Chapter 84

"Brother Renren, then what should we do?"

Another young girl walked up to the girl in front, supported her body, and said timidly
Liu Ren, who was about to turn around and leave again, paused, as if he was thinking about something, and remained silent for a few seconds, or hours
The younger brothers and younger sisters behind me just felt that the atmosphere was extremely dignified, as if they were carrying a few mountains on their backs.

"I'm going to find him!"

Liu Ren opened his mouth, and after he finished speaking, he walked forward, ignoring the "junior brothers and sisters" behind him, he wanted to atone for his sins
He didn't ask for that person's forgiveness, he just wanted to atone for his sins, he just wanted to be able to kneel and repent in front of that person, even... only once!
In fact, the younger brothers and younger sisters behind him could understand Liu Ren's mood. They were also in pain, but they didn't know what to do!
Now, they...know!
Time flies quickly, spring goes to autumn, cold comes and summer goes, year after year has passed

Ye Wen's plot is still advancing, but when Ye Wen and Hong Zhennan fought, Aaron did not appear
In the end, Ye Wen defeated Tornado on the boxing ring, and broke through the strength of the general trend of people chanting his name, because he straightened the backbone of the Chinese people and awakened the spirit of the Chinese people.

But at this time, Aaron still did not appear, and time continued to advance, and finally came to 1956

This year, Bruce Lee came to learn from Ip Man, and when he was accepting apprentices, Aaron came
At this time, Aaron looked like an ordinary little Taoist priest, and he still looked like that

But as he walked, every step he took seemed to be stepping on everyone's hearts, as if Aaron moved, the world became more colorful, as if Aaron was the center of the world, his eyes were clear and plain, as if he could directly Seeing the bottom of my heart, invisible, let everyone feel an incomparable sense of trust

"Brother Wen, let's teach him the martial arts!"

Silently, Aaron arrived at the center of the courtyard. Now Ye Wen's martial arts gym is no longer a small rooftop, but a simple courtyard, but Ye Wen's appearance is still about 30 years old

No one saw where Aaron came from, and no one knew how Aaron appeared. Even when Aaron opened his mouth, everyone discovered Aaron's figure

Then more than a dozen of Ye Wen's disciples bowed their hands to Aaron, with worship and admiration in their eyes!
And those new disciples were a little strange, but they didn't say anything.

"Aaron, you are here!"

Ye Wen, with vicissitudes in his eyes, looked at Aaron in surprise, but Aaron just nodded with a smile, and then looked at Bruce Lee kneeling in front of Ye Wen's seat, turned around and walked away. Suddenly, Aaron's figure disappeared.

The people in the yard seemed to be missing something in this world, and the sense of loss made them a little crazy!
Ye Wen looked at Aaron who left, and sighed secretly in his heart, Aaron's current martial arts realm is really perfect!

That kind of auspicious feeling from heaven shocked Ye Wen a little bit, and he also felt a little touched. Today, he is in the realm of strong energy, and his strength is getting deeper and deeper, but he is too far away from the realm of seeing God. Today Seeing this side of Aaron, under the shock of my heart, I also had a little understanding in my heart

"Master, who is he?!"

Bruce Lee, who was sitting under Ip Man's seat, watched Aaron's disappearing figure, and asked involuntarily.

"He! You can be regarded as the supreme god of martial arts! A veritable immortal!"

Ye Wen thought for a while and said with some melancholy. He looked into the distance with deep eyes. He still remembered Aaron's figure when he first arrived in Foshan. He was young, energetic, and gentle. That kind of charm, the only charm in the world!
A-Long left again, no one knows where he went, maybe he was traveling around the world, maybe he was living and working in peace and contentment to experience life, or he was living in seclusion alone, who knows?
It's just that the current Aaron has reached the peak of martial arts, which is the final state of Wang Chao in the novel "The Romance of the Dragon and Snake"

In the novel, Wang Chao said that there is no way forward, and even the author of the novel said that there is no way forward

But for Aaron, the end of martial arts is more than just that
Although for ordinary people, such a realm can be said to be like a god, but if you think about the gods and ghosts in the super god world, they can reach that step by relying on science, then the realm of martial arts is far more than this
However, Wang Chao failed to discover the way forward for the national art, either because the ability of the national art itself failed to open up the way forward, or because the foundation of the national art was not enough.

How many years did it take for the technology of the super god world to develop the current god body technology, and how many years it took to develop the four generations of god body technology, a total of more than [-] years, and the development time of the national martial art boxing has never been If there is, it is nothing more than a development in thousands of years of history, lacking foundation.
However, Aaron did not lose confidence. On the contrary, he was full of confidence, because he had a bug that could speed up, that is, the consciousness and the ability to travel through space

The days are still moving forward, nothing has changed because of Aaron's departure, Ye Wen is still living an ordinary and stable life,
But there is one person who has come to Hong Kong, that is Zhang Tianzhi, in reality, Zhang Tianzhi does not exist

However, with the characters in the plot, Zhang Tianzhi appeared in Hong Kong, and all related businesses have been developing vigorously in the past few years
The previous chief of the police station was still reported and resigned, but the new chief sent by the British government is even more arrogant

When I first came to Hong Kong, I wanted to do something to Jinshan and others, and even put a seal on it. Under pressure, Jinshan and others' restaurants and martial arts were closed for a few days
But within a few days of being closed, the door was opened again, as if nothing had happened, but in the office of the police chief, the police chief lost a finger on his right hand

But it didn't take long for this incident. A black boxer from England, Frankie, came here to build an underground black boxing arena and opened a factory. He robbed the title deeds of various shops everywhere.

Seeing this situation, the police chief secretly united with the boss of the black boxing ring, Frankie, and wanted to attack Jinshan and others again.

Coincidentally, Franci also wants to take down Jinshan and others' shop and martial arts gym. Jinshan and others' restaurant is currently the best restaurant in Hong Kong. It can be said that it is not worth it However, for these devils, it is obviously not in line with their wishes to see that they can't eat.
(End of this chapter)

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