchanged, but in fact he couldn't help raising his height again. Looking at Ye Wen who was attacking in front of him, Aaron's body suddenly took half a step back
Immediately, he took another half step forward with his front foot, exhaled loudly, the hair all over his body exploded, and even the rubber band on his head that was used to bind the hair suddenly broke.

Aaron's hair was scattered, and the pores of his body were wide open. When he punched out, the sweat all over his body turned into mist, as if he could fly into a fairy in the next moment.

Taking half a step back, and then taking another half step, Aaron used up seven or eight percent of his strength

"Huh?! Got it?!" Ye Wen was wondering, when he saw Aaron retreating in front of him, just avoiding his own knife
The situation that was suspected to be victory in sight, turned upside down in an instant

However, fortunately, Ye Wen is now in the state of Baodan, holding his breath in one breath, standing up and down continuously, there will be no situation where the old strength is not exhausted, and the new strength is not born

Lifting the palm knife with the backhand and left hand is a sinister thrust towards Aaron's throat, trying to force Aaron to withdraw his fist
This stabbing knife is extremely sinister and terrifying. It is a real poisonous snake coming out of its hole. It is as fast as lightning, but it is also extremely sinister and vicious.

The most frightening thing is that the palm knife inserted into Aaron's throat with his left hand, during the attack, rubbed against the air and produced a sharp sound, intermittent, like a rattlesnake in the desert, but the sound was much louder than that of a rattlesnake

Aaron remained motionless, the right arm of the punch he punched was bent, turning the punch into an elbow, with the spine as the center

His feet moved slightly, and he took a strange step, then exerted force from his waist, turned his body sideways, squatted in a horse stance, and raised his elbow to hit Ye Wen's left armpit viciously.

In this episode, Ye Wen couldn't stop it, and he couldn't stop it. It was like a big pendulum that hit Ye Man's armpit, the fatal weak point.
But just when Aaron was avenging Ye Wen's armpit, Ye Wen's whole body suddenly softened, as soft as a lump of cotton, leaving Aaron with nowhere to use his energy.
It is the strength of the word "wrap" in Taijiquan. It turned out that Ye Wen had already studied and studied Taijiquan in Chinese martial arts.

However, if you think about it, if you simply learn Wing Chun, Ip Man will not be able to get to where he is today

But it's not over yet, Ye Man is clinging to Aaron's elbow, his body is like a leaf, he stomps on his feet, turns around, turns his right hand into a whip, and lashes towards the back of Aaron's head
The veins on the back of the hand were exposed, and you could even vaguely hear the sound of bones rubbing against each other, as well as the sound of hunting through the air, which was sharp and frightening.

Aaron didn't look back, he just felt numbness in the back of his head, as if he had been shocked by an electric shock

(End of this chapter)

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