Chapter 88 Zhang Tianzhi

After a while, Zhang Yongcheng came out of the bathroom, his face was full of red, healthy and beautiful, he walked up to him as soon as he came out, and said to Aaron
"Aaron, I want to eat delicious food!"

For a long time, Zhang Yongcheng regarded Aaron as his younger brother. Since he had tasted Aaron's craftsmanship, he often went to Aaron's place to eat and drink. Later, after the fall of Foshan, Zhang Yongcheng never saw Aaron again. I didn't see the figure three years ago because I missed it, but I finally saw it this time, and saved her life as soon as I came. What kind of fate and joy is this

Aaron did not refuse either, cooked a table of good dishes, chatted with Ye Wen's family, and left after dark

It still disappeared without a sound, walking like a ghost, but also like a fairy or Buddha.

Ye Wen told Zhang Yongcheng about the martial arts the next day. After knowing the benefits of the martial arts, Zhang Yongcheng's eyes turned green, and he rolled his eyes fiercely. He was very dissatisfied with Ye Wen's failure to report the knowledge. Since then, Zhang Yongcheng He also started his own national art path

In the evening, Ye Wen came for an appointment and came to Zhang Tianzhi's martial arts gym. Zhang Yongcheng still followed, and Ye Wen still patted her on the chair in the outer hall. Unlike before, there was no pain and sadness in the expressions of the two of them. The look of despair, but some are the smile on the face and the physical condition of the red face, and Zhang Yongcheng is supported by Ye Wen, it is all because of standing on the pile today, his legs are weak
Ye Wen came to the martial arts competition as promised, but Zhang Yongcheng came to observe. After all, he is also a person who is about to embark on the road of martial arts. Under Aaron's conditioning, Zhang Yongcheng's body has returned to its youthful and active state. Eight or nine-year-old young people can maintain this state for five years. If Zhang Yongcheng can't step into Huajin within five years, he will return to the state of an old man again.

Therefore, if Zhang Yongcheng can step into the level of Huajin within five years, Ye Wen must work hard. Only when he steps into the realm of seeing the gods, will he have enough ability to guide Zhang Yongcheng to quickly step into Huajin
The martial arts competition was going on normally, Ye Wen did not use the strength of the internal martial arts, as if he had returned to the situation before he learned the martial arts, the pure ancient martial arts moves were fought between him and Zhang Tianzhi, 06:30 stick, double cut Knife, Wing Chun, one by one
But Ye Wen entered a strange state at this time, like the great joy in Buddhism and the state of great freedom in Taoism

Today, in one day, two days, he has experienced the transformation from great compassion to great joy, and also experienced the transition from life to death, as if he is a philosopher who has fully realized his enlightenment, and also like a Buddha who became a Buddha immediately, the kind of great joy exuded by the courtyard's thoughts , Great freedom, combined with the feeling he had when he met Aaron three years ago, the bottleneck that made him see God finally began to loosen
Following the martial arts contest with Zhang Tianzhi, his mind gradually cleared up, his eyes were clear, like a newborn child, without the vicissitudes of when Aaron saw him, and without the old spirit of nearly sixty years old, his whole body began to be full of vigor, like a ray of sunshine simple boy
The one who has the deepest experience of Ye Wen's realm is the one who is fighting with Ye Wen. At the beginning of the competition, the two of them still feel at the same level. At most, Ye Man's strength is slightly stronger.

But as the fight progressed, Ye Man's strength gradually decreased a bit, and he started to be on par with him, but the pressure on him began to increase sharply. In the beginning, Ye Man was just an ordinary martial arts master with a unique temperament. Now But Ye Wen felt that the Ye Man in front of him was a piece of heaven and earth, a space-like thing, and he didn't even know how to start
Moreover, when he looked at Ip Man in front of him, he would even be infected by his joyful emotions, let go of his obsession, his fists and feet gradually stopped, and he didn't have the impetuous feeling after winning the authentic honor of Wing Chun in his heart. Everyone fell silent
The two of them stopped fighting, as if everything was smooth and rainy, without the slightest abruptness, Zhang Tianzhi knew that he had lost, not only because of his boxing skills, but also because of his state of mind, or rather because he couldn't understand. some of the above

Ye Wen smiled and nodded over Zhang Tianzhi, and was about to turn around and walk outside, when Zhang Tianzhi spoke
"Can you tell me where I lost?! I feel that you are a little different"

Zhang Tianzhi said with some doubts, no atmosphere, no impetuousness, just a simple desire for knowledge

Ye Wen turned his body back, took two steps forward slightly, and stepped over Zhang Tianzhi's body. When he got behind him, Zhang Tianzhi shrank his pupils and turned to look
In the meantime, Ye Wen picked up the stick from the edge of the hall, raised it with one hand, and just casually swept it towards the pillar next to it. The stick was like an extremely sharp knife, piercing through the middle of the pillar. past, leaving a stick-thick hollow

Nothing happened to the house, and now Ye Wen could feel that his actions would not cause any destructive damage to the house, so he did it like a routine, showing Zhang Tianzhi the horror of martial arts

"He will come to you and teach you the real martial art! Just wait with peace of mind!"

After Ye Wen finished all this, he opened his mouth and said, like a spring rain, his voice flowed into Zhang Tianzhi's ears, like a spring rain soaking everything, he was a little intoxicated
But Zhang Tianzhi obviously doesn't care about this, what he cares about is what Ye Wen said, he?! Who is he? !Zhang Tianzhi is full of doubts

But Ye Wen obviously didn't want to explain to him, turned around and walked towards the outer hall, as if he had the magical power of shrinking the ground into an inch, he reached the outer hall in a few steps
"Honey, let's go!"

Across a screen, Ye Wen's flattering voice came from behind, and Zhang Tianzhi couldn't help but smile when he heard it, and then fell into deep thought again

Time gradually passed, and Ye Wen's life returned to normal life, but Zhang Yongcheng appeared among Ye Wen's apprentices

And Zhang Tianzhi went to another part of Hong Kong, this part is the part of Wu Chi Lin, Wu Chi Lin opened a high-end bar, I don't know when he took in a younger sister, the two of them run the bar, it's considered It's a bit rich
After Zhang Tianzhi came to this land, he started some gray business in order to earn some money for himself, and wanted to make his son's life better

But two years later, Zhang Tianzhi, who had just quitted the gray business, worked hard to run his own small shop, but was taken back to the police station on his son's birthday. It was caused by a drug dealer.
But it is still the same as the original plot, and there are no other changes. On the second night, Zhang Tianzhi's shop was still burned by drug dealers. Zhang Tianzhi and his son almost died here.
(End of this chapter)

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